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Xayah Build Guide by PH45

ADC [12.11] PH45's detailed guide to Xayah, the Rebel!

ADC [12.11] PH45's detailed guide to Xayah, the Rebel!

Updated on June 11, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PH45 Build Guide By PH45 2845 121 8,694,675 Views 85 Comments
2845 121 8,694,675 Views 85 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PH45 Xayah Build Guide By PH45 Updated on June 11, 2022
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Runes: Inspiration secondary

1 2
Lethal Tempo
Presence of Mind
Legend: Bloodline
Cut Down

Magical Footwear
Biscuit Delivery

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Heal


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

[12.11] PH45's detailed guide to Xayah, the Rebel!

By PH45

Hello, I'm PH45, and this is my Xayah Guide.

I go by Patrik nowdays, I am a long time League of Legends player (started back in Season 1). I'm a top lane main who mainly plays Jax. I have played Xayah quite a bit though on and off since her release.


You can also follow me on Twitter for more updates on everything. Twitter

She is a high-DPS ADC with a good sync with crit chance as her Bladecaller damage scales with crit chance. She can dish out immensive amount of damage in teamfights if she is able to setup feathers in her way and draw them with Bladecaller. This guide is going to go through her abilitys, playstyle, matchups etc.

+ Excellent waveclear especially in late game
+ Has a ult that makes her invulnerable, countering ults like Zed ult
+ Good ranged poke with Q and feathers
+ Has great burst in mid to late game
+ Has very good damage once you get a couple crit items
+ Has CC (root) which can CC multiple targets
+ Pushes towers fast with W, especially after getting some attack speed items
+ Extremely rewarding and fun champion when ahead and doing well

Xayah is a very fun ADC, with very good mid and late game. She has lot's of burst with her feathers and a ult that makes her invulnerable which can help against assasins.

- Struggles against very aggressive lanes
- Requires time to setup feathers in order to maximize damage and utility
- Weak to CC and focus when ult is down
- Can be tricky to learn
- You have to pay attention with feathers if you want to use them to your fullest with Bladecaller
- Struggles against long range lanes
- Somewhat immobile (Hard to catch up with enemies]

Xayah can struggle against aggressive and long range poke lanes. She needs time to scale up as she isn't really that strong in the early game. She is also quite tricky to learn as you have to constantly think about aiming your feathers and keeping an eye on when you can use her ult to its fullest.
Precision is pretty standard choice for most ADC's, and Xayah is no exception here.

Out of the keystone choices, I like Lethal Tempo the most. It allows you to throw a lot of feathers in a quick succession to the battlefield, creating threats to the enemy team so they have to care where they step. If they don't, you can root them with Bladecaller and potentially kill them. The amount of attack speed you get from this is really high, and with the updated version of it you can keep your DPS up for very long periods since Lethal Tempos duration extends as long as you keep attacking enemy champions. In addition, at max stacks you also gain a bit of extra range for your basic attacks.
Next one on the list is Presence of Mind. It's really good since hitting enemies will grant you mana regeneration, and on takedowns it restores
Next are the Legend tier runes, from which we either take Legend: Alacrity or Legend: Bloodline. Legend: Alacrity gives you attack speed, which is nice but I overall feel you already have it a decent bit. I personally like Legend: Bloodline on most champions more, as I feel Legend: Alacrity quite overrated. Legend: Bloodline grants you lifesteal. This will help you a bit in early game, but a lot more during later stages when you need to regen quickly after a fight or even during a fight. Both are fine choices, however Legend: Bloodline scales into the late game better.
Lastly from the Precision tree we have Cut Down. With Cut Down you will deal more damage to champions that have higher max HP than you which is quite often. If however enemy team is looking very squishy, you can opt for Coup De Grace instead since it will be more reliable rune choice for [[Xayah in those games.

You grab this to have extra sustain in lane with cookies and also save 300g on boots.

This rune allows you to have some extra sustain in lane (both HP and mana), especially if you get knocked down low these can be really valuable. They also increase your maximum mana by a bit which is always a nice addition.

Magical Footwear is nice if you don't require to get boots early in the lane. You can of course speedup the delivery process by getting kill participation, and once you get the boots they also have +10 movement speed on them which is nice since mobility is important with marksmen.

  • Clean Cuts (Passive): After Xayah casts an ability, her next 3 basic attacks strike all enemies in their path dealing 100% damage to main target and 30/40/50% to other enemies passed. Feathers stay active for 6 seconds. Feathers can be stored up to 5 basic attacks.
  • Lover's Leap (Passive): Xayah has a second passive. If either Xayah or Rakan is recalling, the other may move up nearby and join the other in recall.
  • Double Daggers (Q): After a short wind-up, Xayah throws two feather-blades rapidly in the target direction, and leaving 2 Feathers on the ground at maximum range. The feather-blades deal physical damage to all enemies they pass through, reduced to 50% against units beyond the first.
  • Deadly Plumage (W): Xayah surrounds herself with a storm of feathers-blades for 4 seconds, granting her bonus attack speed, 20% increased damage on her attacks, and 30% bonus movement speed for 1.5 seconds whenever she attacks a champion. If Rakan is near Xayah when casted, he will gain Deadly Plumage, increasing the bonus damage on each of them to 40%.
  • Bladecaller (E): Xayah recalls all her Feathers, dealing physical damage to enemies they strike on their way toward her, increasing by 0.5% for every 1% of Xayah's Critical Strike Chance. Minions take 50% damage. Enemies hit by at least 3 feathers are rooted for 1.25 seconds.
  • Featherstorm (R): Xayah leaps into the air, becoming untargetable for a short amount of time but still able to move. After a short delay, she unleashes a volley of feather-blades forward in a cone, dealing physical damage to all enemies struck and leaving a line of 5 Feathers at the end of Featherstorm's maximum range.
[RIP] Basic instant root combo was nerfed and can't be done anymore but I'll leave the explanation here still as you can do the combo but a bit slower than before: Start by casting your Double Daggers, after the cast immediatly auto attack once and then cast your Bladecaller. This will result your target being rooted. Extremely effective in 1v1 situations and even in laning phase if you want to initiate a fight.

Q + R + E combo: Start by casting your Double Daggers, after you have initiated the cast follow up immediatly with Featherstorm. This will overlap your Double Daggers animation, resulting in both Double Daggers and Featherstorm being cast at the same time. After your Featherstorm has ended cast E for your root/burst. This combo is extremely convinient in teamfights as it get's you more feathers than just with your Featherstorm alone. Of course you can auto attack etc if you have time after your Featherstorm has cast but this is a semi-secure way of CCing multiple targets in a teamfight.
A really strong Mythic item for ADC's in general thanks to the ability to reposition with the active. The item also has an execute damage proc, which can come really handy if you can't quite reach a low HP target with your autos or abilities. Other than that, it gives AD, attack speed and crit, and it gives your Legendary items 3% movement speed.

Infinity Edge
Every crit users best friend. Nowadays it functions a bit different, if you have 60% crit chance, Infinity Edge will grant you 35% critical strike damage. For this reason, you leave this item as 3rd item usually, although it can also be delayed if you go Lord Dominik's Regards in case the enemy team has a lot of high HP targets.

Rapid firecannon
Great item for Xayah. Often times I go this item as it helps you poke your opponents. It gives you extra range on the empowered auto attack once this item stacks up, which can help you setup a quick root combo for example.

Phantom Dancer
Some attack speed, crit, AD and movespeed. It also has the old passive again which grants ghosting after attacking and 7% movement speed for 2 seconds. If you attack 4 times you also get 30% attack speed for the duration. Great item to pick up to get some more mobility while getting crit.

Navori quickblades
Sort of a Spear of Shojin for crit users. When you critically strike, your basic abilities cooldown is lowered by 20% of their remaining cooldown. Quite nice since you get more W and E with this after you've built some crit.

Lord Dominik's regards
An excellent choice into tanks since it grants you armor penetration, and the passive also makes you deal bonus physical damage to the opponent with greater max health than you. This can be built in place of Infinity Edge if the opposing team has tanky champions that need to be dealt with.

Berserker's greaves
Pretty standard boots for ADC's. Gives you attack speed and movespeed. In some cases you can substitute for Ninja Tabi but in my opinion this is important for your DPS especially early.

Guardian angel, savior from assasins
Although Xayah has her ultimate to avoid ultis from Zed etc, but it isn't always up when needed so Guardian Angel helps really a lot especially if you are getting focused down in fights which in most cases happens.

Mortal Reminder
Good item if you are facing a lot of healing in the opposing team. Especially if the enemy team has a Soraka. Helps you kill them faster and also gives you crit chance, ad, attack speed and slight amount of movement speed. Also the healing reduction is increased to 60% if you attack a champion 3 times in 2 seconds.

Grants you 20% lifesteal, crit chance and AD. In addition your attacks can overheal you. Excess health is stored as a shield that will decay slowly if you don't deal or take damage for a while.

Maw of Malmortius, negater of magic damage
Good item to get if enemy AP carries/carry is fed and you can't avoid their damage.
Gives nice amount of damage and also gives you some sustain after the shield procs.

Stormrazor is actually an okey item to build. You get some crit chance, attack speed and AD on the side, + get the 0.5 second 75% slow when you proc and Energized effect.
Xayah is an adc who can dish out a lot of damage in a quick burst and sort of peel for herself with Featherstorm. She is a solid choice for soloq, although the new crit item changes take a bit getting used to.

Have a great time feathering your way to victory as Xayah!

If you enjoyed the guide upvote it and maybe check out my other guide on Jax! Link to the Jax guide

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Also some of the code used in the making of this guide is from @jhoijhoi

- PH45
Any feedback is highly appreciated as I'm constantly working on improving this guide!

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