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Recommended Items
Runes: Aery
+8 Ability Haste
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Usual Order
Pyromania (PASSIVE)
Annie Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Ashe has high range poke & slow, the 2 things that Annie hates.
Jhin´s W can act as a great set-up / follow-up to your CC. His strong early game presence will always make him a safe pick with Annie.
Jhin´s W can act as a great set-up / follow-up to your CC. His strong early game presence will always make him a safe pick with Annie.
Champion Build Guide
I like to come up with, play, and collect off-meta builds in LoL.
Feel free to check out my other guides. If you want to chat directly with me, you can do so over Discord.
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You can get a decent idea on how to play this pick by just reading through the notes above.
However, if you want to deepen your knowledge, keep reading!
As such, play similar to:

Annie´s simplicity is one of her greatest strengths. It allows for many different rune and item choices. Feel free to experiment with them and see, which sits well with you. I have personally had the most success with Guardian.

With that said, your

It only gives said stack, once it connects to an enemy.
As such

When at 3 stacks of

While the skillshot is flying, use either

Since your

What is the advantage of building tanky?
First, we need to consider the intended playstyle - buffing up your teammates, while setting up picks with your stun. You can not permanently rely on your

Am I missing out on bigger shields by not building caster items?
Yes, however, that is not that big of an issue. As has been discussed before, tank items help you survive for longer.
If you wish to augment your shielding, 99% of the time

Comparing it against

Do I ever build Ardent Censer then?
There are two niche cases where Ardent is a decent rush item.
Those being when your ADC picks either

Both of these champions synergize really well with Ardent, and as such, you building it will make their job much easier. However, by doing so, you put a lot of trust and gold into a single person on the team, as opposed to having more generally useful items. If said

I believe it is always better to play for yourself than to put so much effort into enabling a single teammate.
Is a purely enchanter playstyle possible?
Yes, absolutely. Shurelya into redemption into more caster items, pair it with aery & revitalize and you will be shielding like there is no tomorrow. You will be MUCH squishier, but the build is possible. I wouldn't recommend running it in ranked tho.
The problem with Tear
In the item notes about choosing your support item, I mention that it is a decent idea for beginners to get a

1) Tear gives too much mana
This might seem like a good thing, but really it is not. Buying more mana is a trap of very many off-meta and meta builds alike. Mana is a limited resource for a reason - you are meant to think before using your ability and make the choice of trading Mana for something else. Be it a trade, pushing a wave, or an all-in. By putting gold into mana, increasing your max mana pool, you are delaying your power spikes. A good rule of thumb is: "if you are not low on mana after a teamfight, you either did not fight, or you have too much mana."
With just the mana regeneration of

In general: Mana Regeneration > Max Mana
2) Tear wastes an inventory spot
If you want to buy a tear, you need to do so ASAP. I would recommend backing for it as soon as you have enough gold for it, regardless of the wave state. The reason is simple. Tear takes a long time to stack up.
When we compare the possible builds from Tear, we can only choose between

However, neither of these are ideal to build early.
As such, you are forced to sit on tear, until it is your last item and only then upgrade it, or sell it. This is not the best, as it takes up space, which could be used for consumables, such as wards, or other more useful component items.
Well its been a while. Annie is a solidified support now.
Updated the items a bit to reflect current patch, but the gameplay is mostly the same. Start Q or W now for the stun.
[12.20] 24th October 2022
> aery is overall a better choice over guardian rn
> annie is in a rough spot because of the constant poke meta on bot, but playable
> zhonya is more expensive now, more of a situational item now, prefer frozen heart
[12.5] 29th March 2022
> guide published
I hope you have plenty of fun with this pick on the rift.
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Have a wonderful day!
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