Pulling a Zac means he's gonna look to ult the backline, but if you're a God Blitzcrank you can knock him up mid-air to cancel his knock-up. And if you are on top of him and if he has E up still, just hold your CC to cancel his E-channel.
She's only an issue when you don't have R up. So you ult 1st then hook so she can't spell shield you.
If he ults just match it with your W and kite him. As you cannot CC him. Also look to dodge his axes.
His [W] cancels your hook and be careful trying to hook him in team fights as that'll just give him the angle to ult your backline away.
Later on in the game at 6 just ult 1st then hook so she can't spell shield cause of the silence from your ult.
He is easy to kill if you just hextech from a bush then W at him into your [E] knock up after ezreal presses his [E] just hook him.
She's sorta annoying because of her [W] dodge ability, so you're gonna have to wait it out otherwise your [E] knock-up will go on CD if you try hitting her with [E]. Also, she usually has the shieldbow item so that means just hold your ult for her shieldbow shield so you can break it.
Whenever the Sett presses his [W] you will always hold your [R] to match it to break the shield every time.
Whenever the Shen presses R you then will just press R to break Shen R.
So her [W] wall is an issue so don't look to hook while her [W] wall is up as your hook will be blocked so your options is either to hook from a bush and hope she has boomer brain or to just walk up towards her press W then E. Next option is to use ultimate for silence, then hook.
Hold your R to break her shield, but if she's in lethal, just use your ultimate early so she can't press E.
Hook where she should tumble, and whenever she finishes her shield bow hold your ultimate to break it.
His clone can deny hook, and if he lets you hook him, make sure your allies aren't too close as he could look to use your hook as a free taxi to ult your backline.
Dr. Mundo
Mundo passive denies the hook, but you can just kill him easily with ignite and [w] autos with your team near by.
Maokai can dodge your hook with his [W] and is fairly tanky so you will need an evenshroud to be able to kill him as most tanks. Grevious will help and someone with black cleaver will drop his armor.
Lane favors Zilean as he just has to wait till you miss a hook once to double-bomb you. You beat Zilean hard pre 6 if you can land the hook.
Keep your hp high to look for an All-in at lvl 2-3 depending on who your lane partner is. Also her R has to be down to look to fight her.
You lose if Rell goes on you 1st and has tempo over you as Rell will press [Q] to break your shield passive if she has any IQ.
Tahm Kench
Whenever Tahm presses [E] to shield himself, use your Ultimate to break it.
A good Heimdinger will make it hard for you to land a hook and his allies as he will use his turrets to block your hooks. Though whenever Heimdinger doesn't have his [E] up, just run at him with a healthy amount of hp, then look for an all-in.
Shaco will use his boxes to block hooks, but all you need to do is buy a sweeper and pink ward early and run at him and look to press E on him, then drop the pink ward 1st then when he goes stealth, you press your sweeper.
Ornn [W] can prevent himself from being hooked. Whenever ornn ults and is about to hit the ram, just CC him or press R to silence him to deny his R.
She's only an issue when you don't have R up. So you ult 1st then hook so she can't spell shield you.
Don't hook him in teamfights if you don't have the damage to one shot him
Hooking into a trap is nearly always a kill.
Aphelios purple gravity gun makes it easy to land the hook because of the snare.
When the enemy is hooked the enemy can be placed in an isolated area for the full Kaisa Q damage, and blitzcrank makes it easy for kaisa to land her W so that means she can do her max dps combo.
Kalista has an easy time getting rend stacks whenever the blitz lands his Q or E. As well, kalista can pull blitz's hook with her ultimate for a long range pull and she can save blitz from taking a risky hook.
She can cancel my hook if she doesn't know that spam clicking them will cancel the pull. She has plenty of time to stack her passive with blitzcrank CC.
Sivir Ultimate helps Blitz chase
Sivir can farm safely while Blitz roams
Sivir can clear waves fast enough where they don't have any minions to stand behind to protect them from my hook.
Ashe autos slows will allow Blitzcrank to press [W] then run at them as they're being slowed by ashe passive to be able to go for an easy knock-up into a hook.
Land a hook into jinx [E] that should mean they're dead.
it's comfortable kill lane for tristana whenever blitzcrank land his hook she can look to all in her fully stacked Tristana [E]
Landing hooks so Draven can cash out will keep him mentally stable and snow ball him. You don't roam when you have a Draven; he is the win condition as well as the lose condition.
Blitzcrank makes it fairly easy for her to setup her feathers, so Xayah can setup a chain CC.
Blitzcrank should have a font of life with Lucian to proc his passive as Lucian needs enchanters to be a functioning champion.
Miss Fortune
They usually stand behind minions to avoid getting hooked so they get hit by Miss Fortune's Q-bounce instead of Blitzcrank's hook.
Hook when Jhin has 2 or 3 bullets and hopefully he presses his [w] snare bit later to space the cc and he should have pressed E where the hook was landed at the start.
Zeri is a donkey early, but you just win the late game if she has items and if you can peel for her. Can still win fights early, just have to hook them into tower. Should be looking to roam with a zeri, but make sure she is able to farm safely as if she can't farm then it's not worth roaming.
This lane completely depends on Blitzcrank skill level, if you land hooks, Ezreal will land everything and you will do immense damage.
Kog'maw E slow makes it easier to land the hook and when running at them. You're also gonna need kog'maw to have 3+ items for him to carry.
Karthus W shreds their magic resistance, so it means Blitzcrank Q+W+R are all gonna do more damage. Also whenever you proc augment with Blitzcrank [E] it makes it easy for Karthus to land his [Q]
Should bring a font of life with Nilah for her passive. When against Nilah you should hold her [E] when she presses [W].
Hook them near a wall so Vayne can [e] condemn the enemy into it.
Hooking into a trap is nearly always a kill.
Aphelios purple gravity gun makes it easy to land the hook because of the snare.
When the enemy is hooked the enemy can be placed in an isolated area for the full Kaisa Q damage, and blitzcrank makes it easy for kaisa to land her W so that means she can do her max dps combo.
Kalista has an easy time getting rend stacks whenever the blitz lands his Q or E. As well, kalista can pull blitz's hook with her ultimate for a long range pull and she can save blitz from taking a risky hook.
She can cancel my hook if she doesn't know that spam clicking them will cancel the pull. She has plenty of time to stack her passive with blitzcrank CC.
Sivir Ultimate helps Blitz chase
Sivir can farm safely while Blitz roams
Sivir can clear waves fast enough where they don't have any minions to stand behind to protect them from my hook.
Ashe autos slows will allow Blitzcrank to press [W] then run at them as they're being slowed by ashe passive to be able to go for an easy knock-up into a hook.
Land a hook into jinx [E] that should mean they're dead.
it's comfortable kill lane for tristana whenever blitzcrank land his hook she can look to all in her fully stacked Tristana [E]
Landing hooks so Draven can cash out will keep him mentally stable and snow ball him. You don't roam when you have a Draven; he is the win condition as well as the lose condition.
Blitzcrank makes it fairly easy for her to setup her feathers, so Xayah can setup a chain CC.
Blitzcrank should have a font of life with Lucian to proc his passive as Lucian needs enchanters to be a functioning champion.
Miss Fortune
They usually stand behind minions to avoid getting hooked so they get hit by Miss Fortune's Q-bounce instead of Blitzcrank's hook.
Hook when Jhin has 2 or 3 bullets and hopefully he presses his [w] snare bit later to space the cc and he should have pressed E where the hook was landed at the start.
Zeri is a donkey early, but you just win the late game if she has items and if you can peel for her. Can still win fights early, just have to hook them into tower. Should be looking to roam with a zeri, but make sure she is able to farm safely as if she can't farm then it's not worth roaming.
This lane completely depends on Blitzcrank skill level, if you land hooks, Ezreal will land everything and you will do immense damage.
Kog'maw E slow makes it easier to land the hook and when running at them. You're also gonna need kog'maw to have 3+ items for him to carry.
Karthus W shreds their magic resistance, so it means Blitzcrank Q+W+R are all gonna do more damage. Also whenever you proc augment with Blitzcrank [E] it makes it easy for Karthus to land his [Q]
Should bring a font of life with Nilah for her passive. When against Nilah you should hold her [E] when she presses [W].
Hook them near a wall so Vayne can [e] condemn the enemy into it.
Hello, I'm Ameliorate and I'm a Blitzcrank and Alistar player I've hit masters since season 7. What I excel in league is applying game winning map movements from having a high amount of game sense. Sharing my game-winning knowledge is what I'd like to share with my viewers. So if you're looking to learn more advance marco movements check out my twitch and youtube guides.
The reason why I'm playing blitzcrank?
It's because of the displacement from blitzcrank's hook as it is the strongest form of CC. As well as Blitzcrank thrives in the chaos of solo queue, where one kill can decide if a teamfight is won or loss.
Why I go the Augment Page
The reason why I always go augment is to space out my CC and to be able to get as many autos as possible because of the augment slow and to get most value out of my ultimate passive ticking on them and to get full duration of my W on-hit attack passive to maximize my dps to the fullest.
Not worth buying item
Zeke's shouldn't be brought with Steel Shoulderguards because of the ap scaling ratios from zekes, and I don't build it because I normally get the Steel Shoulderguards as it has AD ratios. I believe frozen heart over this item is better overall consistently, as frozen heart will make you significantly more tanker immediately.
Shurela's activation isn't needed if you just max w 2nd. And you do not need to make your team charge forward if you can land your hook. Meaning the item is useful if you can't land the hook.
Summary -
Shurela's just a Krutch for Blitzcrank who can't land their hook so they can just run at them and press [E].
I'm looking into this item, will share my findings after my research is complete.
So what I found out is this item passive doesn't work on augment/guardian/font of life/aery and doesn't even work on item actives either from information I've found. (I personnally tested augment and font of life and it did not proc Shurelya's Battlesong movement speed passive)
Pros and Cons of Blitzcrank
Strong pick against enchanters
Thrives in solo que chaos with the clown fighting
Capable of getting picks with his hook meaning objectives can be easily taken
Simply having the Blitzcrank hook up gives massive pressure in lane and when teamfighting
You help kill dragons early fairly quickly, and you help push towers both from your [W]attack speed boost and from auto-reset from [E]
Shouldn't Hook Melees that can threaten your backline if you can't kill them, because your hook will become a free dash for enemy champions like Zac, etc.
Missing important hooks feels really bad as they can decide if you win or lose.
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