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Blitzcrank Build Guide by Amelioratelol

Support [12.23] Blitzcrank Guide by Ameliorate

Support [12.23] Blitzcrank Guide by Ameliorate

Updated on December 14, 2022
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Amelioratelol Build Guide By Amelioratelol 16,229 Views 0 Comments
16,229 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Amelioratelol Blitzcrank Build Guide By Amelioratelol Updated on December 14, 2022
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Runes: Ameliorate's Blitzcrank Page

1 2 3
Glacial Augment
Hextech Flashtraption
Biscuit Delivery
Cosmic Insight

Second Wind

+8 Ability Haste
+6 Armor
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2
Ideal summoners
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Ability Order imo best match order

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

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[12.23] Blitzcrank Guide by Ameliorate

By Amelioratelol
Hello, I'm Ameliorate and I'm a Blitzcrank and Alistar player I've hit masters since season 7. What I excel in league is applying game winning map movements from having a high amount of game sense. Sharing my game-winning knowledge is what I'd like to share with my viewers. So if you're looking to learn more advance marco movements check out my twitch and youtube guides.

The reason why I'm playing blitzcrank?

It's because of the displacement from blitzcrank's hook as it is the strongest form of CC. As well as Blitzcrank thrives in the chaos of solo queue, where one kill can decide if a teamfight is won or loss.

Why I go the Augment Page
The reason why I always go augment is to space out my CC and to be able to get as many autos as possible because of the augment slow and to get most value out of my ultimate passive ticking on them and to get full duration of my W on-hit attack passive to maximize my dps to the fullest.
Not worth buying item
Zeke's shouldn't be brought with Steel Shoulderguards because of the ap scaling ratios from zekes, and I don't build it because I normally get the Steel Shoulderguards as it has AD ratios. I believe frozen heart over this item is better overall consistently, as frozen heart will make you significantly more tanker immediately. Shurela's activation isn't needed if you just max w 2nd. And you do not need to make your team charge forward if you can land your hook. Meaning the item is useful if you can't land the hook.
    Summary -
Shurela's just a Krutch for Blitzcrank who can't land their hook so they can just run at them and press [E].
    I'm looking into this item, will share my findings after my research is complete.
    So what I found out is this item passive doesn't work on augment/guardian/font of life/aery and doesn't even work on item actives either from information I've found. (I personnally tested augment and font of life and it did not proc Shurelya's Battlesong movement speed passive)
Pros and Cons of Blitzcrank
    Strong pick against enchanters
    Thrives in solo que chaos with the clown fighting
    Capable of getting picks with his hook meaning objectives can be easily taken
    Simply having the Blitzcrank hook up gives massive pressure in lane and when teamfighting
    You help kill dragons early fairly quickly, and you help push towers both from your [W]attack speed boost and from auto-reset from [E]

    Shouldn't Hook Melees that can threaten your backline if you can't kill them, because your hook will become a free dash for enemy champions like Zac, etc.
    Missing important hooks feels really bad as they can decide if you win or lose.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Amelioratelol
Amelioratelol Blitzcrank Guide
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[12.23] Blitzcrank Guide by Ameliorate

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