Build Guide by Cpt. Maelstrom
[12.6] EUNE Diamond / Master Sejuani Main Jungle Guide - Carry from the Bushes

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Runes: Runes
Who needs flash anyways
Chilling Smite
Ability Order Ability Order
Fury of the North (PASSIVE)
Sejuani Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Possible to win 1vs1 in early, but he can just run away easily. Can gank much easier than you.
If you dont believe in Ignite yet, you will.
Whats better than getting to the enemy? When the enemy gets to you.
Whats better than getting to the enemy? When the enemy gets to you.
Champion Build Guide
Table of Contents
1) Introduction
2) Sejuani
3) Abilities
4) Pros & Cons
5) Runes
6) Build
7) Jungle Strats
8) Ganking
9) Visual Guides (SoonTM)
Ahoy everyone, I'm Cpt Maelstrom!
Playing League since Season 3, but stopped in Season 6, my highest rank was Diamond V. (After that only completed the 10 placements each year). Now im back in Season 12, with half leg in Masters.
Over the years i mained many champions on every lane(

Understanding the lanes makes it easier to know what and when should i do.
Probably doesnt mean much, but currently im #12 Sejuani on EUNE, #89 Global, with Diamond I



Fury of the North (Passive):
Sejuani gets an ice armor, increasing her armor and magic resistance by 10 + 50% of your bonus armor + magic resist. Until she takes dmg, she is immune to slow. (Useful for picking up fruit in river)
Her and Every nearby Allied champions' melee basic attack or ability with on-hit effect apply 1 stack of Frost on champions, big monsters and big minions. The stacks lasts for 5s. On 4 stacks you can use your E to stun them. Dealing dmg with AA or ability while they are frozen deals 10% of the targets HP as magic dmg. (if they cleanse the stun, you wont deal extra dmg on them.) This has 8s CD on champions, no CD on monsters / minions. On monsters and minions, this dmg caps on 300.

Arctic Assault (Q):
Dash in a short range, dealing magic dmg in a path. Stops when you hit a champion. Deals dmg and knock up only the first champion for 0,5s. Can dash thru even bigger walls, but has high CD. Before

Winter's Wrath (W):
Push back minions and monsters in the path, dealing small AD dmg, and applies 1
stack of Frost . on the 2nd hit deals high AD dmg, applying another stack.
You cant AA, use E or R while casting W.
This ability works as AA reset. Use AA, W, AA for fast 4 stacks.
Use Q after hit the first W to guarantee the 2nd W hit in enemy champions.
With low enough cooldown, you can use the ability twice to apply 4 stacks of Frost without it resetting on the enemy.

Permafrost (E):
When the target has 4 stacks, stuns them for 1 second, dealing magic dmg to them.
This is a projectile attack, so keep in mind

Ability prioritizes champions closer to your culsor. Multiple targets requires multiple ability use.

Glacial Prison (R):
Throws a bola in long range, stunning the first enemy, applying the passive on them, slowing other enemies and deals dmg to them in the range.
Throw it from W max range for maximum effect.
Throwing it from closer doesnt spawn the AoE freeze.
After freezing the enemy with ult, cant apply the stack to the enemy. For maximum efficiency, apply stun with E, then explode the passive with ult, what you explode with AA, Q or W.
When fighting enemies in melee range, walk 2 steps away from them after using E, then throw the R for maximum dmg.
Pros & Cons

-> healthy clear
-> semi-fast clear
-> scales well
-> good ganks
-> high dmg
-> high burst dmg
-> Lots of CC
-> high mobility
-> usually you will fall behind in gold, but it wont hurt you, unless you fall really behind.
-> Extremely low pick and ban rate.

-> semi-weak early game (solved with

-> easy to counter pick (usually players dont counter pick junglers)
-> vulnerable against most bruisers, champs with atk speed + healing.
-> CCs has low duration, can stun targets only once every 8s with E
-> Hard CCs are single target, only slows are AoE
-> (Melee) champions can block Q, preventing Sejuani from escape, or targeting carries

Sejuani has hard CC on 3 of her abilities. This rune helps making her tankier when she engage, along with her passive. Very useful against assassin junglers if you can engage on them first, soaking up their early burst.

Font of Life:
Demolish "can" make some sense to shave off some turret plates after successful ganks. Shield bash works well with

If you plan to play agressively (constant ganks, counter jungle, literally hunt the enemy jungler)

With this rune you get some early Tenacity. In the late game, with Sunfire, you will have enough tenacity to make

Useful rune to heal in teamfight, especially in late game. The extra gold isnt huge by itself, but it can add up nicely. Since you stack a lot of HP, you'll heal quite a bit with this rune.

Legend: Alacrity:
With faster atk speed you can apply your Frost stacks on jungle mosters faster, resulting in much faster clears. Especially useful against Dragon and Baron.

Sunfire Aegis:
Most important item for every tank champion. The little burn dmg can help clearing camps (raptors are the most problematic) and over the game, especially against melee heavy team, the dmg adds up pretty fast. The Tenacity from mythic passive takes a while to build up, but along with

Ionian Boots of Lucidity:
Depends on amount of gold, sometimes i finish before Sunfire aegis. The extra CD reduction on Q can fill the gap for your missing flash and also reduce smite CD by 10s, ignite CD by 20s. These boots are also 150 gold cheaper than the tank boots.

3rd item (after Demonic), but you buy the tear after completing Sunfire. The most usual 2nd item is Warmog's, but after running 100+ games with Warmog's and switching to Winter, the difference is very noticeable. Works better in (extended) teamfight. Sejuani has mana problems, but only if you spend too much time outside the jungle. 860 mana allows you a few more ability use.

Warmog's Armor:
Alternative for

Demonic Embrace:
After buying the

I used to rush

Frozen Heart:
If you have heavy AA focused enemy team (Bruiser / fighter top + jungle, adc) Frozen Heart is a great pick. The extra mana gives 80 - 144 more shield + 32 HP with

Randuins Omen:
Alternatively, Most players using

Force of Nature:
If theres only 1 heavy AP champion (usually mid lane) you can skip this item. If you just build HP you will be fine. If theres an enemy AP jungler (

Anathema's chains:
A great item if someone in the enemy is extremely ahead. But when you reach to that point when you realise you need this, it will (feel like) forever to build it. If the enemy vayne has the tendency to get fed, or someone is in 7-1, just start building it.
Jungle Strats
Always ward top river, just in case the enemy invade. You dont have to do anything in the first minute, so its better than being AFK. Then back to base and switch to sweeper. This resets the item's cooldown and you can sweep midlane in case you want to gank on lvl 3.
I usually start on bot for the bigger leash, but if you have a melee top laner, it will make the clear time even faster. Except if you have a melee support. If you have a
Jhin Adc, definetely start on top. Starting on top also prevents the enemy from surprising you while you taking your blue on lvl 3.
If your toplaner doesnt sleep, but enemy top and jungle is, you can take the enemy's top side camps (Red + krugs or Blue + gromp), then back to your own jungle. Take 2-3 camps, then rush to your bot side camp and hope you can catch the enemy jungler. Ideally, you will have a whole lvl and 1 extra buff advantage (and the ignite), so you can stomp them early.
When you start the game you have to ask yourself, Do you want to gank top asap, if any of the toplaners gonna shove the wave, or full clear for lvl 4 and contest crab / go for 2vs2 on lane.
When you start on red side, keep in mind, if you take raptors, usually, you will take lots of dmg, so you need to use potion if you want to gank mid. Its because you will "just" lose your passive to the smallest krugs, and no time to get it back before reaching raptors (unless you wanna wait 4s)
The usual red route is:
Red ->
Golems -> (
Raptors) ->
Wolves ->
Blue ->
Usually, you dont need to smite gromp on either side of the map, keep it for the next camp or when you actually need that hp.
The usual blue route is:
Blue ->
Gromp ->
Wolves -> (check if i can gank mid) ->
Raptors (with 2 aoe abilities its healthier to clear them) ->
Red ->
- First is to kite towards the next camp.
In a full clear, you can save about 7 or more seconds total. The downside of this, without practice, you will end up cancelling your auto attack, making the clears slower
- Second, let the camps burn.
When you just hit a monster and its HP got below 50-60, you can just walk away from it, the burn will kill it. This save you time and HP. (Be careful, if the monster is already too far from its spawn and you leave the zone to let it burn, it can lose agro and reset)
-Time your E stun to interrupt the camp's attack.
Usually its easier to do this on Red and Blue. Sometimes you have to hold you E after your next AA, even if theres 4 stacks on the monster, so you can cancel its next AA. Kiting at the right time also results in interrupting the monster, forcing it to move instead attack.
- Secure your buffs.
If you are scared your buff being stolen by random enemy ability, or teammate's DoT (twitch or darius) keep AA the camp until its HP drops to around 220 - 240 (when your E + AA would put the camp's hp below 200). Then use E and kill it with AA to secure it. You not going to lose any time doing this, because using E + AA + 3 AA is the same as using 3 AA + E + AA, but with this, your final hit will be a bigger burst dmg.
- Use auto attack reset before and after W
This add extra seconds to the time you can save while clearing camps.
- Lastly, Push the monsters around.
You can go behind camps which are harder to move, like Gromp, and push them slightly towards the next camp with your W. But you can do this with any camp.
I usually start on bot for the bigger leash, but if you have a melee top laner, it will make the clear time even faster. Except if you have a melee support. If you have a

If your toplaner doesnt sleep, but enemy top and jungle is, you can take the enemy's top side camps (Red + krugs or Blue + gromp), then back to your own jungle. Take 2-3 camps, then rush to your bot side camp and hope you can catch the enemy jungler. Ideally, you will have a whole lvl and 1 extra buff advantage (and the ignite), so you can stomp them early.
When you start the game you have to ask yourself, Do you want to gank top asap, if any of the toplaners gonna shove the wave, or full clear for lvl 4 and contest crab / go for 2vs2 on lane.
When you start on red side, keep in mind, if you take raptors, usually, you will take lots of dmg, so you need to use potion if you want to gank mid. Its because you will "just" lose your passive to the smallest krugs, and no time to get it back before reaching raptors (unless you wanna wait 4s)
The usual red route is:

Usually, you dont need to smite gromp on either side of the map, keep it for the next camp or when you actually need that hp.
The usual blue route is:

When playing in jungle, there are 2 macro elements.
- First is to kite towards the next camp.
In a full clear, you can save about 7 or more seconds total. The downside of this, without practice, you will end up cancelling your auto attack, making the clears slower
- Second, let the camps burn.
When you just hit a monster and its HP got below 50-60, you can just walk away from it, the burn will kill it. This save you time and HP. (Be careful, if the monster is already too far from its spawn and you leave the zone to let it burn, it can lose agro and reset)
As Sejuani, there are 4 extra tips:
-Time your E stun to interrupt the camp's attack.
Usually its easier to do this on Red and Blue. Sometimes you have to hold you E after your next AA, even if theres 4 stacks on the monster, so you can cancel its next AA. Kiting at the right time also results in interrupting the monster, forcing it to move instead attack.
- Secure your buffs.
If you are scared your buff being stolen by random enemy ability, or teammate's DoT (twitch or darius) keep AA the camp until its HP drops to around 220 - 240 (when your E + AA would put the camp's hp below 200). Then use E and kill it with AA to secure it. You not going to lose any time doing this, because using E + AA + 3 AA is the same as using 3 AA + E + AA, but with this, your final hit will be a bigger burst dmg.
- Use auto attack reset before and after W
This add extra seconds to the time you can save while clearing camps.
- Lastly, Push the monsters around.
You can go behind camps which are harder to move, like Gromp, and push them slightly towards the next camp with your W. But you can do this with any camp.
When to gank:
- Vision on the enemy jungler is extremely important, to know where (or which side of the map) the enemy jungler is. You can win 2vs2 easily, especially if your teammate is melee, but 2vs1 always the best. And with vision you can also avoid running into a 2vs3.
- If the enemy constantly shove the wave, thats a free gank. But thats the same for your teammate. If they constantly shove, ward them around, play on their side for a bit to countergank the enemy jungler.
- Upon successful gank, look at the wave.
- If the wave is on your side (or in the middle) and enemy has more minions, dont touch the wave or just barely. make sure the enemy has about 2 more full HP minions than you, so the enemy lose more gold and xp than your laner.
- If the wave is even, shove it under the enemy turret. It doesnt matter if you "steal" your laner's minions, because overall, you got a full wave of gold and xp, while the enemy lost a full wave of gold and xp.
When ganking, you have to a few options:
- Hit enemy with W1, knockup with Q to guarantee to land W2
- Hit enemy with W1, aim to land W2, then use Q
- Use W to bait out the enemy's dash, then use Q when they landed (you can do the same thing, just follow it up with up)
- If you are far, use the first combo, but you will be far from landing Q on enemy, but hit them with W. This usually works the best when chasing low HP enemy and finishing them with W (+ ignite)
On lvl 6 when you have ult, You can surprise squishy champs with Q + R from the bush, or if you are alone try to get 4 stacks of Frost on them, Stun with E, then surprise them with R + ignite. Usually players dont know sejuani can use passive 10% HP dmg twice by not starting with ult. This usually deletes most mid laners in 1vs1, giving free lane for your mid for half a minute.
But in late game, dont hesitate to yeet your ult on key enemy targets or just to peel enemies off from your carries.
Visual Guides
Adding Gifs, videos later
Thank you for reading my first guide, hope it was helpful!
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incomprehensible, please let me know!
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incomprehensible, please let me know!
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