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Recommended Items
Runes: Conqueror
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health
Gustwalker Smite
Ability Order
Warpath (PASSIVE)
Hecarim Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
My name is Alex, I'm 26 years old. Playing League since season 5 and main
I make educational Hecarim streams with full commentary about what I do and why (with saved Vods, so you can just watch and learn any time if you miss live). Want to teach as many people as I can to play my favorite champion. You can find it here:

Ok, lets start now! I'm going to share everything I know about this champion

Well, all 3 are quite good and fun. Personally for

This build is the best currently in my opinion. Gives a lot of AD, Ability Haste and survivability. Add healing reduction or more defensive options when needed, close out with more resists or other useful options. Into AD heavy / AP heavy enemy setups buy more Armor / MR items like combo of


2. Champion is strong in current meta and overall, especially in elo below D2. If you learn how to play him, some macro and game knowledge - he is for sure a really good champion to climb with
3. Fun to play
4. Good ganks and teamfights
5. Can hard snowball in early and midgame
6. Engager / Initiator gameplay - you take the game in your hands by making a good call, pick and initiation. Which requires good macro and game knowledge, yes
1. Vulnerable to pre-6 invades
2. Struggles vs current meta-junglers. You can see it in my mathups section - favorable ones mostly are out of meta




I was testing different builds a lot, and this one is my main and favorite - high damage bruiser. You can duel, win any skirmishes and live in teamfight for really long while providing insane amounts of damage. You can decide what to do in game. Peel your teammates, deal with enemy tanks, bruisers and assassins, dive and destroy backline, reduce enemy healings, splitpush - this build is the most flexible as it possible can be and allows you to successfully do actually everything

Be careful building shield items (

About mythic items:



About core items:





About Boots, Anti-heal items, Elixirs and smites read in detail in "Possible questions" section down below
When to build highly specialized items:
















It is not necessary to buy

All these items have sweet and useful stats for

P.S. Also you can just mix items from the guide however you want - it will work good anyway. Maybe you will find another secret build :)


There is a pattern about boots and tenacity:
Look at enemy team and decide which type of damage will be dominant - physical or magical
*If enemy has mostly physical damage and none/a bit cc - go

*If enemy has mostly physical damage and medium/huge amount of cc - go

For example

*If enemy has mostly magical damage and none/a bit cc - go

*If enemy has mostly magical damage and medium/huge amount of cc - go

As you can see, CC problem is for

Few words about Tenacity and Slow Resistance:
*Slow resist decreases slow effectiveness
*Tenacity decreases slow duration
*For example you are slowed by 50% for 10 seconds
*30% tenacity gives 50% slow for 7 seconds
*30% slow resist gives 35% slow for 10 seconds
So this is why it is questionable to buy

3. I prefer



At first, please always go

Before nerfs

And one more thing -


7. In small runes always go AD, AD, scaling health. It used to be a strategy before to go AS, AD, scaling health for


Thornmail is hard to use against not autoattack based champions - for example

9. I've heard that some gaming apps recommend you to build

Remember! You always want to look for

You can start both Blue or Red Buffs. The choice here depends on game setups - you want to gank specific lane, countergank, avoid enemy jungler, loop your camps for further pathings etc. Clear speed is the same, so you just choose where to start every game and where you want to be after clear. From my experience starting Blue Buff is a safer option (especially with QWQ clear), because enemy do lvl 1 cheese mostly on your Red Buff, and then enemy junglers more often invade you lvl 3 at your Blue Buff - in both cases when you start from Red Buff
You need to think in every game which pathing will be better in current situation. For example, you take 3 camps - Red Buff >

You should determine your route by keeping in mind lot of things - who you want to gank, jungle and lane matchups, prios, your game plan etc. Now I want to share with you my analytics and thoughts about smart moving in jungle in different scenarios:

Red Buff and Blue Buff starts are equal in terms of clearing time. Easiest way to do this route is when you are against farming or tank junglers - in other words champions who normally don't invade. Buff >

3 and 4 camps clears in hard matchups
If you play vs lvl 3 invading junglers (

You clear 2 Buffs and 1-2 camps to get lvl 3 and then play situationally (another camp, gank, countergank, invade or something else). This option is the safest one. Normally you start Buff >

You always need to flexible with your movements on map - when you should continue farming, gank, countergank, base, invade enemy jungler or fight him in your jungle. Always think about macro things - will enemy jungler invade you or not, his clear speed and paths, your lanes matchups and prios (especially when you are going to chase enemy jungler with

Lvl 3 ganks can be from the side you started clearing or across the map. If you lvl 3 gank a side lane where you started clearing, you do Red Buff >

5 camps clear - something in between
Default clear when you skip

Useful jungle tricks
You also need to ask your midlaner to cover you (or just be aware) from lvl 1 Red Buff invade (especially when enemy team has

If you play against lvl 2 dash junglers like

1. Their lvl 2 cheese (they take their Red Buff and cheese you on your

2. Their lvl 2 Buff steal. You should ward it and go for vertical jungling if they come to steal it. To prevent this you need to do ward trick in ALL your games, because even no-dash junglers can and will lvl 2 steal your other Buff. At the start of the game go to you opposite Buff, start backing at 0:55 and place a ward into Buff bush at the last second or place it in river where they dash over wall (around

Also you can start your clear from enemy jungle Buff, but be even more aware about enemy laners, their covers and wards
It is always situational what to focus on -

Best time to take first

1. You know/see enemy jungler on toplane
2. Your bot or/and mid have prio
3. You are strong with

Also sometimes you just want to take it, have no camps in jungle, you think there is a high chance that you win that teamfight (favorable matchups, more items etc), when you know that it's gonna be a long game and you need to play for Soul, when you want to take Dragon and then move top for a gank or camps - a lot of cases when you can take the risk or not. All of that require macro, game and matchups knowledge. When, for example, I see that enemy bot is way stronger I can make a decision to just give up first 2 Dragons to not int more and just get myself and my team ahead other way

Don't cast

Use your

Advanced trick with

You can jump over walls with your

Try to bait enemy's Flash with your E. So don't cast it from the far away. If you can't outrun it, better dash in the direction where enemy is gonna flash to follow him with the leap animation instead of knocking him away. Sometimes you even can not activate it at all and just walk up (

And when you are already in melee range hold your

You can interrupt abilities like

You can use E as auto reset when you need to do it in close fights for instant burst. That works exactly like


Sometimes it's really good to keep your ult and use it to dodge some СС. Great example - you duel

Also aim your ult behind enemy to fear them back. Advanced trick - R more behind to counter their flash. Enemy flashes - still dead
You can ult through

If you use your

Also you can dodge sleep from

You can also dodge

During R animation it is still possible to use Q, W, E and

Advanced trick with

There is another trick. Sometimes you want to use your

You can steal

One more thing about your

You can disturb enemies when they cast their key abilities with your

Always talk to your team about your plan, what you want to do, where you will gank, when they should back, go side, track enemy jungler, everything. Be a leader in your team.

For example:
"care enemy jungler top, im bot"
"top you alone, just farm, I go take drake"
"lets get soul and baron right after, they cant contest"
"wait me red and gank bot"
And everything like this. If you have a decent score and your previous info/shotcalls were successful, your team will listen to you. That will actually help you to win more games
In general you need to farm up, take some kills, objectives and then kill 2-3 enemy players with a good engage. Repeat until you win. Lets consider in more detail:
Early game
Your goal here is getting

Mid game
Only difference with early game - people start grouping. Engage with your

Late-mid/late game
This is your time to shine! All you have to do - track all 5 enemies using minimap and make a great shotcall pick with your

The common thing for every state of the game -

1. Use Target champions only as toggle. Everything is simple here - stops you from autoing creeps and towers. Also when you gank and use

2. Use Attack move on cursor. For me it's Shift + Rightclick. Saves you some milliseconds even with camps farming, when you entering a bush you autoattack enemy instantly, when enemy uses

3. Always check minimap with peripheral vision. Every few seconds. And also disable minimap movements
4. I disabled the minimap movements to no click on it accidentally in fights
These 4 simple steps will make you play on a different level. Will be hard to get used to it, but it's absolutely worth

Also we have a Hecarim mains Discord server where I am the coach. You can join it here:
Thanks for reading, have a nice day and good luck in League! :)
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