Twitch has a very solid matchup into Alistar, because he can usually just play back and punish Alistar for engaging. Alistar likes to be paired with aggro short range adc's, like Lucian and Samira. Best supports against him are laners who can zone him off, like Janna or Zyra. He can completely shutdown engage supports.
Amumu doesn't offer very much untill level 6, and gets outclassed by almost every other engage support. He likes to pair with short range aggro adc's, like Draven and Samira. After he uses his engage, he can't do very much, so you can punish him hard on back end. Weak to basically any other support.
Aphelios is a very weak champion overall right now, and does so many different things it's hard to give a quick rundown. Generally he's weaker than you are, and you mostly outrange him. Respect his root in laning phase and his ult in teamfights.
Ashe is one of the scariest laners in the game. Her slow is very punishing, and she will outkite you. She likes to pair with any support that can take advantage of her aggressive early. Play as safe as possible and look to win in lategame teamfights. Best supports against Ashe are disengage supports like janna, or catchers like morgana. DO NOT BRING ENGAGE SUPPORTS WITH SHORT RANGE SHE WILL BULLY YOU.
My autoban! For an immobile adc like Twitch getting hooked is often a flash, and his knockup is also pretty effective. Play incredibly safe, generate wave priority whenever possible, and bring disengage. Blitzcrank likes to pair with aggressive early adcs to take advantage of his MONSTROUS laning phase, and is weak to basically nothing.
Caitlyn outranges you and likes to poke you down as much as possible early, but loses hard in all-ins. She generally likes to pair with another harass support likes Zyra or Lux. Look to bring a champion like Blitzcrank or Nautilus who can force her into bad fights.
Draven can punish you *HARD* early game. His early game damage and snowball potential are unmatched. Play safe, freeze lanes wherever possible, and hope for jungle help. You significantly more value than him lategame if he doesn't get fed. He likes to pair with any champion that can get him snowballing. Against him you should bring and champion who can consistently keep him off you, like Lux or Janna.
Ezreal will never win an all against you, and he looks to poke you down as much as possible. He's very safe, so it's hard for you to snowball, but you're more valuable lategame than him, so there's not much he can do. He likes to pair with harass supports, like Lux or Zyra. Engage supports have a hard time forcing Ezreal into a bad fight because of his E, but it's not impossible.
Annie's a pretty solid support, her stun can throw you for a bad time, so make sure to be careful when she has it up. Other than that she doesn't have to much going for her. She's just kind of a general all-rounder. Tibbers instant stun R can be VERY scary lategame, avoid it as much as possible.
Bard's a solid pick. He has very effective roams, and his stuns are solid if he can land them. Lane is definately playable, but keep in mind what he is capable of. Bard is a very all-rounder pick, so pretty much anything can work with or against him.
Brand has obscenely high damage in lane, and god is he annoying. His main downside is a lack of adc synergy. Likes to pair with safer picks who don't get punished as hard by the lack of peel. Weak into engage supports who can punish him hard for going for harass.
Braum doesn't have too much to offer in laning phase. He has some solid cc. His main strength is his ability to mitigate damage for his adc. He's best paired with hypercarry adc's. He's weak to champions who can kite him out, and is very good against engage supports.
Janna is a very passive laner. Her one and only job is to protect her adc, and she does it quite well. She's very good at stopping engage supports and all-ins. She's best paired with high value adc's she can consistently protect.
Jhin is assassin adjacent. He's not very good in all-ins, but his poke is pretty consistant and his fourth shot is DEADLY. Pairs well with high cc supports who can engage for him, and is weak to supports and who can force him to fight at inopportune times.
Jinx is very weak against Twitch. She can outpoke you slightly, but just barely loses all ins. She's looking to play safe and scale into lategame, and is best paired with supports who can help on that mission. Bring an engage support into her to shut her down early, or an enchanter to match her value lategame.
Kai'sa's early is very inconsistant, and she almost always loses lane into Twitch. She likes to pair with engage supports who can set up her fights, or enchanter supports who can keep her alive lategame. You either want to shut her down early and snowball with a stronger early support, or outscale her and play for late with an enchanter.
Kalista has a shockingly potent early game, especially when paired with an engage support like nautilus. You outscale her hard, so survive that laning phase and go ham on her lategame. She's very weak into any support that can stop her early.
Karma's poke in lane is ANNOYING, but she doesn't provide too much else. Make it out of laning phase with your healthbar intact and you'll walk all over her.
Kog'maw can win all-ins against Twitch, but is very weak when his w is down or when he misses q. The two champions have very similar play patterns, kog'maw just has slightly more range in lane.
Leona's a pretty effecitve engage support, especially when paired with champions that have good follow up, like Ashe or Samira. She takes very little damage, so it's almost never worth focusing her. Just stay back and scale for lategame, or poke her down.
Lulu has a very weak laning phase, but not the worst. She has a little bit of poke with q, and can do a very good job keeping her adc alive. Her buffs can make for a very difficult fight, and polymorph can shutdown all-ins.
Lux has a lot of poke and harass for laning phase, and her root is a very consistent tool. Look to fight her and force all-ins when her abilities are on cooldown.
Milio is very good right now. His buffs are solid, and he has a suprising amount of poke in lane. He's an all-rounder, just play to your support's strengths.
Miss Fortune
Miss fortune's not very good against Twitch. She likes short bursty trades and to set up for her ultimate in teamfights. Do anything you can to force her into an all-in fight.
Her root is one of the scariest abilities in the game, and hard punishes any positioning mistakes. Her black shield makes her an incredible counter to engage supports of all types.
Nami provides a lot in lane. Her bubbles is very consistent crowd control, her e is a nice damage buff, her w both heals and does some nice poke. Nami is a very solid all around pick who can adapt to all sorts of situations.
Even the slightest positioning mistake against him will result in death. You will get hooked, and rooted, and it will be miserable. However, nautilus is very weak on the back end of fights, so if you're in a lane that can punish him for overextending you can get some cheeky kills on him.
Neeko is just worse lux in almost every situation. Her ulti is an incredibly scary ability in teamfight situations, but other than that she's just not very good.
Nilah likes to go in, and likes to go in hard. She almost always wants to be paired with a melee engage support. Poke her out as much as possible, and kite back as much as possible to deny her damage.
Pyke is an assassin. He will punish your mistakes and burst you down. Just play safe and try your best not to get picked.
Rakan has a very quick engage, but can't actually do much once he goes in. He's very well paired with adc's who like to win the back end of fights, like xayah or kalista. Focus on zoning off his adc.
Lucian has a very high threat when paired with engage supports or his best partner, Nami. He has an incredible amount of burst damage, and aims to snowball. You outscale him HARD.
Rell is very good at starting fights, and very bad at following up. She's best paired with adc's that can cover her weakness. Anything that can punish her for engaging or over extending can completely shut her down.
Renata Glasc
Renata's handshake is a very effective displacement tool, and her e is solid poke and shield. Her w allows her to cheese some fights, but can be counterplayed if you know it's coming. TAKE IMMENSE CARE TO AVOID HER ULT AND DO NOT USE R BEFORE SHE ULTS YOU, YOU WILL KILL YOUR TEAM.
Samira is the best follow up in the game. She's very weak when without a hard cc engage support. Focus on shutting her down or preventing her from following up.
Senna's very weak into Twitch. Her poke is effective, but she doesn't provide much else and as long as your support is a good player you should be able to punish the crap our of her.
Sera has very solid poke, and her R can singlehandedly win or a lose a teamfight. However she doesn't provide too much and you're able to punish her hard when her abilities are on cooldown.
Sivir is Twitch's best matchup. Twitch can PREY on her, she can't spellshield any of his abilities, and can't match his damage at all. Her poke is okay, buy this matchup is incredibly favored for Twitch.
Sona is very weak early. Watch out for her enhanced green auto, because it' nerfs your damage the same way exhaust does. Punish her as much as possible and play very agressive.
Soraka has some poke, and is able to nullify poke based lanes. However, she's very weak to all-ins, so force her into bad situations wherever possible.
His stun is pretty good in lane, but you should be able to punish him hard by kiting him. Careful of his ulti, it can singlehandedly win teamfights.
He will engage on you and force bad fights, be careful not to get picked. His crowd control combo is one of the most consistent in the game, and he's able to get his adc out of a bad situation with lantern.
Tristana is SCARY. She has the potential to burst you down at a moments notice in lane, and is an excellent adc at follow up. Just play safe and focus on outscaling. If she doesn't take lethal tempo you can sometimes win on the back end of fights.
His poke is good, and his ulti is annoying, but Twitch preys on immobile adcs, He loses hard in all-ins.
Twitch eats Vayne in almost every situation where you don't get condemned. Her q poke isn't bad, but if you can force an all in her she's done.
Xayah's very powerful right now with navori's, but Twitch has a very good matchup against her. As long as you avoid the feathers and don't get massacred by an engage support you should be fine. You outscale her hard.
Yuumi is very safe in laning phase, but she just doesn't do very much. You can't kill her, but she definitely can't kill you. She does an alright job keeping her adc alive.
Zeri fluctuates from one of the easiest to hardest matchups depending on the skill of the Zeri. She can beat you in lane if she plays it well, but she's slightly worse in teamfights as long as you have your r up.
Zyra's poke and harass is frustrating to play against, and her plants are no joke. Play safe and keep your healthbar up as much as possible.
Lulu is Twitch's bread and butter partner. She has solid tools for keeping in alive in lane, and lategame no character can match her buffing and peel potential.
Sona is very very very weak early game, but trades it for an incredible amount of value lategame. Her empowered green auto is one of the best tools to stop divers from killing you.
Renata Glasc
Renata is another wonderful buffer and peeler. She's slightly worse at buffing than other enchanters lategame, but makes up for it with a stronger early and more reliable cc tools.
Milio is a wonderful support for Twitch. He provides incredible healing, shielding, and buff tools for Twitch, and his R is one of the strongest get out of jail free cards in the entire game.
Janna used to be saved as a niche counterpick, but thanks to her recent buffs, especially the buff to her shield's AD buff duration, she's become a VERY good support for Twitch. She's able to buff his damage while keeping enemies off of him in lategame.
Rakan is a solid support for twitch, providing a wonderful engage for him to follow on.
Bard's a weird little fellow, but he's able to match twitch and help him roam, leading to a suprisingly synergistic pairing. Also, most bard players only play bard and are scary good at him.
Nami's a pretty good pairing, but a little bit worse than the other enchanters rn. She provides a little bit of extra pressure in lane, but doesn't buff and peel as much in lategame.
Morgana's a solid partner. Her root makes it very easy for her to set up picks for twitch, and her black shield does a very good job keeping him alive. I just don't think she's quite as good as other options.
Soraka's just generally worse than other enchanter options right now, and doesn't provide twitch much other characters can't do better.
Ima be honest I haven't seen a zilean player in like an entire year I have no clue how this duo plays out. If I had to guess he'd be a worse version of other enchanter supports, but a better version of other mage supports?
Annie doesn't have much synergy with twitch, but she's in general super broken right now.
By far the most useful of the engage supports, and it's almost all because of the utility of lantern. When used properly it's one of the single strongest support tools in the game.
Taric is a mediocre support, who hits R and briefly becomes one of the best supports in the game, and than goes back to being a mediocre support.
In patch 13.6, Yuumi went from being an incredible pairing for Twitch to one of the worst. The nerfs to e and r completely gutted her, and there is no reason to take her over any other enchanter anymore.
Her poke and harass are VERY strong in laning phase, however she falls off hard and generally doesn't pair well with twitch.
Senna just cannot peel for twitch and would much rather be paired with a more independent adc.
She's not that bad? She doesn't provide much in the way of peel, but she at least as some utility.
Sera's just not a very good support. I'd rather have most other supports, but she's not entirely useless.
Pyke doesn't have much synergy with anyone, he wants to play for himself and his own gold lead. He fills the same role in a team as twitch does, and the are very redundant. He's probably better than most other engage supports.
Blitzcrank would rather have an adc duo with cc to follow up on his.
Can help set up kills and picks, but doesn't provide much utility to Twitch.
Leona wants champions who can all in and deal a lot of damage early, and twitch just doesn't synergize well with her.
I don't think braum has very good synergy with anyone tbh.
Rell is best paired with adc's who can all-in and can all-in hard, and twitch usually isn't the best at that. Lane isn't unplayable, but you'll be at a disadvantage.
Brand is barely a support. Maybe he'll provide some extra pressure in lane, but he's not doing anything else for you.
My boyfriend plays cho'gath support a lot, and I have proven through many many games that there is a reason that we do not see cho'gath support in pro play.
Lulu is Twitch's bread and butter partner. She has solid tools for keeping in alive in lane, and lategame no character can match her buffing and peel potential.
Sona is very very very weak early game, but trades it for an incredible amount of value lategame. Her empowered green auto is one of the best tools to stop divers from killing you.
Renata Glasc
Renata is another wonderful buffer and peeler. She's slightly worse at buffing than other enchanters lategame, but makes up for it with a stronger early and more reliable cc tools.
Milio is a wonderful support for Twitch. He provides incredible healing, shielding, and buff tools for Twitch, and his R is one of the strongest get out of jail free cards in the entire game.
Janna used to be saved as a niche counterpick, but thanks to her recent buffs, especially the buff to her shield's AD buff duration, she's become a VERY good support for Twitch. She's able to buff his damage while keeping enemies off of him in lategame.
Rakan is a solid support for twitch, providing a wonderful engage for him to follow on.
Bard's a weird little fellow, but he's able to match twitch and help him roam, leading to a suprisingly synergistic pairing. Also, most bard players only play bard and are scary good at him.
Nami's a pretty good pairing, but a little bit worse than the other enchanters rn. She provides a little bit of extra pressure in lane, but doesn't buff and peel as much in lategame.
Morgana's a solid partner. Her root makes it very easy for her to set up picks for twitch, and her black shield does a very good job keeping him alive. I just don't think she's quite as good as other options.
Soraka's just generally worse than other enchanter options right now, and doesn't provide twitch much other characters can't do better.
Ima be honest I haven't seen a zilean player in like an entire year I have no clue how this duo plays out. If I had to guess he'd be a worse version of other enchanter supports, but a better version of other mage supports?
Annie doesn't have much synergy with twitch, but she's in general super broken right now.
By far the most useful of the engage supports, and it's almost all because of the utility of lantern. When used properly it's one of the single strongest support tools in the game.
Taric is a mediocre support, who hits R and briefly becomes one of the best supports in the game, and than goes back to being a mediocre support.
In patch 13.6, Yuumi went from being an incredible pairing for Twitch to one of the worst. The nerfs to e and r completely gutted her, and there is no reason to take her over any other enchanter anymore.
Her poke and harass are VERY strong in laning phase, however she falls off hard and generally doesn't pair well with twitch.
Senna just cannot peel for twitch and would much rather be paired with a more independent adc.
She's not that bad? She doesn't provide much in the way of peel, but she at least as some utility.
Sera's just not a very good support. I'd rather have most other supports, but she's not entirely useless.
Pyke doesn't have much synergy with anyone, he wants to play for himself and his own gold lead. He fills the same role in a team as twitch does, and the are very redundant. He's probably better than most other engage supports.
Blitzcrank would rather have an adc duo with cc to follow up on his.
Can help set up kills and picks, but doesn't provide much utility to Twitch.
Leona wants champions who can all in and deal a lot of damage early, and twitch just doesn't synergize well with her.
I don't think braum has very good synergy with anyone tbh.
Rell is best paired with adc's who can all-in and can all-in hard, and twitch usually isn't the best at that. Lane isn't unplayable, but you'll be at a disadvantage.
Brand is barely a support. Maybe he'll provide some extra pressure in lane, but he's not doing anything else for you.
My boyfriend plays cho'gath support a lot, and I have proven through many many games that there is a reason that we do not see cho'gath support in pro play.
I am RandomNPC777, she/her. I've been playing league for about 4 years, and I coach middle and highschool aged kids how to play league.
In this guide I aim to
Cover common runes and itemization
Cover common support synergies
Detail out Twitch's gameplan at different phases of the game
Help to take advantage of Twitch's stealth mechanics
Introduce botlane positioning
Pros and Cons
+ Long range
+ High damage
+ Good roams
+ Stealthy
+ Strong lategame Twitch has very high damage lategame, and his Ambush provides him with incredible roaming and cheese potential in the early game. His Spray and Pray is an incredible attack damage steriod that makes him a longranged powerhouse for its duration.
- Squishy
- No crowd control
- Low utility
- Difficult to play
- Weak Early Twitch is one of the only adcs to have no major crowd control in his kit. He has absolutely no tools to keep himself alive, making him an incredibly complex champion to learn and play. He relies on creative use of Ambush to keep him in line with other adcs, especially in early game.
Ability Breakdown
Deadly Venom
✦ Twitch's basic attacks apply poison, doing true damage over 6 seconds, stacking up to 6 times. The damage from this ability is negligable.
✦ Twitch enters camouflage and gains movespeed for 10-14 seconds. He is revealed whenever he walks within a certain radius of a champion or control ward. His first auto or ability cast will end the camouflage, and give him an attack speed steriod for 5 seconds. This ability is used to get the jump on enemies, and give Twitch a huge burst of damage.
Venom Cask
✦ Twitch throws down a toxic cloud in an AOE that lasts for 3 seconds. Enemies in the radius are slowed and gain a stack of deadly venom each second they are in the radius. This is Twitch's only crowd control tool. It can also be used to clear wave in combination with Contaminate.
✦ Twitch deals damage to all nearby enemies based on how many Deadly Venom stacks they have. This ability is best used for massive burst damage at the end of a fight.
Spray and Pray
✦ for the next 6 seconds, Twitch gains 300 attack range, a large amount of AD, and his attacks become piercing bolts. Best used at the start of a teamfight. For the duration, Twitch becomes an incredibly scary champion who can dish out enough damage to wipe an entire team.
FLASH: Twitch takes Flash every single game. Twitch has no mobility built into his kit, and Flash offers him an incredible amount of utility. It can be used to follow for kills, engage on fights, escape certain doom. Twitch usually wants to hold on to Flash to use it defensively.
GHOST: Ghost is my favorite option for a second summoner on Twitch. It offers him a great amount of utility, especially for chasing low health enemies and escaping bad situations. There is nothing in the entire game more terrifying than a Twitch coming out of Ambush with Spray and Pray and Ghost.
HEAL: I recommend Heal for new players who are less confident or in very strong early lanes.
Exhaust:I usually do not reccommend Exhaust, but occasionally when paired with an enchanter into a strong early lane it's better for the enchanter to have Heal and you to have Exhaust. It's best used to shut down high damage champions.
Cleanse:I don't find myself taking Cleanse very much, because Twitch is uniquely able to avoid bad situations with cc because of Ambush. It's still sometimes worth taking into really heavy cc teams.
Main Runes
Lethal Tempo
Lethal Tempo is Twitch's best main rune by far. It gives him bonus damage in extended fights, and extra range and safety in lategame. It's worth mentioning, there are a couple of Twitch players who swear by Press the Attack for its burst damage and synergy with Contaminate. I still much prefer Lethal Tempo.
Triumph is the best option of the first set. It helps Twitch snowball in bloody games and keeps him alive during lategame teamfights.
For the Legend runes, I take Legend: Alacrity for the incredible attack speed scaling it provides lategame.
Inspirationis a standard secondary pick, and I go it most games. I take Biscuit Delivery for lane sustain, and Magical Footwear for the gold value and movement it provides. Overall, just a good standard safe pick that you usually can't go wrong with.
Domination secondary is a more niche pick, and I usually only take it in games where I'm partnered witha strong engage support into a weak early game. I take Eyeball Collection and Treasure Hunter to help snowball out of control.
Blade of the Ruined King is very powerful because of its abilities. The movement speed on third hit, lifesteal, and percent current health damage are all incredibly valuable and useful tools. It perfectly compliments Twitch's hybrid adc assassin playstyle.
Guinsoo's rageblade
Guinsoo's Rageblade is just a huge damage statbuff. It doesn't do anything else, and it doesn't really need to. It plays into the rest of Twitch's kit to make his lategame even scarier.
Runaan's Hurricane
Runaan's Hurricane comboes into the rest of Twitch's high damage kit, especially Contaminate and Spray and Pray to transform him into a terrifying AOE murder powerhouse. Once you build this item, you start to look for more teamfights.
Situational items
Bloodthirster provides sustain in extended fights for Twitch. It's best picked in games where you take anavoidable poke/burn damage. Counterintuitively, I would not reccomend this into teams with high burst damage, like Zed or Ahri because they can usually kill you before the healing can really take into effect.
Guardian Angel
Guardian Angel is best taken when you are incredibly ahead and a signifigant portion of your teams damage, and/or when you find yourself getting picked off at the start of fights.
Lord Dominik's Regards
Lord Dominik's Regards is an anti-tank statstick. It is built into tanky teams you'd otherwise have trouble shredding.
Mercurial Scimitar
Mercurial Scimitar is mostly built into Malzahar and Mordekaiser. It's active item allows you to cleanse both of their ultimates, which would otherwise mean certain doom. Other than that, there are a couple situations where you get focused down by a very heavy cc team.
Mortal Reminder
Mortal Reminder is the adc's answer to an antiheal item. Generally you get less value out of it than you do other items, and you're better off having other teammates build antiheal, but it's solo queue and cooperative teammates are a myth, and it's better than you have antiheal than nobody having antiheal.
Maw of Malmortius
Maw of Malmortius is the strongest anti-mage item in the game. It's very good when you find yourself being bursted down by magic damage threats. However, I don't usually reccomend building it because Twitch is very good at avoiding being bursted down with creative use of Ambush.
Kraken Slayer
Kraken Slayer is a good general damage item, but I find myself taking it very rarely over Lord Dominik's Regards when I need more damage into tanks, and defensive items when I need to not die.
AP Twitch
AP Twitch
★ There is an AP variant of Twitch with Nashor's Tooth and Hail of Blades. Essentially you're trading off dps for burst damage on Contaminate This means a much more powerful early game, at the cost of a much weaker lategame. Your gameplay loop becomes much more typical to that of an AP assassin. I generally think that the AD build is a lot stonger, but the AP build certainly isn't bad. AP can also be run support and midlane. If you're curious about the AP build, I reccomend this lovely guide by Exolol
Gameplay advice
Botlane wards
For when you don't know where to ward in laning phase.
You can also ward bot bushes, but that's very situational and I'd generally let the support do that.
Some quick tips on how to ward efficiantly!
Generally Stealth Ward is best used outside of bushes, in choke points the enemy is likely to be forced to walk past. For example, if you're pushed up you'll want to ward somewhere in bot river in case jungler is roaming down. Control wards are best used in places where the enemy is likely to have warded. Tribush is the most common example. It's very important for at least one person to have control warded an objective for a teamfight, to deny vision.
Twitch Stealth
Twitch's Ambush is one of the most complex tools in his kit. In a lot of ways, you want to be playing him a little bit like Evelynn. You should be looking to use it to generate advantages wherever possible. Set up the suprise 1v2, roam and get some kills midlane, even use it in botlane to bait an engage on your support. You want to use this ability as much as possible. It is Twitch's bread and butter.
Early Game
Early game as Twitch you have two goals. Gain as much cs as possible to help snowball you into mid and lategame, and use Ambush to try and look for cheesy roams and fights. If you manage to get ahead as Twitch, you become a snowball assassin, much like Talon. It's very important that you buy control wards whenever possible and contest as much vision as you possible can, especially to help jungler if they go for an early dragon.
Mid Game
Mid game as Twitch you want to focus on generating personal gold wherever possible, as well as dishing out as much damage in teamfights as you can. Usually at this part of the game you want to swap with midlane and buy Farsight Alteration. As much as you're looking for personal gold and value, at this point in the game you're relatively important. You want to be looking to help with objective fights, roaming around the map and lending a helping hand wherever possible. It's generally pretty important to stay close to your support, even at this point in the game, because basically everything can murder you if you get caught out.
Late Game
Finally! You've reached lategame! Now your objective is to dish out as much damage as humanly possible with Ambush, Ghost, and Spray and Pray. At this point of the game you are the carry, and you need to act like it. Generally you want to wait to join fights from Ambush until after the enemy team has used important crowd control abilities. You're very useful on the back ends of fights, after everyone else has their abilities on cooldown. It's also worth looking for weirder angles with Ambush so you can avoid getting hit by AOE abilities.
You've reached the end of my little guide!
Huge shoutouts to: Breadedbreadcrum for looking over my guide helping me figure out the terror that is BBcode. Check out her Ivern guide. Jraff, for teaching me botlane concepts and helping with matchups (also apparantly he has a leaguepedia page? Rad.)Check out his Twitch. Jhoihoi's Making a Guide Guide, for most of the graphics.
I'd like to shoutout Aerenax, for letting me yoink their code for matchups and giving me the idea to color hyperlinks for visual cohesion. Check out their Alistar guide.
Thank you to Faithk for his invaluable help. Check out his esports startup, Ekuso, which focuses on providing an esports experience to middle and high schoolers.
And lastly, the fine folks on the Mobafire discord server, this would not be possible without ya'll.
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