Build Guide by Navn
[13.24] SUPPORT Heimerdinger (14.3 WIP) + 14.3 TIER LIST + S14 WARDING GUIDE Part 1+2

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Recommended Items
Runes: Standard
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Champion Build Guide
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Main account Profile: Navcan
Smurf: Navn
Twitch Stream: twitch.tv/navcan
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Hi there! I just started playing Heimerdinger, and this is how I've found success wtih him! If you'd like to ask more questions, drop a comment or drop by my stream! I stream almost everyday. Thank you for reading!
If you're interested in my other guides:
Smurf: Navn
Twitch Stream: twitch.tv/navcan
Tiktok: @navcan
Youtube: navcans
Hi there! I just started playing Heimerdinger, and this is how I've found success wtih him! If you'd like to ask more questions, drop a comment or drop by my stream! I stream almost everyday. Thank you for reading!
If you're interested in my other guides:
Lulu -> Support Lulu
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Sona -> Support Sona
Yuumi -> Support Yuumi
Milio -> Support Milio
Soraka -> Support Soraka
Zyra -> Support Zyra
Ashe -> Support Ashe
Amumu -> Support Amumu
Heimerdinger -> Support Heimerdinger
Lissandra -> Support Lissandra
Off-Meta/Fun stuff
Miss Fortune -> Support Miss Fortune
Veigar -> Support Veigar
Trundle -> Support Trundle
Jarvan IV -> Support Jarvan
Pantheon -> Support Pantheon
Why Heimerdinger? Pros/Cons
- REALLY good at shutting down short-ranged champions.
- Hard to deal with and disruptive (with Rylais).
- Functions well individually.
- Good at objective taking (turrets tank and zone)
- Hard to engage.
- High skill ceiling.
- Can't deal with long range.
- Your lane partner may get upset with you for messing up their cs and not synergizing with them.
- REALLY good at shutting down short-ranged champions.
- Hard to deal with and disruptive (with Rylais).
- Functions well individually.
- Good at objective taking (turrets tank and zone)
- Hard to engage.
- High skill ceiling.
- Can't deal with long range.
- Your lane partner may get upset with you for messing up their cs and not synergizing with them.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter good, build towards either killing people or surviving.
There's a few options for Mythics for Heimerdinger, and it all depends on what you're trying to achieve, how fed you are, and what you can do to be the most effective. There may even be games where you won't need to build a mythic at all.
Reasons to get
Liandry's Torment
- You're doing well early, and you have access gold, and an early
Lost Chapter will keep your already obnoxious amount of pressure going.
- Enemy team has a lot of hp-stacking champions
- You can sit on the
Lost Chapter as well, to then start building
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
Reasons to get
Luden's Tempest
- You're doing well early, and you have access gold, and an early
Lost Chapter will keep your already obnoxious amount of pressure going.
- You can sit on the
Lost Chapter as well, to then start building
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- Would recommend stacking this with
Sorcerer's Shoes and
Shadowflame to maximize damage output and magic penetration.
- Against 5 squishies, and you can start sitting in brush with your turrets and blow people up.
Reasons to get
Locket of the Iron Solari
- Not doing too well, and you're looking to be as disruptive as possible with your turrets with
Rylai's Crystal Scepter and
Hextech Micro-Rockets slows.
- Good against teams that will engage on you, so surviving as long as you can will be huge.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
- This is pretty much mandatory in every build, so much, that its worth rushing every game, because of the amount of health it gives, relatively cheap, and the increased amount of disruption with slows.
Imperial Mandate
- You will generally get this after
Rylai's Crystal Scepter. A nice damage boost with mana regen as well.
- You can actually buy an early
Faerie Charm so you have a bit more mana to poke around with and eventually turn it into
Imperial Mandate after
Rylai's Crystal Scepter.
Anathema's Chains
- If there's 1 particular enemy that is obnoxiously fed compared to everyone else, then this will be good.
- Excessive healing on the enemy team, such as
Sona. Would not buy if it's almost strictly items they are healing from such as
Death's Dance. If your team has no
Ignite then maybe also look to pick this up.
- Gives a nice amount of hp for survivability too.
- Pretty cheap for it's price tag.
- Your team has enough damage, and you're just looking to survive the engages.
- Would stack this with
Locket of the Iron Solari for maximum value.
- Nice and cheap for a pretty good active, and you'll be dying a lot in most games.
Zhonya's Hourglass
- It's just a great item, but it's pretty expensive for the active.
- Value increases based on more enemy AD champions or easy to block abilities like

There's a few options for Mythics for Heimerdinger, and it all depends on what you're trying to achieve, how fed you are, and what you can do to be the most effective. There may even be games where you won't need to build a mythic at all.
Reasons to get

- You're doing well early, and you have access gold, and an early

- Enemy team has a lot of hp-stacking champions
- You can sit on the

Reasons to get

- You're doing well early, and you have access gold, and an early

- You can sit on the

- Would recommend stacking this with

- Against 5 squishies, and you can start sitting in brush with your turrets and blow people up.
Reasons to get

- Not doing too well, and you're looking to be as disruptive as possible with your turrets with

- Good against teams that will engage on you, so surviving as long as you can will be huge.
Legendary Choices

- This is pretty much mandatory in every build, so much, that its worth rushing every game, because of the amount of health it gives, relatively cheap, and the increased amount of disruption with slows.

- You will generally get this after

- You can actually buy an early

- If there's 1 particular enemy that is obnoxiously fed compared to everyone else, then this will be good.

- Excessive healing on the enemy team, such as

- Gives a nice amount of hp for survivability too.
- Pretty cheap for it's price tag.

- Your team has enough damage, and you're just looking to survive the engages.
- Would stack this with

- Nice and cheap for a pretty good active, and you'll be dying a lot in most games.

- It's just a great item, but it's pretty expensive for the active.
- Value increases based on more enemy AD champions or easy to block abilities like

How to use your abilities
TLDR; Use your abilities together. They are very reliant on each other, and mouse accuracy/control is a must.
Hextech Affinity
- This passive actually makes you extremely obnoxious to fight against when people are diving you in your turrets. Most of the time, you can out-run melee champions after they run in after you.
- This passive has a relatively short range, and you can use it to get out onto the map sooner from base, and even place a turret down just to get the movement speed for a few seconds.
- This does NOT work on your lane turrets that have gone down.
H-28G Evolution Turret
- This is the main reason to play
Heimerdinger. The amount of pushing power this provides and the number of enemy champions it can shutdown in lane is quite a bit.
- Against hook champions that have single-hit projectiles, such as
Nautilus, you can block their hook by placing the a turret between you and them. If you successfully do this, you essentialy make it so they can't play laning phase. Try to always keep 1 charge ready to go to block their hook.
- Turrets attack at 500 range, so any champion's auto-attack range that is equal or lower than that, will have an extremely hard time dealing with you. And even those with the standard 550 auto attack range, you can use
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade on them, and even if it doesn't stun, it'll do a lot of damage with the
H-28G Evolution Turret beam damage.
- The management and placement of your turrets will matter a lot. Generally, if the enemy can auto-attack your turrets safely, they're in a bad spot, and they'll need to be farther back. For laning phase try not to put them in bush either, since it'll just reveal you if you're in the bush with it, unless you're using it to scout an enemy jungler, since inactive turrets do give a tiny bit of vision.
- You'll want the turrets to be able to free-fire on the minion wave as much as possible, while also being able to pressure the enemy if they try to take out your turrets first while they're near a minion wave. Since the Beam attack is much farther, you can pressure the enemy with
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade, and even if it slows, they'll be forced to step back or take even more damage. If there are no minions in the way, then you can use
Hextech Micro-Rockets on them, and if you get all 5 rockets to land, you're gonna hit them REALLY hard.
- Later into the game, you can setup bush traps by placing multiple turrets in a bush you've cleared with
Oracle Lens or a
Control Ward, start off with a
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade into an
Hextech Rocket Swarm.
- Using
UPGRADE!!! with this can also help tank objectives or take turrets much faster. Also you're going to die as someone's jumping on you, you can place the upgraded turret down as it will still do damage after you die for a few more seconds.
Hextech Micro-Rockets
- Highly recommend turning ranged indicators on for this particular skill, as the variation in which the projectile can travel is humongous.
- Also highly recommend being on Locked Camera when aiming this skill as well, as mentioned above, a slight movement of your mouse can drastically change how the skill is shot. Aiming this while moving without Locked Camera, will be very difficult.
- This is your primary poke tool, and the timing in which you use this skill depends if they can attack your turrets or not. If they can't attack your turrets at all, then just poke them, even 1 rocket of the 5 hitting them is still good poke with
Scorch and
Arcane Comet.
- If they CAN attack your turrets, then you'll want to hold this skill for when they try to attack your turrets, and if you manage to land all 5 rockets, they'll be hit with the turret Beam attack as well, and they'll be forced to back away.
- During bush trapping, this will be how you'll kill your enemies, as a full charge of
Hextech Rocket Swarm does a LOT of damage onto 1 target. You'll likely need to land a
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade stun to get a full
Hextech Rocket Swarm.
- Try to space out the
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade and
Hextech Rocket Swarm if you have a turret attacking them, since you'll want the turret to fire 2 beams, instead of 1, if you cast them too quickly after each other. If
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade lands, then you can use
Hextech Micro-Rockets, and it'll fire 2 beams(if you land all 5 rockets).
- Once you have
Rylai's Crystal Scepter, this becomes an obnoxious slowing tool as well in team fights or seiges.
- This has a lot of range, and you can use it to scout multiple brush at the same time.
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade
- The closer to yourself you cast this, the easier it is to land. So anyone that's trying to jump you, you can stun them pretty easily. Casting this at max range is usually not recommended, and should be used with your turrets as often as possible.
- If you're out of vision and at a decent flank position, you can use
UPGRADE!!! with this for a huge engage/stun. Doing this in plain sight in front of your enemies usually won't end up doing much.
- Using
UPGRADE!!! with this in narrow corridors is also a huge play.
- It's a pretty high costing spell as well early, so try not to use it to poke. It should be used to setup your other abilities.
- All the usages are mentioned in the respective abilities they enhance.
- You can also re-cast this to get the full refund back as well. With this, you can even cast
UPGRADE!!! as a bluff, then just re-cast it so keep the pressure.
- If an ability is on cooldown,
UPGRADE!!! cannot cast that ability except for
H-28G Evolution Turret.

- This passive actually makes you extremely obnoxious to fight against when people are diving you in your turrets. Most of the time, you can out-run melee champions after they run in after you.
- This passive has a relatively short range, and you can use it to get out onto the map sooner from base, and even place a turret down just to get the movement speed for a few seconds.
- This does NOT work on your lane turrets that have gone down.

- This is the main reason to play

- Against hook champions that have single-hit projectiles, such as

- Turrets attack at 500 range, so any champion's auto-attack range that is equal or lower than that, will have an extremely hard time dealing with you. And even those with the standard 550 auto attack range, you can use

- The management and placement of your turrets will matter a lot. Generally, if the enemy can auto-attack your turrets safely, they're in a bad spot, and they'll need to be farther back. For laning phase try not to put them in bush either, since it'll just reveal you if you're in the bush with it, unless you're using it to scout an enemy jungler, since inactive turrets do give a tiny bit of vision.
- You'll want the turrets to be able to free-fire on the minion wave as much as possible, while also being able to pressure the enemy if they try to take out your turrets first while they're near a minion wave. Since the Beam attack is much farther, you can pressure the enemy with

- Later into the game, you can setup bush traps by placing multiple turrets in a bush you've cleared with

- Using

- Highly recommend turning ranged indicators on for this particular skill, as the variation in which the projectile can travel is humongous.
- Also highly recommend being on Locked Camera when aiming this skill as well, as mentioned above, a slight movement of your mouse can drastically change how the skill is shot. Aiming this while moving without Locked Camera, will be very difficult.
- This is your primary poke tool, and the timing in which you use this skill depends if they can attack your turrets or not. If they can't attack your turrets at all, then just poke them, even 1 rocket of the 5 hitting them is still good poke with

- If they CAN attack your turrets, then you'll want to hold this skill for when they try to attack your turrets, and if you manage to land all 5 rockets, they'll be hit with the turret Beam attack as well, and they'll be forced to back away.
- During bush trapping, this will be how you'll kill your enemies, as a full charge of

- Try to space out the

- Once you have

- This has a lot of range, and you can use it to scout multiple brush at the same time.

- The closer to yourself you cast this, the easier it is to land. So anyone that's trying to jump you, you can stun them pretty easily. Casting this at max range is usually not recommended, and should be used with your turrets as often as possible.
- If you're out of vision and at a decent flank position, you can use

- Using

- It's a pretty high costing spell as well early, so try not to use it to poke. It should be used to setup your other abilities.

- All the usages are mentioned in the respective abilities they enhance.
- You can also re-cast this to get the full refund back as well. With this, you can even cast

- If an ability is on cooldown,


- Maximizing poke damage output. Can't go wrong here.

- This does proc on turret auto attacks, so it'll stack pretty quickly.
- This will help you a ton outside of laning phase since you'll be using

- Some nice ability haste for more poke uptime.

- You could get even more movement speed from your own passive to make it even harder to catch you while you dance in your own turrets.

- Maximizing the poke damage.

- Lets you keep trading much more often in laning phase so you can keep up the pressure.

- Since you're looking to counter pick your lane with

Early/Mid/Late game
TLDR; Push push push, and be extremely annoying to deal with.
- Try to always be constantly pushing your wave in, so you can pressure with your poke. You'll want to position and place your turrets so they can at least attack the melee minions, and bonus if they can attack the ranged minions as well. If they have skills that can be blocked by minions, then place your turrets inside the minion wave. If they get hit anyways, then put it along the same diagonal line as the minion wave when they crash into each other.
- Keep the turrets outside of the brush so that you yourself can stand in it, and pressure from it. Once you get a few levels, then you can start saving turret charges so that if you do land a
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade then you can place a turret just before the
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade does damage, and you'll get the beam damage off too.
- If you can pull off a level 2 all-in, then you can level up
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade and hit anyone, as long as you put the turret down, and you'll likely win the 2v2.
- When you end up constantly pushing, you may attract the enemy jungler, and this is when you fight inside of your turrets range. If you've poked down the enemy laners enough, then it'll be very hard for them to participate in the fight, so you can focus most of your attention to the jungler, and possibly even kill them. And if you do, and they have any buffs that you get, that'll pretty much secure your lane win and dominance.
- With constantly pushing lane, you can look to do dragons, or invade the bot side jungle, or even roam mid. If you do leave your lane, your turrets are very likely to be killed and it may be difficult to re-establish the constantly pushing lane state.
- Depending on how laning phase went, if you're really strong and you can kill squishy targets by waiting in bushes and ambushing enemies, then you should be looking to do that.
- If you're not doing too great, hopefully you'll have
Rylai's Crystal Scepter, and if you do, then you're looking to be as disruptive as possible with long ranged slows, zoning areas with your turret slows and peeling with
CH-2 Electron Storm Grenade.
Laning Phase/Early Game
- Try to always be constantly pushing your wave in, so you can pressure with your poke. You'll want to position and place your turrets so they can at least attack the melee minions, and bonus if they can attack the ranged minions as well. If they have skills that can be blocked by minions, then place your turrets inside the minion wave. If they get hit anyways, then put it along the same diagonal line as the minion wave when they crash into each other.
- Keep the turrets outside of the brush so that you yourself can stand in it, and pressure from it. Once you get a few levels, then you can start saving turret charges so that if you do land a

- If you can pull off a level 2 all-in, then you can level up

- When you end up constantly pushing, you may attract the enemy jungler, and this is when you fight inside of your turrets range. If you've poked down the enemy laners enough, then it'll be very hard for them to participate in the fight, so you can focus most of your attention to the jungler, and possibly even kill them. And if you do, and they have any buffs that you get, that'll pretty much secure your lane win and dominance.
- With constantly pushing lane, you can look to do dragons, or invade the bot side jungle, or even roam mid. If you do leave your lane, your turrets are very likely to be killed and it may be difficult to re-establish the constantly pushing lane state.
Mid/Late game
- Depending on how laning phase went, if you're really strong and you can kill squishy targets by waiting in bushes and ambushing enemies, then you should be looking to do that.
- If you're not doing too great, hopefully you'll have

Grading Explanation below the lists! Check the RANK too!
- Heimerdinger is good for shutting down engage/melee lanes, and in counter match-ups, is EXTREMELY obnoxious to deal with. He can go from C to S+ just from countering the lane itself.

Tier List Grading Points
- Winrates
- Champion Difficulty (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Counter-play (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Flex pick for draft (more relevant in diamond+)
- Early game (more relevant in diamond+)
- Late game/scaling (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Anything in the (_Letter_+) row, means it's better the higher in elo you go. Anything in (_Letter_-) row, means it's better the lower in elo you go.
Overall Points:
- Games last longer the lower in elo you go. Therefore, mage supports tend to do much better since you can buy your items, and you basically become another carry threat. This leads to enchanters/engage being weaker in lower level play since you would rely on your teammtes more often.
- Champions that are fundamentally easier to execute on will have higher win rates. Since it is more unlikely players are pilot-ing their champion runes/builds/kit efficiently, the easier the champion, the more likely to maximize their kits. This is especially apparent in Platinum and below.
- I would recommend playing any of the champs in S+, S, or A. However you can climb on almost anything, provided you always look to maximize your champion kit, mechanics, and impact on the game. Winning is the result of improving.
- Heimerdinger is good for shutting down engage/melee lanes, and in counter match-ups, is EXTREMELY obnoxious to deal with. He can go from C to S+ just from countering the lane itself.
14.3 Emerald and Below

14.3 Diamond+

Tier List Grading Points
- Winrates
- Champion Difficulty (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Counter-play (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Flex pick for draft (more relevant in diamond+)
- Early game (more relevant in diamond+)
- Late game/scaling (more relevant in Emerald and below)
- Anything in the (_Letter_+) row, means it's better the higher in elo you go. Anything in (_Letter_-) row, means it's better the lower in elo you go.
Overall Points:
- Games last longer the lower in elo you go. Therefore, mage supports tend to do much better since you can buy your items, and you basically become another carry threat. This leads to enchanters/engage being weaker in lower level play since you would rely on your teammtes more often.
- Champions that are fundamentally easier to execute on will have higher win rates. Since it is more unlikely players are pilot-ing their champion runes/builds/kit efficiently, the easier the champion, the more likely to maximize their kits. This is especially apparent in Platinum and below.
- I would recommend playing any of the champs in S+, S, or A. However you can climb on almost anything, provided you always look to maximize your champion kit, mechanics, and impact on the game. Winning is the result of improving.
Want to know more?
If you have any questions, leave a comment below! I'll be editing this as I go and be sure to let you know once I have more updates. Or if you'd like to ask me a question directly, you can go to my twitch stream! twitch.tv/navcan
There's also my tiktok
And my youtube!
Cheers and thank you for reading! Good luck on the rift
There's also my tiktok
And my youtube!
Cheers and thank you for reading! Good luck on the rift
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