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Recommended Items
Runes: Default
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Threats & Synergies
Jarvan IV
Jarvan IV
Champion Build Guide
Abilities explanations and tips

Orianna's basic attacks deal bonus magic damage on-hit. With each additional attack to the same enemy, stacking up twice, you deal extra damage with each auto attack (stacking twice). This effect is much more visible as you gather ap. Note: Last-hitting minion between champion attacks will reset this!
Orianna loses all stacks of her bonus damage when she attacks a new target.

ACTIVE: Orianna commands The Ball to fly to the target location and remain there, dealing magic damage to all enemies it passes through, reduced to 100% − 40% (based on enemies hit).
This is the ablity with which you position the ball on the ground.
If you move too far from the ball, the ball disappears from the ground and teleports to you

ACTIVE: Deals huge chunk of magic damage around the ball area, and also leaves an electric field on the ground.
The electric field gives MS boost to your ally and MS slow to the enemy, decaying over time. (field stays on the ground for 3 seconds)

PASSIVE: The Ball grants whomever it is attached to bonus Armor icon armor and Magic resistance icon magic resistance.
ACTIVE: Orianna commands The Ball to fly to the targeted allied champion or herself and attach itself to her target, dealing magic damage to all enemies it passes through and shielding her target on arrival for 2.5 seconds.

ACTIVE: Orianna commands The Ball to unleash a shockwave after a 0.75 seconds delay, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies and Airborne icon pulling them 350 units towards The Ball.
- When your E while moving to someone to shield him passes through an enemy, it deals damage as well to the enemies it hits on the way!
- When wearing the ball on yourself, you can R->Flash and catch the enemy off guard with your ultimate, without having to spend any of your cooldowns to reposition it.
- You can keep your ball at the max range of disappearance (next to Orianna model there is a little arrow which changes the color based on how close are you to losing the ball) and then surprise the enemy by launching Q from you instead of the place you have been keeping your ball at.
- While having ball on yourself you can R->Flash mid R animation and surprise the enemy by this outstanding move! Especially useful in meele matchups or with ghost when you are able to run close to the opponent. Biggest advantage of this is that enemy does not react to the ultimate, when while the ball is on the floor, and enemy is nearby it, he is constatly aware and prepared to react.
- You can hide your ball in textures / walls / structures and surprise enemy by this outstanding cheesy move, because they won't be expecting the ball to be arriving from some wall or smh.
Ball management
Basics of ball positioning, and how to think about using the ball as a weapon of potential damage, without really having to use the damage abilities (W/R) itself.
Laning phase:
During laning phase you most of the times either wanna keep your ball near your enemy, therefore you can easily poke (QW) them, keep in mind to not spam it unless you have finished some item that gives you mana or you have blue-buff. If you place your ball slightly behind the virtual area where the enemy has to stand when he goes for the last hit, you can give him the full combo, which is Q->W->E->AA and possibly additional auto-attack and one more Q on the way out if you run phase rush.
If you don't know about enemy jungler's position and are trying to play a specific side of the map, but you are not 100% certain if the bush is safe or not, you can just check it with the ball. Orianna players often underestimate the vision that your Q gives you. You can also use the ball to clean control ward in the bush from a more safer distance.
If you are getting ganked and both the person ganking you and enemy laner are coming from around the same direction, when the distance is gonna be closing you may be able to ultimate them all and secure your safety with that.
If enemy is endangering you with all in, such as LeBlanc or Talon, make sure to not keep the ball too far so you can E yourself in time (shield + additional resistances).
Dragon / Nashor / Voidgrubs > objective take:
With Orianna you can zone a lot of champions, even the whole team, if they come from one part of the jungle, very easily, by just placing your ball to the entrance. Because they can't walk through it multiple-people at a time coz of your ultimate, and you can get enough time to take down the objective before enemy figure out how to re-position properly. Playing around jungler entrances and tight spaces, just like it's known with Rumble's ultimate.. Orianna has insane virtual power by just keeping the ball on the ground.. be patient with pressing R
Tower siege:
You want to push your ball as much forward as possible without getting yourself in the risk of getting all-inned, from that point, you disable enemy from engaging on your team because you are set for a multi-man shockwave.
Laning phase:
During laning phase you most of the times either wanna keep your ball near your enemy, therefore you can easily poke (QW) them, keep in mind to not spam it unless you have finished some item that gives you mana or you have blue-buff. If you place your ball slightly behind the virtual area where the enemy has to stand when he goes for the last hit, you can give him the full combo, which is Q->W->E->AA and possibly additional auto-attack and one more Q on the way out if you run phase rush.
If you don't know about enemy jungler's position and are trying to play a specific side of the map, but you are not 100% certain if the bush is safe or not, you can just check it with the ball. Orianna players often underestimate the vision that your Q gives you. You can also use the ball to clean control ward in the bush from a more safer distance.
If you are getting ganked and both the person ganking you and enemy laner are coming from around the same direction, when the distance is gonna be closing you may be able to ultimate them all and secure your safety with that.
If enemy is endangering you with all in, such as LeBlanc or Talon, make sure to not keep the ball too far so you can E yourself in time (shield + additional resistances).
Dragon / Nashor / Voidgrubs > objective take:
With Orianna you can zone a lot of champions, even the whole team, if they come from one part of the jungle, very easily, by just placing your ball to the entrance. Because they can't walk through it multiple-people at a time coz of your ultimate, and you can get enough time to take down the objective before enemy figure out how to re-position properly. Playing around jungler entrances and tight spaces, just like it's known with Rumble's ultimate.. Orianna has insane virtual power by just keeping the ball on the ground.. be patient with pressing R
Tower siege:
You want to push your ball as much forward as possible without getting yourself in the risk of getting all-inned, from that point, you disable enemy from engaging on your team because you are set for a multi-man shockwave.
![]() | Strong against squishy team, or if you are very ahead and want to snowball. |
![]() | Orianna has high mana costs and in combination with the scaling this item provides its just too good not to build it. |
![]() | This item amplifies your damage like crazy, especially if enemy have shields OR don't build a bunch of mr. |
Boots |
![]() | Good buy if you have 950 base, will always bring it's value. Especially good if enemy build MR (No Sorcerers angle) and you don't need Mercs either. |
Laning phase tips
Laning phase depends on the matchup.
Against most of the enemy champion you can play aggressive first few levels, however, you have to watch out for the enemy jungler as you don't have any safety tools besides the little shield on your E and micro-movement speed boost on W, however, those two tools are anyway something you should consider in a situation where you need to avoid enemy jungler, but they are not as powerful as dash or other tools that some champions might have.
Not all the champions might be listed below, but the ones which are should give you an idea of what type of a champion the paragraph is about
Against these champions, you need to get info against enemy jungler lvl 1 start. You can do that by asking some of your teammates to ward enemy jungle early on, or ward it yourself, preferably raptors. The reason is you have to punish them early on, otherwise, if you go even, they will have lethal combo ready for you not much later on, and therefore, you are trying to put them as much behind as possible on the early levels. Against melee champions, you have the obvious range advantage, which if you utilize properly (not getting much damage from enemy minions aggroing on you) can get you a few cs advantage early on. Orianna also has her passive which increases basic attack damage early on a little bit and very significantly later on in the game.
You can get E on lvl 2, even at lvl. 1 if you see she is about to play very aggressive since the first wave.
Keep in mind that besides the small shield that your E gives you, it also gives you X armor&mr whenever the ball is on you. Therefore, you can avoid up to about 100 damage from her combo if you E yourself, where if you go W at lvl 2 she can not only dodge it but you also get huge chunk of damage from her combo, since your base stats aren't very high unless your ball is on you and LB profits from low MR on the enemy champion, especially later on in the game.
You want to utilize your range advantage and never let your opponent do the proper trade. Especially with blue buff or some finished mana item you can always just Q->W your enemy when he is looking for a trade, poke him down and zone him from your body. Against these champs, you almost never wanna go for trades with your basic attacks, which would allow them to use their abilities at you.
You must dominate Kassadin in 2 styles:
> poke as hard as possible during early levels (using your basic attacks while baiting out his Q, using your Q to farm in meantime if needed, you should only do this if you have real kill pressure or your jgl can dive, also if enemy kassadin is crazy and isn't running TP, can be a good option, care for enemy jgl and support roams!
> get cs advantage, using AAs to lasthitt, while Q to poke Kassadin and just trying to get advantageous lane position, meaning, zoning Kassadin while farming, and forcing him to respect jgl
If you go even with Kassadin, you lost the lane, but don't lose your mind either. Kassadin is not what it used to be in season 8.. If you have CC in your team, you can beat it.
Against most of the enemy champion you can play aggressive first few levels, however, you have to watch out for the enemy jungler as you don't have any safety tools besides the little shield on your E and micro-movement speed boost on W, however, those two tools are anyway something you should consider in a situation where you need to avoid enemy jungler, but they are not as powerful as dash or other tools that some champions might have.
Not all the champions might be listed below, but the ones which are should give you an idea of what type of a champion the paragraph is about

Against these champions, you need to get info against enemy jungler lvl 1 start. You can do that by asking some of your teammates to ward enemy jungle early on, or ward it yourself, preferably raptors. The reason is you have to punish them early on, otherwise, if you go even, they will have lethal combo ready for you not much later on, and therefore, you are trying to put them as much behind as possible on the early levels. Against melee champions, you have the obvious range advantage, which if you utilize properly (not getting much damage from enemy minions aggroing on you) can get you a few cs advantage early on. Orianna also has her passive which increases basic attack damage early on a little bit and very significantly later on in the game.

You can get E on lvl 2, even at lvl. 1 if you see she is about to play very aggressive since the first wave.
Keep in mind that besides the small shield that your E gives you, it also gives you X armor&mr whenever the ball is on you. Therefore, you can avoid up to about 100 damage from her combo if you E yourself, where if you go W at lvl 2 she can not only dodge it but you also get huge chunk of damage from her combo, since your base stats aren't very high unless your ball is on you and LB profits from low MR on the enemy champion, especially later on in the game.

You want to utilize your range advantage and never let your opponent do the proper trade. Especially with blue buff or some finished mana item you can always just Q->W your enemy when he is looking for a trade, poke him down and zone him from your body. Against these champs, you almost never wanna go for trades with your basic attacks, which would allow them to use their abilities at you.

You must dominate Kassadin in 2 styles:
> poke as hard as possible during early levels (using your basic attacks while baiting out his Q, using your Q to farm in meantime if needed, you should only do this if you have real kill pressure or your jgl can dive, also if enemy kassadin is crazy and isn't running TP, can be a good option, care for enemy jgl and support roams!
> get cs advantage, using AAs to lasthitt, while Q to poke Kassadin and just trying to get advantageous lane position, meaning, zoning Kassadin while farming, and forcing him to respect jgl
If you go even with Kassadin, you lost the lane, but don't lose your mind either. Kassadin is not what it used to be in season 8.. If you have CC in your team, you can beat it.
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