Really hard matchup, you have to abuse him before he gets level 6, try to slow push and zone him as much as possible before 6, get a gold lead, after 6, he will outrange you with his ult, and always out dmg you (while also scaling as much as you)
Never travel alone against him, he is always watching you...
Miss Fortune
Miss fortune is not as difficult as twitch, she will still be a hard match up tho, be careful to not sit behind low hp CS to avoid her Q, and don't overextent, else she will slow you, then might kill you easly, play safe, take as much farm as you can, you will outscale her hard
This matchup is not that hard, especially in lower elo, but more you will climb, more dangerous he'll get, good draven can make your game a nightmare, so here is a simple rule : DO NOT DIE, no matter the cost, play safe, and farm as much as you can, if he don't proc his passive, he will be useless, be patient enough, and you will outscale him.
If he do a big mistake, punish him if it is not too risky
Annoying early, but that's it, her goal is to push your tower and get plates, contest her push if possible, if she doesn't get a lead, she will not be dangerous, you outscale her, you will kill her later, and get a nice hat !
This matchup is rather super annoying than hard, it is slightly in ashe's favor early game, she will have as much range as you early game, and more dmg (along with a slow), you will outscale her, just don't duel her if you are not ahead
Take cleanse against her.
Aphelios is a pretty easy matchup, he is way better in short trades, but fortunatelly, you outrange him hard with fishbones (except in the first levels, calibrum has the same range as cait)
he is only a real threat in the first levels, even tho he has an absurd burst, you will outrange him in teamfight, and be more useful late game.
Also, don't duel him in those case :
He has Blue green (if he miss his Blue Q, fight, else he''ll one shot you), White green, white red.
be careful, if he has a low ammount of ammo, he might be able to do 3 or 4 spell, and switch to a great dueling weapon
The matchup can be else a nightmare, else easy as hell, it heavly depend on how good is the enemy ez, if he is really good, the match up will be very hard, else he will be pretty easy, abuse your waveclear and range, stay behind cs, create big waves with slow push, he will not be able to clear them easly.
You'll become his nightmare later in the game, you outscale him
Really easy matchup in my opinion, you outrange her hard, you have a better waveclear, you are better in lane AND in team fight, while also scaling harder, only one rule : do not duel her, unless you have a big lead, she will outdmg you, just wait for your team to kill her, you outscale her
Tip : Her ult get blocked by your chompers, she is not unstoppable when ulting, take that in note
Despite being one of the best ADC early, she is a pretty good matchup, you outrange her, your Zap is really annoying to her, while also being outscaled super hard
don't duel her, and don't try to fight her early.
You can take exhaust to annoy her even more
Difficult matchup, he scale really hard, and also out damage you at all stage of the game, his E slow will be a real issue too (he also has the same range as you late game)
never duel him (except if he burnt his W), and wait him to W before trading in lane, else he will always win the trade
Your passive will be a big advantage to escape from his passive
don't duel him, be careful of his support, you'll outscale him, and outrange him, if he gets a lead he will be really hard to deal with, else it is okay, your range will be your biggest advantage
Some Jinx main think she is super hard to deal with, some think she is easy, i'm from the one that love this matchup
You always outrange her, and outscale her, the only real threat is her support
abuse your range as much as you can, especially in the first levels, she can't do anything level 1 and 2, and you will always get level 2 first if you want it.
be super careful, her E is dangerous, her W is a real threat too, abuse your range, just poke her, and don't go for a long trade if your support didn't CC her hard, or if she still has her W
You outrange her, you outscale her, you might want to W her before ulting, to make her burn her E
try to avoid getting hit by her Q, and that's all
Despite his infinite scaling, you kind of outscale him, you'll deal more damage in team fight, more AOE, while having more range, you might be able to kill him in team fight due to his short range
in lane, abuse his short range, you will win this easly
You can also try to perma push him (if you have vision, and know where is their jungle/mid), it will make him harder to get stacks and farm (especially after he gets it's AOE Q)
Well, his poke is annoying, his CC ult is annoying, his burst is annoying, he will outdmg you in duel, and poke you hard, take cleanse for his ult, and don't fight him in lane if he do no mistake, you will outscale him, but that's all
Really easy matchup, she has no range, not much burst, abuse your range, and your waveclear, she can't waveclear as fast as you ! Never duel her, she will always win, just wait for your team, you will be way more efficient in team fight
Super easy matchup, play with your range, she will not be able to hit you, you also outscale her, you can also ult her to burn her R spell, you only have to worry about her Q AA E combo, just keep moving horizontally to her, she will not be able to root you.
Pretty easy matchup, you will deal more dmg in team fight, and you can abuse her short range, she will not dodge your rockets, despite what she says.
Will have a great waveclear, along with excellent poking tool, and utility, he is a big threat for Jinx, you outscale him really hard...
The only thing as dangerous as a psychotic girl with a rocket launcher, is another psychotic girl with a rocket launcher, so make sure to watch High elo Jinx main to improve, at least higher elo (a gold if you are silver for example)
go check out Tonirel on twitch/youtube, he's really good, you will learn a lot from him
Great support, her passive deal a lot of damage, her W is super useful (else to protect you from all in, or empower you), her E and ult are super OP with you, it is hard to die with a good lulu
Great synergy with his passive, he offer some great engage tool, along with a good peeling, stay behind Braum !
he is a great figure of manhood.
Good for an agressive lane, just E when he hook, for a nice chain CC
Great peeling and engage, not as good as Braum or Thresh
He's a great support, and offer great tool, however, his roaming playstyle is not a good thing for Jinx, you need to have a support on your side most of the time
Janna is great ! Nice peel, gives you movespeed and CC, a good Janna will let you have a great game
Good peeling, cc and damage, allow you to pressure your lane a lot with her AOE damage ability.
He has great damage, and push, making Brand Jinx a very aggressive lane
For an agressive lane, not as good as Thresh tho
Excellent peeling, and synergy with his W, and passive.
useful shield and cc, and that's pretty much everything, you can have easy kills with your E (after a morg Q)
Gives you damage, movespeed and good peeling, always a good thing to get a 2nd fish with you
i really like this support with Jinx, very aggressive, but he don't synergyse really well, he's an engage with no high cc
I know, many of you hate her, but she is actually pretty ok with Jinx, you have a great waveclear together, and a BIG pressure in lane, you can also chain CC her Q with your chompers
I really like Rakan, high amount of CC, and great protection !
You will not see her a lot, especially in lower elo, i personally like her a lot.
Renata Glasc
She is really good with Jinx, her Q into your E works great, her passive with your AA in lane deal a lot of damage, her E is ok, her R is great ((especially with your runaan)
The best part of her kit is her W, it allows you to all in someone, and just shoot everyone, and revive (with your passive ON !)
Good peeling, poke, waveclear, cc, her only big issue is her passive music, it'll make you go crazy
allows you to do mistake, it is easy to go even in lane with a soraka, and later outscale everyone
Late game, you are both beast, but early game, your duo is kind of worthless, any other enchanter is better
as a Jinx main, your worst threat with her will be boredom
Tahm Kench
not seen often, but always a pleasure, his ult is op, high shield for you, or can spit out ennemies in your traps
Meow Meow !
She can be else great, else horrible, it heavly depend on the matchup, against samira lulu, or kai'sa sona for example, she is really good, you will scale hard, and she cannot troll your lane, however, against some high poke (lux cait for example), your lane will be a nightmare
at least she's a cat, i love cats
No big synergy at all, but you both make everything go BOOM, so how could you loose ?
Great support, her passive deal a lot of damage, her W is super useful (else to protect you from all in, or empower you), her E and ult are super OP with you, it is hard to die with a good lulu
Great synergy with his passive, he offer some great engage tool, along with a good peeling, stay behind Braum !
he is a great figure of manhood.
Good for an agressive lane, just E when he hook, for a nice chain CC
Great peeling and engage, not as good as Braum or Thresh
He's a great support, and offer great tool, however, his roaming playstyle is not a good thing for Jinx, you need to have a support on your side most of the time
Janna is great ! Nice peel, gives you movespeed and CC, a good Janna will let you have a great game
Good peeling, cc and damage, allow you to pressure your lane a lot with her AOE damage ability.
He has great damage, and push, making Brand Jinx a very aggressive lane
For an agressive lane, not as good as Thresh tho
Excellent peeling, and synergy with his W, and passive.
useful shield and cc, and that's pretty much everything, you can have easy kills with your E (after a morg Q)
Gives you damage, movespeed and good peeling, always a good thing to get a 2nd fish with you
i really like this support with Jinx, very aggressive, but he don't synergyse really well, he's an engage with no high cc
I know, many of you hate her, but she is actually pretty ok with Jinx, you have a great waveclear together, and a BIG pressure in lane, you can also chain CC her Q with your chompers
I really like Rakan, high amount of CC, and great protection !
You will not see her a lot, especially in lower elo, i personally like her a lot.
Renata Glasc
She is really good with Jinx, her Q into your E works great, her passive with your AA in lane deal a lot of damage, her E is ok, her R is great ((especially with your runaan)
The best part of her kit is her W, it allows you to all in someone, and just shoot everyone, and revive (with your passive ON !)
Good peeling, poke, waveclear, cc, her only big issue is her passive music, it'll make you go crazy
allows you to do mistake, it is easy to go even in lane with a soraka, and later outscale everyone
Late game, you are both beast, but early game, your duo is kind of worthless, any other enchanter is better
as a Jinx main, your worst threat with her will be boredom
Tahm Kench
not seen often, but always a pleasure, his ult is op, high shield for you, or can spit out ennemies in your traps
Meow Meow !
She can be else great, else horrible, it heavly depend on the matchup, against samira lulu, or kai'sa sona for example, she is really good, you will scale hard, and she cannot troll your lane, however, against some high poke (lux cait for example), your lane will be a nightmare
at least she's a cat, i love cats
No big synergy at all, but you both make everything go BOOM, so how could you loose ?
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