The Xerath lane is very skill-based, but definitely in favour of Xerath.
You'll find most trouble with his long range and mana sustain. However, my genuine advice is to be closer to him, and don't be afraid to take EARLY trades.
While Xerath scales really well into the late game, his early-game is unfelt, in my experience, and can easily be taken advantage of by Hwei's dynamic kit.
Ashe would typically present an extreme problem as ADC due to her superior kiting. However, as support, she fails to lack domination to the degree that Hwei does. Hwei's sustain, poke, and versatility succeed Ashe in lane.
Tips: Don't overextend into her as this is inviting her to ult and burst you with adc + jgl. Try to keep behind minions (absorbing her W), or use bushes to get a passive proc while only taking W without autos.
Heimerdinger doesn't have many weak moments against Hwei, given Hwei's average range. While your experience against Heimer will not be as bad as if you were a melee, you'll find his damage and constant wave pushing very oppressive, rendering you basically useless.
Tips: Genuinely avoid him. Focus on objective, and jungle control, and roaming to mid or top so that your team can make progress. With that said, be mindful of the wave state, and whether leaving your ADC is a suitable option.
Karma is, in my opinion, one of the strongest supports in the game. Her ability to sustain, while having great control over your mobility with the same ability that chunks you down... her presence is very felt. Karma has very little downtime, but she does have to walk up if she wants to use W and non-empowered Qs.
Tips: If you find Karma walking up with no support from ADC, or generally overextending into a wave, EE or EW into any Q ability would be a good response.
Leona is unfair. Not much else to say.
Tips: Ban her.
Due to Lux's limitation of her Qs only going through 1 target (hitting 2 max), she finds herself having to walk up if she ever wants to properly engage.
Tips: Be good at dodging, and play behind minions.
Milio has very low damage, and an average attack range. His only form of poke is E + AA, or Qing a minion.
Tips: If he wastes Q on a minion, WQ, any E (I recommend EE or EW), into any Q ability. If he's walking up to E + AA, make sure you're using bushes or taking advantage of him not using cover.
Nami pokes you just as well as you poke her. You'll struggle to win trades with her, unless she's on super high ping. My recommendation is just focusing on what your ADC is doing, honestly. If your ADC finds a time to go in, use EE and any Q ability.
Tips: Don't repetitively walk into her just to get E + W from her, you lose those.
Extremely high burst - if she catches you, you're either dead, or about to be.
Pyke wouldn't be so bad, if his hitboxes weren't abysmal, but they are so... here we are.
Tips: Don't walk up at all. Pray that your ADC doesn't hard push mindlessly, and use minions if necessary.
While Rakan is strong, Hwei takes advantage of overextenders. The only annoying thing about Rakan is his mobility - but it's still not that big of a problem.
Prevalent support, but pretty evenly matched.
Tips: Have your E ready and hovered for her W engage - press Q on her, and you've won a trade.
Renata Glasc
Senna is super oppressive, and outranges you hard. It's hard to find moments to capitalise on Senna, since you typically do less damage than other mages, and can only really punish her for hard overextensions.
Just be mindful of her abilities - they're pretty slow so you shouldn't struggle too hard.
Tips: Play parallel to your adc, rather than perpendicular, since you'll want to avoid both getting ulted or cc'd by her.
Probably one of the best pokes in the game, super agile and oppressive, but takes a while to scale up.
Tips: Try to take advantage of her mis-positioning if she goes in for poke with Q.
Isn't an awful matchup, but your damage kinda justifies Soraka's healing.
Tips: Avoid her Q (obviously), but it enables her healing a lot more, and you already have lower damage than the average mage.
Tahm Kench
Surprisingly, this matchup isn't that awful, as long as you're not tanking every Q or W. He's slow and melee, meaning he has lots of moments in which he's pokeable, with not much cc, escape, or engage.
Your mobility supersedes Taric's, meaning you won't have an awful time, just be weary of his bush control and his position - you don't want to get surprised by his E.
Tips: Ward the middle bush for alcove vision, and a general indicator of where he is.
Just don't get hit by Q tbh. Other than that, not all that scary.
Yuumi isn't so much of a *threat* as she is annoying; her shielding can really hurt your numbers when it comes to damage.
Tips: Let her ADC make positional mistakes, being able to take quick advantage of your cc abilities if they are to overstep.
Surprisingly not as bad as someone like Senna or Xerath, but still a definite nuisance.
Tips: Play back, play safe, and watch for her walking up to E you.
Ashe isn't really known for her ability to burst or take quick trades, but she does kite well, just like Hwei, so this is definitely a solid lane.
Hwei's only form of hard cc, realistically, is his EW - which is both dodgeable, and hard to hit, if they're not overextending. However, Caitlyn's burst and overall DPS synergises really well with Hwei's ability to take advantage of people positioning poorly.
I personally find Ezreal to be pretty weak with Hwei, given that they both have "solid" spells in the sense that they get stopped by things in front of them. This isn't ideal, nor is it very threatening. While this isn't a bad synergy, I wouldn't expect a fast, aggressive lane.
Jhin loves mobility and kiting, as does Hwei. His burst damage, ability to lock down targets and play in-out is great with Hwei.
Jinx takes great advantage of movement speed and locked-down targets.
Great burst champion that locks down on cc'd targets.
You provide literally nothing for Kalista, and vice versa. You also don't wanna be the one getting ulted into the middle of everyone. Not a great lane in terms of synergy, but still winnable.
Great for taking short, bursty trades. Only drawback is your inability to consistently proc his passive without hurting your own DPS, since WW provides nothing to you, and only gives him 2 autos. I'd stick to using WE to buff your damage + sustain mana, or WQ for kiting and chase. However, you can proc his passive by cc'ing people, so it's just a matter of consistently taking advantage of positioning.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is a strong ADC, but you don't really offer anything to her, other than movement.
These 2 were made to play together, Hwei's frequent burst trade patterns, combined with Samira's general burst DPS and passive is a great synergy.
Super oppressive duo, great control over mobility and kiting.
Another super oppressive duo that love kiting together, and being all-around annoying.
While Tristana is a great ADC, you struggle to provide anything for her, except maybe extending her trades with R slow and some mild cc.
Varus is arguably weak independently, yet he wants to burst people. Due to Hwei's natively low damage, I'd say there's not much synergy here.
Again, another super oppressive lane where you can take advantage of overextenders, with both your cc and movement.
Another super fast lane with lots of mobility and quick burst patterns. Only problem you'll have is keeping up with her :)
Ashe isn't really known for her ability to burst or take quick trades, but she does kite well, just like Hwei, so this is definitely a solid lane.
Hwei's only form of hard cc, realistically, is his EW - which is both dodgeable, and hard to hit, if they're not overextending. However, Caitlyn's burst and overall DPS synergises really well with Hwei's ability to take advantage of people positioning poorly.
I personally find Ezreal to be pretty weak with Hwei, given that they both have "solid" spells in the sense that they get stopped by things in front of them. This isn't ideal, nor is it very threatening. While this isn't a bad synergy, I wouldn't expect a fast, aggressive lane.
Jhin loves mobility and kiting, as does Hwei. His burst damage, ability to lock down targets and play in-out is great with Hwei.
Jinx takes great advantage of movement speed and locked-down targets.
Great burst champion that locks down on cc'd targets.
You provide literally nothing for Kalista, and vice versa. You also don't wanna be the one getting ulted into the middle of everyone. Not a great lane in terms of synergy, but still winnable.
Great for taking short, bursty trades. Only drawback is your inability to consistently proc his passive without hurting your own DPS, since WW provides nothing to you, and only gives him 2 autos. I'd stick to using WE to buff your damage + sustain mana, or WQ for kiting and chase. However, you can proc his passive by cc'ing people, so it's just a matter of consistently taking advantage of positioning.
Miss Fortune
Miss Fortune is a strong ADC, but you don't really offer anything to her, other than movement.
These 2 were made to play together, Hwei's frequent burst trade patterns, combined with Samira's general burst DPS and passive is a great synergy.
Super oppressive duo, great control over mobility and kiting.
Another super oppressive duo that love kiting together, and being all-around annoying.
While Tristana is a great ADC, you struggle to provide anything for her, except maybe extending her trades with R slow and some mild cc.
Varus is arguably weak independently, yet he wants to burst people. Due to Hwei's natively low damage, I'd say there's not much synergy here.
Again, another super oppressive lane where you can take advantage of overextenders, with both your cc and movement.
Another super fast lane with lots of mobility and quick burst patterns. Only problem you'll have is keeping up with her :)
Hi! I'm fashido, and I like playing things that aren't meta - not that they're not strong, but rather hidden gems. I find that support role suits me best, but not the champs designed for it... so I make my own, and I wanna share some.
In League, I've spent a lot of timing trying to find out what I enjoy, and I found it; learning new things, and making sense of the nonsensical is a great passion, hence my eagerness to try out new champions.
Hwei's Combos by Context
Wave Management
EE () should pull everything in (do it at a right-angle to the wave), ready to be followed up by a QQ/QW.
Use this when needing to crash/reset a wave.
You can also use WW to hold a wave, or WE to shave off some minions to make a freeze.
Poke and Short Trades
For convenience, WE/WQ is implied at the start of all combos.
This means any AA includes WE before.
Full Combos and Execute Patterns
WE → EQ → R → QQ
WE → EE → R → QQ
WE → QQ/QE → R → EQ/EE/EW → QQ
Typically, you'll find that combo/execute follows a general pattern of WE for damage buff, into any CC ability (E1-3) then QQ for max health damage. The last combo is harder to pull and is very situational, depending on how much time the other person has to escape, but allows for a higher damage output since the Q is used earliest, allowing it for it to be back up towards or at the end of your ultimate (R).
Kiting Patterns
WQ → EQ → QQ
You should focus on kiting in and out when the other player/s have something else to focus on. If the ADC walks up to farm, or their Support walks up to poke, use these combos to gain an MS buff along with some CC into Poke. You can easily weave yourself and your ADC in and out of a trade using bushes - and minions if they're casters. Try to look for moments when their Support is roaming to ward, etc. since their Support can't respond or follow up for them.
To be honest, I don't see Hwei as a burst mage, but rather that he adopts a Cassiopeia/Orianna playstyle. He wants to be in then out, in then out. People keep trying to force him to play out like Xerath, or Syndra, using all their abilities then just walking away and acting surprised they aren't dead. Yes, he deals lower damage, but he has so much control and really low CDs with this build. His kiting is great, as is his pressure, when played correctly. Feel free to comment, leave feedback, whatever you want. I am low elo, so I will understand that my thoughts and takes will not resonate with all, but I do hope you'll try the build out! Thank youuu <3
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