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Mordekaiser Build Guide by MordeJungleUser

Jungle [1v9] Grandmaster Tier Mordekaiser Jungle build.

Jungle [1v9] Grandmaster Tier Mordekaiser Jungle build.

Updated on November 3, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MordeJungleUser Build Guide By MordeJungleUser 10,818 Views 0 Comments
10,818 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MordeJungleUser Mordekaiser Build Guide By MordeJungleUser Updated on November 3, 2023
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Runes: Conq. + Inspiration (MAIN)

1 2
Legend: Tenacity
Last Stand

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Ghost + Smite
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Champion Build Guide

[1v9] Grandmaster Tier Mordekaiser Jungle build.

By MordeJungleUser
This Mordekaiser guide will teach YOU how to play Mordekaiser Jungle like an absolute Beast!
Why Mordekaiser Jungle?
Mordekaiser in the Jungle is good for many reasons.

- You can 1v9 if snowballed
- You Level 2 Powerspike with E Magic Pen%
- Mordekaiser Scales throughout the game if right items are built
- Good Gank Setup if abilities hit.
- Ult for Gapcloser.
About Morde
Mordekaiser is a really good duelist and tank shreder thanks to his passive. Morde is really good pick into tank teamcomps and champions that fights in melee range. Mordekaiser has built-in bonus movement speed from passive basically allows you to stick close to enemy but if it's not enough Mordekaiser also got his ultimate to lock down opponent.

+ Manaless
+ Decent All Game.
+ 1v1 Demon
+ Good Movement speed from Passive
+ Gapcloser Ultimate
+ Good with teamfights
+ Stat Stealer
+ Bulit in Magic Pen
- Ult can be QSS'd
- Immobile
- Lack of CC
- Often Banned
- Clunky Skillshot Anim.
Tips and Important Info (Credit to Raen)
★ Basic trick on Mordekaiser Obliterate + Flash. Classic Flash trick where you Q and then Flash in the middle of the Q.

★ Q damage is increased if it hits only one enemy.

★ Basic combo is to pull enemy towards you with your E, while in the middle of your E cast Q and then auto attack to instantly trigger your passive.

★ If you are stucked in Cassio W R her and it will free you from her W as it will not come with you into the Death Realm.

★ Always try to R the biggest threat from enemy team, even if you won't win 1vs1, you will buy enough time for your team to make them clean all enemies when there will be no threat to stop them.

★ You can pull enemies away by using E if you aim it in front of your champion.

★ Mordekaiser E can cancel any channels in the game eg. when enemy is using Teleport

★ Vs Kindred if she is in her ult, Mordekaiser can ult her and her ult will not be present in the death realm.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MordeJungleUser
MordeJungleUser Mordekaiser Guide
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[1v9] Grandmaster Tier Mordekaiser Jungle build.

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