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Jax Build Guide by PH45

Top [25.06] ThisIsPatrik's In-depth Jax Guide

Top [25.06] ThisIsPatrik's In-depth Jax Guide

Updated on March 19, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PH45 Build Guide By PH45 8024 367 19,334,139 Views 387 Comments
8024 367 19,334,139 Views 387 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PH45 Jax Build Guide By PH45 Updated on March 19, 2025
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elcocotigre | November 11, 2024 7:50pm
I will take the guy from the guide as my teacher, I hope you wish me luck because I will follow your advice blindly, I really liked the general writing, sorry if it is not very understandable, it is because I use a translator
PH45 (39) | November 13, 2024 3:21pm
Glad you liked the guide! Good luck on the grind with Jax!
Ninjauberkill | October 19, 2024 11:16am
Great guide!
Laloralanda (1) | September 6, 2024 5:05pm
Hi, how are you doing? the ryze matchup is pissing me off lately... can you recommend me runes, build and or advices for it? pleasee
PH45 (39) | September 7, 2024 1:36am
Hello! I'm doing good thanks for asking.

Haven't vs'd Ryze much as of recent, but for that matchup I'd probably either go Grasp of the Undying or Fleet Footwork. Grasp will give you stronger short trades especially since Ryze will usually root you when you engage and run away with his Phase Rush. You usually want to let him proc Phase Rush and when its down then engage on him. He is relatively squishy before he acquires Seraph's Embrace so you should be able to wither him down bit by bit as long as you don't get poked by him through the wave. I'd just probably rock the standard build of Trinity Force into Stridebreaker to keep up with him, but you can also throw in a Wit's End for some magic resistance.
Laloralanda (1) | September 21, 2024 9:50am
Thank you!
AbyssalMidir | April 14, 2024 8:40pm
Tips against Zac Top?
PH45 (39) | May 3, 2024 12:39am
I personally run Grasp of the Undying and try to go for just quick W's during lane, also baiting him to W and backstepping out of it and then walking up again. Make sure to deny him the healing off his blobs if possible since thats his main source of sustain. At 6 you have to be careful since his ult spawns a lot of blobs for him and also does a lot of damage. It's not a very good lane for Jax imo but its winnable.
Top_Lane_Apprentice | February 6, 2024 2:24pm
Hi! I currently following your guide to play Jax and I'm improving little by little
And i have a question to ask, Did you try the Experimetal Hexplate on Jax for the S14?
PH45 (39) | May 3, 2024 12:39am
Hello! Don't think that item is something that Jax wants since your ult CD isn't that problematic anyways, and you want ability haste for your normal abilities rather than only your ult.
Akxshi | January 11, 2024 7:49am
hii!!! The new season has greatly changed the builds of many characters, including Jax. and I noticed that taam kench has become very hard for Jax, since without divin sunderer Jax lacks sustain and damage against it.what do you recommend buying, and basically what to do against this catfish?
PH45 (39) | January 12, 2024 2:00am

I haven't faced Tahm Kench yet personally, so I can't say yet anything really other than I'd still probably go Trinity Force into Titanic Hydra since early on you can still kill him and afterwards just waveclear with Hydra.

I'm not sure about any of the shred items yet for Jax. In some rare cases maybe Terminus is viable but I won't make any statements yet on that since I haven't tested much. Also in terms of sustain Sundered Sky is a viable option.
Akxshi | January 12, 2024 2:30am
Dewutt610 | May 18, 2023 2:35pm
Could jax use any of the new items like rageblade and go hybrid jax since now he has better AP ratios?
PH45 (39) | May 19, 2023 12:23am
Really don't see Guinsoo's Rageblade working for Jax since he has no HP while rushing it and you are also giving up Sheen on first item. If you go Essence Reaver second, still have no HP to tank anything. At its best, it's probably a 4fun build you can do, but personally I don't see it.
RandomNPC777 (4) | March 24, 2023 2:06am
Your guide is just loverly, my only thought is that maybe you want to build a color theme? pick a color, or a couple close colors, and consider even recoloring your item links. The idea being that your guide ends up with a more cohesive visual theme.
PH45 (39) | April 4, 2023 11:42pm
Glad you enjoyed the guide! My guide definitely needs a bit of visual tuning but I've been really lazy with putting together new ideas towards it. It will happen eventually though 👍
Akxshi | February 11, 2023 3:23am
Hi! I have one more question. . what jax build do you prefer this patch/season? it's just strange to see bork in the recommended items, knowing your preference, wits end.
PH45 (39) | February 11, 2023 3:43am
I still stick to the regular Divine Sunderer -> Wit's End/ Blade of the Ruined King -> situational basically just depending on what enemy team has. Zhonya's Hourglass is pretty nice item even sometimes 2nd if you need to be the one engaging for your team since it will buy you time while your team follows your engage.

While it's true I preferred Wit's End for a long time, my choice basically depends on what I'm laning vs and if they have multiple AP champions. If they have like 2-3 AP champions or more then I probably opt for Wit's End, unless they are really behind and the game seems like a stomp then I might just go Blade of the Ruined King anyways. Blade of the Ruined King is fine if they have less AP damage since you can itemize things like Anathema's Chains vs singular AP champ or a fed AP champ.
Akxshi | February 11, 2023 12:17pm
Really thank you!!! you really helped really helped me.
Laloralanda (1) | February 2, 2023 5:11pm
Hi! its me again for a simple question: its a bad option buy corropted potion at the start? not even the game recomend it anymore... why?
PH45 (39) | February 3, 2023 8:12am
Corrupting Potion got nerfed and you don't run Time Warp Tonic because of the nerf on it as well, so its overall just worse these days. Doran's Blade or Doran's Shield is just far superior option these days since it gives good stats for laning and generally allows you to sustain and fight through your way for the first reset to buy Refillable Potion if you need the extra sustain. Only difference is you have to be a bit more conservative with mana but that's why you take Biscuit Delivery to help you with mana issues.
Akxshi | February 1, 2023 9:40pm
Hy! I really like your guide. what do you think about the conqueror? is he a good choice for jax? Or is lethal Tempo better? do need an hourglass for jax?
PH45 (39) | February 3, 2023 8:09am
While Conqueror is viable choice, I think Lethal Tempo is still just superior since it makes you a lot stronger in early lane phase and if you can't make use of Lethal Tempo then you opt for Grasp of the Undying in matchups like Akali and Kennen etc where you don't get extended trades.

Zhonya's Hourglass is a situational item for Jax. If you are doing the engaging for your team and your team doesn't really have proper follow up, or if you just need to buy time in general in fights then Zhonya's Hourglass is a fine option.
Akxshi | February 11, 2023 3:25am
Thank you!!! This question arose from the fact that I often see a conqueror in some other jax players. so I decided to get your opinion on this rune. thanks a lot again!!
ItsEnderSoul | January 23, 2023 12:50am
Hello! I like your guide! I wanted to know something... Is still worthy to build AP with Jax currently? Since his AP ratios are pretty nice, I see his damage output is OP XD But I dont know if this kind of build stills being a good idea. Recently, I was playing as Jax and all my team were AD, so... I was thinking of this build can be good in this kind of situations or not, and stick to AD.
PH45 (39) | February 3, 2023 8:06am

The regular Jax build is still superior to going AP build. The changes to Jax basically just allow him to have a broader itemization and include some AP items in his regular build situationally like Cosmic Drive and Zhonya's Hourglass. The laning and scaling to late game with AP build is just way harder than with the normal build, and you are relying on oneshotting a lot with the AP build.
ItsEnderSoul | February 4, 2023 9:44pm
Thank you! :D You are right. It is hard to survive being AP.
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