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Ability Order
Granite Shield (PASSIVE)
Malphite Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Hi my name is Secretmagoo. I've been playing League for around a year and a half now. While I'm not the best player in the world by any means, I still have an above average understanding of the game. This is my top Malphite guide. Malphite has become my favorite top lane champion this season. His overall tankyness and amazing Ultimate makes him a champion worth learning. Let me know what you think by leaving a rating and a comment as this is my first guide.

equal to 10% max health every 10/8/6 seconds depending on your level.

damage not horrible, it steals the a percentage of the enemies movement speed meaning you can stick right on them or escape a gank.

increases Malphite's Attack Damage and Armor by 20/25/30/35/40 percent depending on how many times you've leveled it up. This is great for tanking turrets, farming, or just fighting overall. The passive on Brutal Strikes attacks nearby enemies for a percentage of your AD.

and damage from +30% of armor and +20% from AP, encourages a tanky build as it scales off of overall Armor. It is also the best ability for farming as it all enemies in an area around Malphite.

dashes forward and knocks up all enemies he hits and stuns them for 1.5 seconds. Using this at the right time can be all that is needed to turn a teamfight around. It can also be used as a second flash for escaping a tricky situation.
Greater Quintessence of Attack Damage: There are two real options to take for Quinces. You can take some armor Quince or Attack Damage Quince. Personally I take the Damage ones for some early aid in lane.
Greater Mark of Attack Damage: This is the best mark to take at this point. It gives some added attack damage for trading and farming. Nothing better to take.
Greater Glyph of Magic Resist: This is the best glyph to take. While you most likely won't be needing magic resist in lane. It will help out late game when tanking AP carries.
Greater Seal of Armor: Extra Armor is idea on Malphite. It means taking less damage in lane and added damage from your W. Unless the meta changes soon, you should always take armor seals on Malphite.
This rune page is pretty basic. I don't like going for the crazy set ups and this usually does the job quite well. It has some armor magic resist and attack damage for better farming and trading. If you're trying to find a page that does well on most champions, this is a great one for AD champs.
Malphite has a relatively boring laning phase to be honest. It is unlikely that there will be many kills without ganks or tower dives. Your W and E are your primary farming abilities and having a sunfire cape helps as well. I wouldn't use Seismic Shard (Q) very often as it does little damage and costs a large amount of mana. Only go in to trade when your passive shield is up. If you get jumped on, use your W for extra armor, use Q for extra movement speed to get away, and if needed use your R to gain some extra distance.
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