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Choose Champion Build:
- A Gold Farmer
- Standard
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Ability Order
Phenomenal Evil Power (PASSIVE)
Veigar Passive Ability
Veigar gains a stack of Phenomenal Evil whenever he hits an enemy champion with an ability, and 5 stacks whenever he scores a champion takedown. Veigar gains 1 Ability Power for every stack of Phenomenal Evil.
MANA COST: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Passive : Upon killing a unit you gain ability power. 1 ability power for minions/monsters, 5 ability power for champions
Active : Veigar throws a projectile that deals damage to a maximum of 2 units. Dealing 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 60% AP) magic damage.
MANA COST: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Veigar calls down Dark Matter and after 1.5 seconds dealing 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+ 100% AP) AoE magic damage.
MANA COST: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Veigar places down a circle of astral energy stunning all units that collide with the walls. STUN DURATION: 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 / 2.5
MANA COST: 100/100/100
Veigar blasts the target enemy champion with primordial energy, dealing a percentage of the target's missing health 175 / 250 / 325 (+ 75% AP) minimum damage, 350 / 500 / 650 (+ 150% AP) maximum damage.
Veigar gains a stack of Phenomenal Evil whenever he hits an enemy champion with an ability, and 5 stacks whenever he scores a champion takedown. Veigar gains 1 Ability Power for every stack of Phenomenal Evil.
MANA COST: 40 / 45 / 50 / 55 / 60
Passive : Upon killing a unit you gain ability power. 1 ability power for minions/monsters, 5 ability power for champions
Active : Veigar throws a projectile that deals damage to a maximum of 2 units. Dealing 70 / 110 / 150 / 190 / 230 (+ 60% AP) magic damage.
MANA COST: 60 / 65 / 70 / 75 / 80
Veigar calls down Dark Matter and after 1.5 seconds dealing 100 / 150 / 200 / 250 / 300 (+ 100% AP) AoE magic damage.
MANA COST: 70 / 75 / 80 / 85 / 90
Veigar places down a circle of astral energy stunning all units that collide with the walls. STUN DURATION: 1.5 / 1.75 / 2 / 2.25 / 2.5
MANA COST: 100/100/100
Veigar blasts the target enemy champion with primordial energy, dealing a percentage of the target's missing health 175 / 250 / 325 (+ 75% AP) minimum damage, 350 / 500 / 650 (+ 150% AP) maximum damage.
Since I have played since the closed beta. And have mained Veigar ever since then. I still have that "Ignore the enemy mentality". As far as lane phase goes, this is 70% correct. I personally
think that farming with your Q is far more important than wasting it just to damage a champion.
What you should do is use your Q for both tasks. Since now you can hit 2 units with Baleful Strike, you can now do both of these things! I would suggest being careful about your Event Horizon, because it has a fairly long cooldown at low ranks.
One of my favorite features about Veigar is his long range. If you look at the range on his Q, it is actually pretty long ranged. So if you are facing a bully then I would suggest you use that range to all of its potential.
think that farming with your Q is far more important than wasting it just to damage a champion.
What you should do is use your Q for both tasks. Since now you can hit 2 units with Baleful Strike, you can now do both of these things! I would suggest being careful about your Event Horizon, because it has a fairly long cooldown at low ranks.
One of my favorite features about Veigar is his long range. If you look at the range on his Q, it is actually pretty long ranged. So if you are facing a bully then I would suggest you use that range to all of its potential.
On my last comprehensive guide, I was not able to give any in depth advice about abilities. Primarily because they were very simple. But here I can give some pointers to how you can use your abilities.
Baleful Strike: If you did not read above Baleful Strike can hit 2 targets. So what I tend to do if I cannot get in an angle to hit 2 creeps. Is I use it to hit 1 creep and then hit the enemy laner. Generally, if you cannot get in an angle that probably means you can hit your enemy.
Dark Matter: This is actually a combo but I feel like I should talk about it. So this is a combo that basically uses your Dark Matter to zone your enemy. One evil thing you can do is put dark matter close to your enemy or on the side. They will have to move out of the way to not take the insane damage. You can take advantage of this. Make it so they either step in your W or get stuck in an E.
Event Horizon: One thing that is important when aiming this skill is not to see the walls, but to see the center-point of the ability. If you see the center-point you can see how many champions you can actually get in an Event Horizon.
Primordial Burst: Not too much to note use it as an execute.
Baleful Strike: If you did not read above Baleful Strike can hit 2 targets. So what I tend to do if I cannot get in an angle to hit 2 creeps. Is I use it to hit 1 creep and then hit the enemy laner. Generally, if you cannot get in an angle that probably means you can hit your enemy.
Dark Matter: This is actually a combo but I feel like I should talk about it. So this is a combo that basically uses your Dark Matter to zone your enemy. One evil thing you can do is put dark matter close to your enemy or on the side. They will have to move out of the way to not take the insane damage. You can take advantage of this. Make it so they either step in your W or get stuck in an E.
Event Horizon: One thing that is important when aiming this skill is not to see the walls, but to see the center-point of the ability. If you see the center-point you can see how many champions you can actually get in an Event Horizon.
Primordial Burst: Not too much to note use it as an execute.
Let's take a little break...
I recently played Final Fantasy IX. I think I know where Veigar's design came from. Think about it like this, WHAT IF Veigar was a mashup of Steiner, Freya, Garnet, and Vivi? I see the resemblance. Veigar's staff is Freya's weapon, Veigar's belt and helmet thing is from Steiner. And he even has a White Mage Veigar skin resembling Princess Garnet. And vivi...isn't it obvious?
Picture is by MTC-Studio on Deviantart
I recently played Final Fantasy IX. I think I know where Veigar's design came from. Think about it like this, WHAT IF Veigar was a mashup of Steiner, Freya, Garnet, and Vivi? I see the resemblance. Veigar's staff is Freya's weapon, Veigar's belt and helmet thing is from Steiner. And he even has a White Mage Veigar skin resembling Princess Garnet. And vivi...isn't it obvious?
Picture is by MTC-Studio on Deviantart
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