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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Void Shift (PASSIVE)
Malzahar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Does more damage than Malzahar for a long time, and his passive keeps your shield down even longer. Be careful not to get stunned.
This build maximizes Malzahar's stickiness and innate tankinss with his passive
Void Shift. Despite the support item,
Frost Queen's Claim in the build, you should still be going mid with this. Support doesnt give you enough gold. I like the new rune, ultimate hat because it allows malz to ult more and more as the game goes on.

Very sticky, high kill potential against unsuspecting foes
Hard to kill if you have gotten a few of the tanky items
Good at split pushing with his waveclear and
Zz'Rot Portal
Very fun to play at full items
Builds a support item early on, even though he can't full utilize its passive
Lacks damage for a while, as he doesn't build much AP until
Like any Malzahar, immobilizes himself when he ults, leaving him vulnerable to multpile enemies
Very sticky, high kill potential against unsuspecting foes
Hard to kill if you have gotten a few of the tanky items
Good at split pushing with his waveclear and

Very fun to play at full items
Builds a support item early on, even though he can't full utilize its passive
Lacks damage for a while, as he doesn't build much AP until

Like any Malzahar, immobilizes himself when he ults, leaving him vulnerable to multpile enemies
Most common spell in midlane. Use it to catch up to foes or to run away.
For obvious purposes. Escape or chasing. Very helpful for the flash into 

Summon Aery
After playing malz for a bit,

The Ultimate Hat
By far the best rune to get on

Transcendence The good thing about this runes is the ability to overcap on your CDR without too much harm. Free AP never hurted anyone.
Scorch is the closest to poor old deathfire grasp. It has a 20 second cooldown, but is great for chunking people down with just one ability.
Cheap Shot Dealing more damage while I outplay them with
Nether Grasp? I'm fine with that.
Ingenious Hunter With
Ingenious Hunter, the more kills you get, the lower the
Frost Queen's Claim's active CD will go down, allowing for more plays.

Scorch is the closest to poor old deathfire grasp. It has a 20 second cooldown, but is great for chunking people down with just one ability.
Cheap Shot Dealing more damage while I outplay them with
Nether Grasp? I'm fine with that.
Ingenious Hunter With
Ingenious Hunter, the more kills you get, the lower the
Frost Queen's Claim's active CD will go down, allowing for more plays.

Cheap Shot Dealing more damage while I outplay them with
Nether Grasp? I'm fine with that.
Ingenious Hunter With
Ingenious Hunter, the more kills you get, the lower the
Frost Queen's Claim's active CD will go down, allowing for more plays.

Ingenious Hunter With
Ingenious Hunter, the more kills you get, the lower the
Frost Queen's Claim's active CD will go down, allowing for more plays.

Frost Queen's Claim
Frost Queen's Claim seems like it should only be used for support, but that's not necessarily true. It's active is similar to a free rylais proc. The new update to the support items also allows you to get

Ionian Boots of Lucidity
CDR boots to cap out your CDR and to make your 

This item does not need to be bought after the 
Rylai's Crystal Scepter

Zz'rot Portal
This strange item gives 

Zhonya's Hourglass
Build this as one of the later items. With 

Banshee's Veil
Who doesn't need more spell shields? Build this if you are behind in an AP matchup, it'll give you two free spell dodges before you start taking damage.
Randuin's Omen
Build this if you're behind in an AD matchup. It gives you a little bit more stickiness if you're standing close enough to utilize 
Liandry's Torment

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