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Shaco Build Guide by ChaseShaco



Updated on July 31, 2018
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League of Legends Build Guide Author ChaseShaco Build Guide By ChaseShaco 26 2 28,402 Views 4 Comments
26 2 28,402 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author ChaseShaco Shaco Build Guide By ChaseShaco Updated on July 31, 2018
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Introduction to the Author

*Challenger since Season 6
*Peaked Rank 8 Season 7
*Peaked 700 LP Season 8
*Streamer on Twitch
*Content creator on YouTube
*2.5 million+ mastery points on Shaco between all accounts
*Playing League since Season 2
*Shaco main since Season 4
*Associate and coach on
And a special thanks to Booper for putting this all together! Couldn't have done it without you!
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Pros and Cons of Shaco

Let's take a look at some of the pros of playing Shaco:

And here are some cons to consider:
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Summoner Spells

I take and every game and I highly recommend you do as well. Shaco is a very snowball oriented champion and gives you the needed kill pressure because Shaco lacks early damage. is given for jungling.

While we're talking about Summoner Spells, let's go over a few suboptimal ones and why you should / (probably) shouldn't take them:

- Exhaust is another option that can benefit you in certain matchups or against certain team compositions such as already having multiple s or going up against multiple assassins, however in most cases I do believe that is the superior summoner spell.

- A good Shaco player should never need Flash, however if for some reason you prefer to take it, be aware that you will lack most of the early kill pressure that helps Shaco get snowballing.

Most other Summoner Spells such as and are a bit ridiculous, especially when using a build like mine, and using the runes I use. Feel free to ask in the comments below but odds are, taking Smite and Ignite is your optimal set.
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With the last few patches, my runes have changed significantly. I was a firm believer in ever since Runes Reforged. I would tell anyone it was just overall better, and still believe it was. However, the current meta is extremely early game reliant, and very focused on fighting early in skirmishes or even just for scuttle, so right now I recommend . In this meta, you gank less often and farm slower, meaning that Dark Harvest is incredibly weak on this patch.
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At the moment I believe this to be the uncontested BEST Shaco build.

The burst, clear, survivability, and overall strength of the build is insane. Many ask why I don't purchase the fully upgraded jungle item, and to that I'll tell you that the combination of items I've put together have really good synergy, and with the jungle item being mildly weak on Shaco and taking up an item slot, I feel that it's unnecessary. IF, for some odds reason you really prefer taking a jungle item (which again I advise against), take into bruisers and tanks and into squishier team compositions.

If you're looking to add this into your own client, click right here. Copy the text into your clipboard and head to the Collection tab. Head to Items and click on the first icon in the upper right, and paste your copied set. Enjoy!
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Jungle Clears

Most of the time I use one of these 3 jungle clears to start off the game:

Red, Krugs, and Scuttle Crab Clear

This first clear is hands down my favorite and also one of the fastest Level 3 clears in the game currently. As you see in the video, place 2 s on red buff, 2 s on krugs, and make sure to ask your bot lane for a leash on red buff. Once you finish red buff, over to krugs immediately, you can leave one medium-sized krug, then head over to scuttle crab. Make sure you save for the crab! This clear is a little risk into strong early game junglers like or .

Blue, Gromp, and Scuttle Crab Clear

Place 3 s on blue buff and 1 on gromp. Save smite after clearing blue buff and gromp and go to secure scuttle crab. This is a solid clear and afterwards, you can look to invade or continue farming your own jungle situationally. This clear is safer than the first, however you will not hit Level 3 after just those 3 camps.

Blue, Gromp, and Wolves Clear

Place 2 s on blue buff, 1 on gromp, and one on the blast plant to use for wolves. This is the safest of my 3 clears, and good against strong early game junglers that you don't want to meet early on in the jungle.
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Shaco Tricks

Check out some of my favorite Q Tricks right here:
Also another pretty cool trick you can do with your clone:
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Why No s?
Contrary to popular belief, I am firmly against using . helps you clear your jungle efficiently and also provide much needed early to mid-game skirmishing power.

Why Don't You Build Crit?
The build path for crit at the moment puts in a very weak spot until he finishes his items with a lacking for AD. Crit is also very expensive and is reliant on you hitting your , which is very easy to miss in a hectic late game teamfight.

Why No Jungle Item?
Shaco is very reliant and it's necessary to get non-jungle items ASAP (such as .)

Chase, I've sold my soul and become a Shaco main. What skin should I buy?
First of all, I want to congratulate you and welcome you to the club. Second, Masked Shaco is the best. The new effects on all of his abilities, a new texture for your clone, and the fans, all for only 975 RP? Who couldn't love this skin?
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On Your Way!

Well that's all I've got! Thanks for reading all the way through the guide. Hopefully with some good decision-making, a good mental, and my Shaco guide, I'll see you in Challenger in no time! In the meantime I wish you the best of luck! Feel free to follow me on Twitch and subscribe to me on YouTube for some more content. Have a great day!
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