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Kayn Build Guide by Ghionova

Jungle [8.18] Kayn, Path of Shadow Assassin

Jungle [8.18] Kayn, Path of Shadow Assassin

Updated on June 30, 2019
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ghionova Build Guide By Ghionova 98 8 210,003 Views 7 Comments
98 8 210,003 Views 7 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Ghionova Kayn Build Guide By Ghionova Updated on June 30, 2019
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Kayn
    Shadow Assassin Kayn
  • LoL Champion: Kayn
    Hail Attackspeed SA Kayn
  • LoL Champion: Kayn
    Dark Harvest Oneshot Build


Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Ravenous Hunter

Legend: Tenacity
Coup de Grace


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None


-Pros / Cons
-Creeping / Jungling
-Skill Sequence
-Match History
-Shadow Assassin Kayn Montage
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Pros / Cons

Pros + Kayn can gank from places that most junglers cant that easily
+ Has an ult that makes him untargetable (damage over time and hydra still work while he is inside of a champion.)
+ Kayn has good clear in jungle
+ Q can also be used to dash over some walls
+ Has good clear in jungle
+ He is really fast out of combat.

Cons - Requires transformation to become truly strong
- Once you choose a form you can't change
- Shadow Assassin isn't that effective against tanky champions
- Pretty low range
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Is the safer option than Dark Harvest because you might be behind and wont come into mid or late game. Electrocute is also a very nice pick because a single Q Reaping Slash and auto attack / Q Reaping Slash and W Blade's Reach trigger the Electrocute rune.
Sudden Impact:

Is a must have for Kayn/Rhaast. Your Q Reaping Slash triggers the rune effect(dash) and gains lethality for 5 seconds. That means you actually have always a lethality buff in a fight, because your Q Reaping Slash has less than 5 seconds cd.
Eyeball Collection:

Gives an AD buff for enemy takedowns or derstroyed wards. Really good in combination with Duskblade to get 20 stacks very fast.
Ravenous Hunter:

I prefer Ravenous Hunter instead of Relentless Hunter because you already get enough movementspeed from Mobility Boots, , Youmuu's Ghostblade, E Shadow Step and Dead Man's Plate. My focus is on healing from abilities. So Ravenous Hunter is really strong in combination with Death's Dance .

Legend: Tenacity:

I prefer Legend: Tenacity because youre more resistant against much cc and you have more timing / a better chance to cast abilities.
You wont need Legend: Bloodline because this item build is based on healing from abilities.
Coup De Grace:

Great rune to finish an assassination. If you wont kill an enemy with your combo, he will be surely on less than 40% hp. So if your combo didnt work, you still deal more damage on him to take him down.
Cut Down is not recommended because my guide includes Hp-Items.
Last Stand is actually made for fighters. My guide is still focused on being an assassin who strikes from the shadows.
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Creeping / Jungling

Try to kite the monsters. They cant hurt you that much if they need to move. Use your E to walk between walls and spend some time to get your abilities ready. As you can see, im walking up and down in the wall while my abilities are on CD. You should kite them to save as much health as you can. They give safer ganks because you have more health and you also can farm more camps until you go back to base.

(Kiting with melees is more difficult, but its worth a try) :)
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Skill Sequence

Ability Sequence
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
The Darkin Scythe: Is a very strong passive, combined with one hit effects like Duskblade , Trinity Force , Titanic Hydra etc.

Reaping Slash:Is a good trigger for Electrocute

Blades Reach: Is your most important ability. It has a high range, you can move while casting it and the damage is insane.

Shadow Step: Makes easy ganks possible. Also a great ability for escaping and engaging. It gains alot movementspeed, combined with Mobility Boots Youmuu's Ghostblade Dead Man's Plate

Umbral Trespass: You can actually dodge all abilities with it. Use Stalkers Blade , it 's a nice trigger for your ult because you can use it directly after you smited an enemy champion.
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Match History

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Shadow Assassin Kayn Montage

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Last Words

I hope you enjoy your games with this guide. ;)

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Ghionova
Ghionova Kayn Guide
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[8.18] Kayn, Path of Shadow Assassin

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