Literally is Jhin, but better, but its hard to see Draven in low elo
Her poke with the slow can be annoying, try to trade her just with your last auto and run back, you lose large trades
Jinx should be able to kill you if you keep distance, youre stronger than her, so do short trades until shes low
Not a scary enemy at first lvls, you should be able to wintrade her until she upgrades her Q
Is a nightmare, you can't escape Leona because your low mobility, and if she catches you her cc chain is simply infinite, keep distance
her poke is annoying, each time she put the bomb on you run away, low elo tristanas use to greed and jump forward, if you have enought hp, fight her with you support, never alone
Miss Fortune
That's a skill duel, dont stay behind creeps and you shouldn't get in trouble
Hes just annoying because your low mobility, stay behind creeps and dont get too close to him
She's gonna try to poke you always, hit an auto + Q each time she gets close and she will lose almost every trade
Until level 6 you simply are better than him, go away of his W, and dont let him E you with 6 stacks. If he comes in stealth and position behind you, jump with you support and destroy him
Is blitzcrank but better, you can know when hes on stealth by the mark on your feets, when running from him, zig zag and dont let him land his Q, care on trades with level6, maybe you don't live to tell it
Its just annoying, she's gonna poke the f*ck out of you in almost every stage of the match, is a good ban option
A skill duel, dont stay behind a creep so he can't land a Q on you and dont get too close
A good Morgana can simply destroy the botlane solo. Always have a creep between she and you and dont get close when she gets level 6, care about her Q, it will give you an AFK warning
An annoying champ, she can harass and burn your hp, pretty fast at first levels, but she dont have lot of hp, so if she gets overexcited you could kill her with just 1 combo
Don't chase her, she is very strong after level 3 and if you get distracted, u will be trapped by a rain of harmfull feathers
I personally always ban him, a good thresh solo carry the game, he's perfect to explode your low mobility, also a good tank and makes ganks to their jungle so easy
Don't let her farm, always look for trades, dont lose respect to her, but play a bit more agrresive
They had been made to be together, she can give sustain to you, and also have a nice cc chain and damage to complement you
I wont say thats really a synergie, but Leona have a lot of cc, so she can gain you time to reload while an enemy is low hp, very helpful, and can do nice saves too
Unstoppable lane, its simply too much damage
They had been made to be together, she can give sustain to you, and also have a nice cc chain and damage to complement you
I wont say thats really a synergie, but Leona have a lot of cc, so she can gain you time to reload while an enemy is low hp, very helpful, and can do nice saves too
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