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Shes pretty busted rn, and scales HARD. Cold *****. All in her early and look to end the game fast.
She pokes you, and has really high numbers rn, but if you play it right, you can come out on top with all ins early or just have a farming lane. Dont die tho, bc u get the fuzzy cuffs.
Jesus christ, the people who play this champ are probably t1 fanboys that are boosted. that being said, he does DAMAGE. like more damage than a tweet from a politician on their career. Instaban or have ur jungler camp u.
AHAHAHAHA. dont play ez, hes like the beastie boys of the adcs. or the reeces pieces. not good, unless you're caught off guard. make sure to dodge the q's.
Really good scaling. Does lots of damage and OH GOD HES GONNA KILL YOU! wait, hes reloading hold on... Just e aggressive and 1 shot him before he can hit you with the fourth shot. That 1 hurts.
Her laning is sub-par, but her macro is ridiculous. focus her in team fights and get ahead early.
Good all in, and good scaling. Basically the hybrid version of you. Make sure to dodge the w and kite her in duels.
She gets mad at the support then literally throws them at you, so idk man. She does lots of damage but is also really weak so you should just win unless shes a god and you suck.
Because you read the guide, EZ clap
Miss Fortune
he e slows, she gets free movement, good farm and a poke q. seems really busted right? well her numbers are kind of low until shes fed, so the match is even believe it or not.
dodge the q and make sure not to BORK when she had spellshield up lmao. should be a free lane otherwise.
She always scares me because the fact she has a pseudo flash and high burst. Her only problem is that she has very little health and cant burst faster than you.
Twisted Fate
This is a weird pick but Ive seen it played before. his ult is kind of useless and mind the yellow card.
END THE GAME. he hyper sclaes if u dont and then its over. His laning is bad but yours is really good.
Hes aight, but only really noteworthy if its the poke variant, other than that, take good trades and force him out of lane.
Never know where to put this one because people either really suck at her, or you cant play league of legends. dont mess with her when her ult is up, and she pins you to the wall uWu.
She got some nerfs, but ****er can still fly all over u if she plays it right, mind the feathers, stand in front of those and u get rooted.
literally the most bs lane ever. expect to just farm and kill him under ur turret (he'll dive u). Or ban him if u dont fear draven. (alpha af)
I dont think sane people play this champ in 2019, but in case they do, end the game fast because he scales hard. Respect his damage too.
Oof. Divorce never ends well, and the rift is no exception. She is basically a caitlyn, but with slightly less damage overall but better sustain and cc. Numbers are super high, make sure to all in when her stuff is on CD.
Gross pick. Play safe and only all in when hes alone or everything is on cd.
I mean, she slows and gives vision, but no help on engages.
eh, he does good damage but lacks health.
Tanky, hook, silence, knockup. everything u want really.
he does really good damage low elo but too easily countered most of the time.
Ok, honestly besides Senna, I would give this guy best support for lucian award. Passive triggers stun, tank, blocks projectiles, cc ult, can shield you. ****ing perfect husband on god.
the crow and fear are good, but he straight up loses to a tank.
One of the best mages because she can give movement, cc, and zone pressure.
tanky and stuns up the ***, really good pick and one of my favorite tank supports to play with.
She lacks engage power or follow up, but has good control
sometimes the support getting fed and doing good is actually bad for you because you miss out on the gold, so shes good for her things but can put the power in the wrong place.
Miss Fortune
even less synergy than ashe, just dont pick this with lucian man.
The anti support who also supports. very safe pick and always good, even without the best synergies.
feels like a slightly weaker version of karma, but still ok.
Tanky and lots of cc. very good engage, follow up, and peel for you as well.
the cc is ok, but sometimes can screw over your minion wave so not the best.
Hook, stun, burst, and an execute ult that gives as much gold advantage as draven. this pick is a yay from me matey.
wrong lovers duo m8, but even with cheating gay dudes hes ok, just better options out there.
surprisingly good, but if not played right, will feed lots of kills to the enemies. and hes very hard to play correctly.
tanky and cc yes, but feels lacking in either department. he kind of samples from everything you want but doesnt give it all the way which is kind of sad because hes a cool pick.
My most hated laning partner due to how useless she is. pokes, but not very good damage, heals, but not more than your lifesteal, and speeds you up but not more than your boots. ult is her only redeeming point and its a skillshot. if you see this, dodge.
Ah yes enslaved sustain. she can keep you in lane forever but lack in the helping to kill department.
feels like having 2 adc in the bot lane but without the good stuff amplified by the other.
probably the worst cc tank out there, with the best ult. has so much potential to be good, but his numbers are just bad.
Tahm Kench
can save your ***, teleport you, slow, stun, and never die. Very underrated pick but played right, unstoppable.
This has got to be the funniest thing about League of Legends. The mortal enemy of lucian has some of the best synergy with him. MORE THAN HIS OWN WIFE LOL. Hook has perfect amount of cc and engage, lantern helps save and make plays, and his ult synergizes with yours. the best part? he does almost as much damage as you in the early game.
Same issue with lux but even more so due to not being able to help you.
feels kind of like a 2v1 in botlane as you need help to engage, but can be good if played right with an early lead.
good poke and good ult, just feels lackluster in accordance with other picks.
This lane will not be easy for your opponents, but when laning phase is over she becomes kind of useless so, not the best.
I mean, its his wife, but in game shes op. poke them down and heal you, can root them, really good scaling to combat ur falling off late game, and really high numbers. Sennargy.
I mean, she slows and gives vision, but no help on engages.
eh, he does good damage but lacks health.
Tanky, hook, silence, knockup. everything u want really.
he does really good damage low elo but too easily countered most of the time.
Ok, honestly besides Senna, I would give this guy best support for lucian award. Passive triggers stun, tank, blocks projectiles, cc ult, can shield you. Fucking perfect husband on god.
the crow and fear are good, but he straight up loses to a tank.
One of the best mages because she can give movement, cc, and zone pressure.
tanky and stuns up the ass, really good pick and one of my favorite tank supports to play with.
She lacks engage power or follow up, but has good control
sometimes the support getting fed and doing good is actually bad for you because you miss out on the gold, so shes good for her things but can put the power in the wrong place.
Miss Fortune
even less synergy than ashe, just dont pick this with lucian man.
The anti support who also supports. very safe pick and always good, even without the best synergies.
feels like a slightly weaker version of karma, but still ok.
Tanky and lots of cc. very good engage, follow up, and peel for you as well.
the cc is ok, but sometimes can screw over your minion wave so not the best.
Hook, stun, burst, and an execute ult that gives as much gold advantage as draven. this pick is a yay from me matey.
wrong lovers duo m8, but even with cheating gay dudes hes ok, just better options out there.
surprisingly good, but if not played right, will feed lots of kills to the enemies. and hes very hard to play correctly.
tanky and cc yes, but feels lacking in either department. he kind of samples from everything you want but doesnt give it all the way which is kind of sad because hes a cool pick.
My most hated laning partner due to how useless she is. pokes, but not very good damage, heals, but not more than your lifesteal, and speeds you up but not more than your boots. ult is her only redeeming point and its a skillshot. if you see this, dodge.
Ah yes enslaved sustain. she can keep you in lane forever but lack in the helping to kill department.
feels like having 2 adc in the bot lane but without the good stuff amplified by the other.
probably the worst cc tank out there, with the best ult. has so much potential to be good, but his numbers are just bad.
Tahm Kench
can save your ass, teleport you, slow, stun, and never die. Very underrated pick but played right, unstoppable.
This has got to be the funniest thing about League of Legends. The mortal enemy of lucian has some of the best synergy with him. MORE THAN HIS OWN WIFE LOL. Hook has perfect amount of cc and engage, lantern helps save and make plays, and his ult synergizes with yours. the best part? he does almost as much damage as you in the early game.
Same issue with lux but even more so due to not being able to help you.
feels kind of like a 2v1 in botlane as you need help to engage, but can be good if played right with an early lead.
good poke and good ult, just feels lackluster in accordance with other picks.
This lane will not be easy for your opponents, but when laning phase is over she becomes kind of useless so, not the best.
I mean, its his wife, but in game shes op. poke them down and heal you, can root them, really good scaling to combat ur falling off late game, and really high numbers. Sennargy.
Hey guys! I am Deathfeather and I will keep this build/guide updated every patch and I encourage you to join my stream! I will be streaming almost every day and I want to build a little community so if you are interested in helping out a smaller streamer start then do so here: I also have a youtube channel where ill post all of my clips and montages here:
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