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Recommended Items
Runes: Allows you to trade more in lane
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Stone Skin (PASSIVE)
Wukong Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
take cleanse and play under tower
His Ult + Your Ult = Ace every time the enemy team gets near each other
His Ult + Your Ult = Ace every time the enemy team gets near each other
Stealth Combo: W>E>AA>Q>AA
Full Lane trade With Tiamat: W>E>AA>Q>AA>TIA
Hail of Blades Extended Lane Combo: (W>)E>Q>AA>AA>TIA(>W)
Classic all in lane combo: E>AA>Q>AA>TIA>(>W for extra damage if you can)>R>Ignite
Hail of Blades all in lane combo: E>Q>AA>AA>TIA>W>R>Ignite
Combo for when your jungle is ganking your lane: W>E>AA>Q>TIA>R
Team Fight Combo when you're trying to execute an important squishy on their team: W>E>Q>TIA>R>Ignite Target
2. Your W counts as a legitimate champion and has a hit box the same size as you, use this to block single target skill shots and cc such as Zoe Q and Warwick R
3. your W will teleport you forwards a small amount of units, this wont let you go through walls but you can use it to get out of AOE effects quicker
4. Your Q shreds the victims armor for about 3 seconds when you use it, during teamfights use this on the enemy adc/carry to allow your team to kill them easier
5. Your R can let you escape sticky situations easier as well as let you catch up to an enemy quicker, it has a base ms increase of 30% and if paired with nimbus cloak you get about 550-600 movespeed during your ultimate
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