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Recommended Items
Ability Order
A Harmless Scarecrow (PASSIVE)
Fiddlesticks Passive Ability
Please refer to the notes for each section above. I'll be happy to answer any questions and concerns.
First thing I can imagine people asking is why I don't build an Hourglass. Why yes the armor is nice along with it's active. I am constantly on the move as fiddles, even during his Ult. The team should be jumping in, or the lane should be enclosing during the gank. So you shouldn't have to worry about someone stopping you.
1. Blue (Leash-less, but not defense-less)
Have team watch for invade
2. Wolves
3. Big Wraith
4. Wraiths
5. Red (Don't forget to check for wards)
6. Golems
---For Ganks---
(ONLY GANK WITH 'Terrify')
Watch lanes, if enemies have pushed on more than half, then you're golden for ganking. Ask if they have ward so you know if you can roll up in bush and pop out. Or if you have to play with your red trinket and get rid of the ward.
If you're not close enough when you walk out of the bush You're going to have silent. COUNT and then use fear. Just don't spam them back to back. Keep in mind the times for your abilities. And then of course drain them to death.
---WITH ULT---
Get as close as you can to em, silent them COUNT then fear, then drain to death.
If you can't get close enough, get close enough to be able to flash on to them.
1. Blue (Leash-less, but not defense-less)
Have team watch for invade
2. Wolves
3. Big Wraith
4. Wraiths
5. Red (Don't forget to check for wards)
6. Golems
---For Ganks---
(ONLY GANK WITH 'Terrify')
Watch lanes, if enemies have pushed on more than half, then you're golden for ganking. Ask if they have ward so you know if you can roll up in bush and pop out. Or if you have to play with your red trinket and get rid of the ward.
If you're not close enough when you walk out of the bush You're going to have silent. COUNT and then use fear. Just don't spam them back to back. Keep in mind the times for your abilities. And then of course drain them to death.
---WITH ULT---
Get as close as you can to em, silent them COUNT then fear, then drain to death.
If you can't get close enough, get close enough to be able to flash on to them.
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