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She can zone you off cs and will burst you down very easily if she hits a stun. Play this matchup to survive using your E to get cannon minions and taking the safest cs you can get without being stunned. You are going to be behind in laning phase but you should out scale her after that.
You wont be able to kill a Vlad without bursting him down, so laning phase is a ***** for you until lvl 6. When I play this matchup I tend to try and freeze the wave in order to set up a gank, then slow push to get a back in and heal before I endure his poke again. Also be sure to build some kind of grievous wounds in order to reduce his sustain.
I permaban. His poke is just too good to play an effective yorick against. If you're forced to lane into this champ, be sure to pick up a scanner after Teemo hits level 6 in order to all in better. His Q doesn't stop your E from marking him and it's the only way to trade if he uses his Q on you.
The hardest counter Yorick has. I usually perma ban him or teemo in ranked due to his ability to stomp lane against you. You should always keep track of his ult as it saves him in any all in attempts that you could throw at him. Never engage with him unless you know his R is down.
Akali can out play you if you aren't careful with your all in's. If you hit her with your E while she is in her Smoke Ring, your grunts will reveal her so that you can AA>Q combo. Be careful when engaging tho because she can easily get away with Q>R>E and kill you with her R recast.
Hes not the worst matchup ever, but his R can seperate you from your R, or even cancle it if you use maiden during his R. Wait for his R to come out before placing Maiden in order to maximize her usage.
She will chunk you with ease since she is ranged and has her blind so just try to stay back and use your E to cs cannon minions and take the cs that you can. Just play the matchup safe ain laning phase and you should out scale her later in the game.
Tahm Kench
He can kill you very quickly early game and get out of control if you don't respect his level 1-3 potential. Just try to stay out of his range early game and don't over commit on any trades as he favors extended trades. You probably won't be able to kill Kench in lane without your jungler so just try to poke him off with your grunts and your E in order to cs.
Olaf will annihilate you in laning phase, but as long as you play to survive by avoiding his poke from his Q's, you outscale him very very hard in late game. When you are trying to all in him, make sure he doesn't have his R up, as he can 1v2 with 1 item and his R very easily in most gank situations.
She can use the third activation of her Q to jump over your walls so don't wall her in the midst of a Q combo. Try not to all in on riven when she has her ult up as it usually can kill all your grunts and deal big damage to you and your maiden.
Fiora is a pretty scary matchup for Yorick as she can block his Q with her riposte, so try to bait it out before engaging by sending grunts her way with your E. You will be able to force the Fiora to decide whether they want to take grunt damage or AA>Q damage. When Fiora uses her ult on you, try to stick to a wall if you can as it will prevent her from getting atleast one vital, if not 2.
He is scary because he will out roam you all game with his R, but its nice if you can get a good push going before he can return to his lane since Yorick can take towers extremely fast. Be careful about when you engage as his W can block both your Q and your grunts and Shen is considerably tanky.
Darius can engage on you pretty easily with his E and force bad trades in the early laning phase. As long as you avoid the Q damage and the E damage, you will outscale him in the late game.
This matchup is a pretty easy win if you just keep him from getting any free cs, as Nasus is pretty weak early game just like Yorick. Use your E to apply pressure and keep up graves in order to threaten him if he ever trys to engage or get stacks for his Q. This match up can get out of control if you let him farm and get Q stacks so be sure to deny as much of his farm as possible.
When up against this matchup respect the early kill potential and dont get greedy with cs, his E level 1 combo is really brutal. When initiating with him try to catch him when his W is on cooldown as it will give him a lot of sustain.
This matchup tends to be a pretty skill based matchup, just watch out for his Q>E>R combo as it can burst you done in no time. A good note is that his E won't kill your grunts early on, so you can abuse the grunts to win trades.
Yasuo is a pretty easy matchup as long as you avoid his poke from his dash. Also be conscious of his windwall every time you use your E.
Nunu & Willump
You can use your W to hold an enemy while Nunu snowballs for a gank to guarantee that he will hit the knockup.
Ivern's Q gives Yorick a really good gaps closer to land big damage with his Empowered AA and the shield that Ivern gives on top of the tankiness of a Yorick is very very nice. Not to mention both Daisy and Maiden running down lane at you is one of the most terrifying sights in the game,
Nunu & Willump
You can use your W to hold an enemy while Nunu snowballs for a gank to guarantee that he will hit the knockup.
Ivern's Q gives Yorick a really good gaps closer to land big damage with his Empowered AA and the shield that Ivern gives on top of the tankiness of a Yorick is very very nice. Not to mention both Daisy and Maiden running down lane at you is one of the most terrifying sights in the game,
This guide is an encapsulation of all the information that I have learned about Yorick, and I will be continuing to improve this guide as I learn more about him.
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