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Gragas Build Guide by SaladFinger

Top AD Gragas ~ The Barrel of doom! (WIP)

Top AD Gragas ~ The Barrel of doom! (WIP)

Updated on March 24, 2015
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League of Legends Build Guide Author SaladFinger Build Guide By SaladFinger 5 2 48,911 Views 1 Comments
5 2 48,911 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author SaladFinger Gragas Build Guide By SaladFinger Updated on March 24, 2015
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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


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Well well well, you want to play the game like a legend? WELL! I have the perfect build for you and your wee little gragas friend. This build came about when I forgot to change my runes/masteries thanks to my client crashing - <3 u rito bby. I quickly found out that the damage it can output is f*cked!
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Good strong source of damage
Can heavily counter weaker early-games

Falls off a bit late game
W is the only source of damage
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Well when it comes to your runes, you're going to be bum out of luck without any early-game damage to beat your lane partners. The critical damage and chance makes a strong contender against lane opponents like pantheon and nidalee.


The damage of critical chance in early game is rare and hard to come by, when it does hit it can turn fights instantly, when it doesnt - you're dead.

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The masteries focus on gaining as much damage as possible as well as some nice armour and magic resist to make you slightly tankier late game.

Because of the lack of AD on graggy we needed to put some more points into our offence tree to help compensate. The introduction of Spell Weaving makes our combo (W W W W) really effective at slaying even the strongest of enemies.

Frenzy helps out poor Graggy's attack speed aswell (0.651!!!). This is because our only real attack speed boost is coming from triforce and shiv making - even then it's still only %40 compared to champions like Azir, Teemo etc.
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Skill Sequence

Gragas' damage is high even with our lack of AP but still our combo should always be Q for the slow, E to catch up, W to dunk their health bar.

When you factor in your ultimate (Explosive Cask) we effectively eliminate any chance of escape AND lower them in the process.

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Our burst on gragas with our crit and W together should be enough to lower our enemy enough to make ignite viable, other choices may include

Not my favourite pick, but if you're toplane and want to get to lane faster it's a reasonable choice. Factoring in the fact that our body slam can go over some walls and acts as our escape as well as an initiate of course.
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This isn't just a troll-build it's really effective and when you play it right, drops even the strongest of champions with your mighty barrel.

Keep calm and pass another barrel around.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author SaladFinger
SaladFinger Gragas Guide
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AD Gragas ~ The Barrel of doom! (WIP)

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