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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Deathbringer Stance (PASSIVE)
Aatrox Passive Ability
Welcome to My First Guide
-Heavy free sustain thanks to Blood Thirst / Blood Price
-Gap closer with crowd control with Dark Flight
-Really nice slow in Blades of Torment
-Nice nuke plus a massive steroid with Massacre
-So many free stats with Blood Well Massacre Blood Thirst / Blood Price
-Overpowered revival passive Blood Well
-Pretty low cooldowns
-Will be nerfed
-Melee carry, still not working that well
-Unreliable gap closer Dark Flight if you aren't very good at skill shots
-Abilities cost health, but his Blood Thirst / Blood Price will get it back since it's broken right now
-Heavy free sustain thanks to Blood Thirst / Blood Price
-Gap closer with crowd control with Dark Flight
-Really nice slow in Blades of Torment
-Nice nuke plus a massive steroid with Massacre
-So many free stats with Blood Well Massacre Blood Thirst / Blood Price
-Overpowered revival passive Blood Well
-Pretty low cooldowns
-Will be nerfed
-Melee carry, still not working that well
-Unreliable gap closer Dark Flight if you aren't very good at skill shots
-Abilities cost health, but his Blood Thirst / Blood Price will get it back since it's broken right now
Because of the expensive items, it sometimes sucks at mid game. But in early game and late game it is really great. It doesn`t even needs to return to the base. Also has a great attack damage (normal attacks) which lets him push the lane at early game. You can play solo, or take a ranged character with you. (just can help you to catch the guys running away, I don`t mind KS very much) Easy to farm/jungle. Can solo dragon after lv 6 (with enough items) and baron (with complete items). Don`t be afraid to jump in to the battle fields as long as you have your passive. But be careful about the team fights.
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