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Don't hit their farm, but let them get all the cs that they need. hide in a bush, at level two grab your Whimsey.
Wait for the prey to come in range. Let your adcarry get the first hit
BAM. they turn into a little critter by activating your W, and as they run away, poke them with your Q and they will be slowed..
the adcarry can hopefully get one or two autos, or maybe even an ability of their own and the champion is secured!
if need be do an AA of yourself, Pix's passive will more than likely kill them for you!
AD lulu, is more a support based, than an ADCarry champion. Her ult can be used effectively in teamfights for a knockup, and when ulted by one of the allies, can make a heavy game changer.
She is squishy, due to her nature of an AP support, and requires Armour and Magic Resist Runes/Masteries.
Her poke is outstanding. One of the best hyper carries of the game. Heals, Speedbuffs, shields and silences.
She has a fair bit of range on her too, which means while her ADCarry is farming up the cs, she can get clean hits on enemy champions, and by using her Q.
Add a bit of crit to her build and that means AD + slight AP Passive + crit
You can get insta kills!
She is squishy, due to her nature of an AP support, and requires Armour and Magic Resist Runes/Masteries.
Her poke is outstanding. One of the best hyper carries of the game. Heals, Speedbuffs, shields and silences.
She has a fair bit of range on her too, which means while her ADCarry is farming up the cs, she can get clean hits on enemy champions, and by using her Q.
Add a bit of crit to her build and that means AD + slight AP Passive + crit
You can get insta kills!
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