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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Essence Theft (PASSIVE)
Ahri Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
You want to take the basic ADC summoners of flash and heal. The build is the most important part of ADC Ahri; if you build wrong you will find yourself being very weak. You want to get Tri force first as it is the most important item. It allows you to duel anyone because of the sheen procs and all around perfect stats for AD Ahri. Second you will want to get Phantom dancer;once again it makes your dueling potential insane. Then build IE for a huge damage spike .Then get blood thirster for the flat AD and lifesteal you have been missing. The shield is also really helpful for surviving burst. Best case scenario and you are even or ahead in lane you will want to do Tri force, Phantom Dancer, Blood thirster, infinity edge, Mercurial Scimitar/LW depending if they have hard CC or not.
- Decent damage output.
- Good pick all throughout the game.
- Teamfights well.
- Hard to kill.
- lots of mobility.
- Can do things even when behind.
- Easy to gank for.
- Pushes advantages hard.
- Damage is very reliant on items.
- Weak in early laning phase.
- semi-short range.
- Weak dueling until late game.
- Decent damage output.
- Good pick all throughout the game.
- Teamfights well.
- Hard to kill.
- lots of mobility.
- Can do things even when behind.
- Easy to gank for.
- Pushes advantages hard.
- Damage is very reliant on items.
- Weak in early laning phase.
- semi-short range.
- Weak dueling until late game.
She is very strong at laning with any support that has cc. Her charm can either follow up a strong cc from the support or set up your jungle and support for their cc's. In lane you want to play pretty passive until level 5 because your damage will be very low until you get 3 levels in q. She has an okay level two power spike with charm but that depends if your support can follow it up with their own cc. Level 6 is where you really shine; because it gives you a massive boost in mobility. It allows her to follow up on virtually any gank; and it also lets her chase down the opposing laners for miles. Like twitch it is very strong to roam on ADC ahri. It is very suprising to have an ADC ganking your lane pre-6.
You have lots of options on how to play the late game. My personal favorite way to play the late game is flanking the opposing backline and picking off a squishy. Ahri can do this reliably because of her insane mobility and the cc of charm. She is also a strong ADC at killing front line; then using ult to quickly move to the backline if they move too far up.
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