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Ashe Build Guide by boynamedfish

ADC ADC Bottom Lane Ashe Guide - Season 4

ADC ADC Bottom Lane Ashe Guide - Season 4

Updated on March 9, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author boynamedfish Build Guide By boynamedfish 26,441 Views 0 Comments
26,441 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author boynamedfish Ashe Build Guide By boynamedfish Updated on March 9, 2014
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Hey guys! I'm boynamedfish and this is my first guide! I'll be uploading a video on YouTube of me playing with this item build. I hope you guys find this guide helpful! Feel free to add me on League.
Summoner Name - boynamedfish
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Pros / Cons

- Superior crowd control
- Ability to slow and stun
- Long range initiation
- Gold generation on minion kill
- Vision Supplement

- Passive is somewhat dodgy
- Squishy
- Item dependent
- No escape mechanism
- Slow movement speed
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OK something obvious about runes is you don't buy them until your at level 20!. At level 20 you are able to buy Tier 3 runes. You probably already knew that but if you didn't then there you go.

Quintessence of Attack Damage:
So you want to buy 3 of these. What they do is they raise your Attack Damage by 2.25. Its really helpful when you get 3.
x3 Quints of Attack Damage = +6.75 Attack Damage
Unfortunately they are expensive as they cost 1025 IP and I recommend getting them last.

Mark of Armor Penetration:
These are also important on an AD rune page as they raise your Armor Penetration by 1.28. They cost 410 IP so don't go crazy buying them. wait until after your seals and glyphs.

Seal of Armor:
These are your defensive runes. They raise your Armor by 1.41 and they only cost 205 IP! Thats almost what I get after winning 1 game! These are what your want to get them after your glyphs

Glyph of Attack Damage:
Get these first. They raise your attack damage by 0.28. It may sound low but remember your buying 9 of them. They are pretty cheap at the same price as the Seal of Armor, 205 IP, and you can get that by winning 1-2 games of PvP on Summoners Rift.

Order to buy them in:
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Skill Sequence

OK so I didn't explain the masteries or items. I have a reason. I didn't feel I needed too. It isn't hard to figure out what order to buy things in if you just look at the pictures and stuff. Well lets get back on topic.

Just going to say this now: Max out Volley. Its your best chance at getting kills. It doesn't take too much mana and it does a good amount of damage. This can get you an easy First Blood.

How to get your kills with Ashe:
Start with your Enchanted Crystal Arrow so you can stun them. After that you are going to want to activate your Frost Shot and shoot your Volley. Enchanted Crystal Arrow should have done at least a quarter of their health. Volley also should have done around 60 Attack Damage. If they weren't AFK and they aren't level 1 then just keep shooting them with Frost Shot activated and eventually they will die.
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The video will be uploaded to YouTube soon! Sorry!
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Ashe is a really fun champion to play as and she is really easy to get the hang of once you build her properly. I recommend her as a starting champion for anyone new to the game. If you have any questions please feel free to ask.

Up-vote if you liked the guide and only Down-vote if you really feel you need to. If you Down-vote please tell me why and I will try to fix any mistakes I have made.

Have fun Kill "Securing" wit Ashe!

- boynamedfish
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League of Legends Build Guide Author boynamedfish
boynamedfish Ashe Guide
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ADC Bottom Lane Ashe Guide - Season 4

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