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Recommended Items
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Sovereign's Domination (PASSIVE)
Viego Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
She is really hard to fight bc of her stun. I would recommend going defensive against her in lane.
If ur fed, you will be unkillable.
If ur fed, you will be unkillable.
Champion Build Guide
Best way to play Viego
This guide is for viego players that want an aggressive early to mid-game and later on be able to 1v5
Patch 12.1 changes
Patch 12.1 is unfortunately not a great patch for Viego due to his most popular mythic Immortal Shieldbow and one of his key defensive items Wit's End receiving a nerf. DON'T FEAR as it is not the end of the world and I am going to break down everything related to the changes and how it will affect how you build Viego going forward.
Immortal Shieldbow Nerf

As you can see Immortal Shieldbow is losing 5 AD as well as 25-150 shielding from its passive. While this is decent nerf it doesn't make the item unplayable for Viego. In fact, the issue with this nerf in general is that Viego already has other good mythic options, so nerfing Immortal Shieldbow just makes the other options more enticing. To help all of you out I am going to break down all three mythic options Immortal Shieldbow Kraken Slayer and Divine Sunderer and explain when to take each one.
Immortal Shieldbow Nerf

As you can see Immortal Shieldbow is losing 5 AD as well as 25-150 shielding from its passive. While this is decent nerf it doesn't make the item unplayable for Viego. In fact, the issue with this nerf in general is that Viego already has other good mythic options, so nerfing Immortal Shieldbow just makes the other options more enticing. To help all of you out I am going to break down all three mythic options Immortal Shieldbow Kraken Slayer and Divine Sunderer and explain when to take each one.
When to Build Each Mythic
Do not build Immortal Shieldbow if the enemy has AD Assassins that are looking to itemize Serpent's Fang (there is a better mythic to take for this scenario)
Build Immortal Shieldbow vs high damage burst comps (comps that have multiple burst mages or high damage fighters such as Yone or Irelia)
Build Immortal Shieldbow if you are falling behind the early game and need an immediate defensive item
Build Kraken Slayer if you will be able to force 1v1's and skirmishes (if you are going to split push at all Kraken is best)
Build Kraken Slayer if the enemy team has low burst damage or CC (if the enemy can't one-shot you Kraken thrives)
Don't build Kraken Slayer if the enemy team has tons of burst damage AND CC (if the enemy team has high damage and the ability to lock you down it does not matter how good you are, you will not be able to survive)
Build Immortal Shieldbow vs high damage burst comps (comps that have multiple burst mages or high damage fighters such as Yone or Irelia)
Build Immortal Shieldbow if you are falling behind the early game and need an immediate defensive item
Build Kraken Slayer if you will be able to force 1v1's and skirmishes (if you are going to split push at all Kraken is best)
Build Kraken Slayer if the enemy team has low burst damage or CC (if the enemy can't one-shot you Kraken thrives)
Don't build Kraken Slayer if the enemy team has tons of burst damage AND CC (if the enemy team has high damage and the ability to lock you down it does not matter how good you are, you will not be able to survive)
Wit's end nerf

Unfortunately, this nerf is bigger than it seems on first glance and will be a pretty big nerf to games where you need to build Wit's End. The thing that made pre-nerf Wit's End so good is that you could have access to all 50 of the Magic Resistance that the item offered for just 900 gold by purchasing Negatron Cloak. Not only did they remove Negatron Cloak but they reduced the total amount of Magic resistance you get from the completed Wit's End. In the process of building the item you will only be able to get 25 Magic Resistance from Null-Magic Mantle. Sadly there isn't another good Magic Resistance Item that Viego can build so we are stuck with the nerfed version of Wit's End. Fortunately you don't build this item every game so it probably won't affect Viego's winrate too much.
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