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Ahri Build Guide by bartst13

Middle ahri build and guide :)

Middle ahri build and guide :)

Updated on June 10, 2014
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bartst13 Build Guide By bartst13 2,052 Views 0 Comments
2,052 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author bartst13 Ahri Build Guide By bartst13 Updated on June 10, 2014
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Hello if you have seen the build above and you are a (good) Ahri ur probably thinking.
WTF why u no dfg (death fire grasp) well ye this is MY ahri guide not yours keep that in mind :).
Lets get started
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Whats wierd at this build as i said above is that there is no death fire graps. I will first give you 2 reasons why.
1sth Some peple like me forget to use it :).
2nd Every item in this build is core to work so no dfg allowed.
So you should always start with 2 pots and a Dorains ring.
1th After you get first blood XD or you farm some minons you recall and buy the tear of the goddes.
Becouse when you play ahri like i do you want to be able to spam your skills and that tear gives BEAST ap and mana.

2nd After that you buy boots if you haven't reached the point yet where u realize that boots are importand. BUY them you need them seriously do it.

3th Rabadons deathcap for the midgame burst ahri has alot.

4th Void staff for magic penetration.

5th if you dont want to die in 0.01 seconds when a supp gets you you should buy Zonyas hourglass for the armore ap and the active if you use it :)

6th if you realy need ur dfg dont buy this buy dfg.
But this thing also adds alot of dmg BELIEVE ME IT DOES.
And it gives ahri the magic resistance u need.
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If you play Ahri you should know that your Orb of Deception your main damage tool is. And in the way back it deals true dmg YAY.

Your Fox-Fire simply makes 3 orbs flying around Ahri making them lock on at enemys the orbs need vision to lock on bot not to continue the attack.
They also target independiatly.
Charm is your "stunn" or how you want to call it.
if it hits an enemy the enemy cant do annything and will automaticualy walk towards you.
Even if the enemy has no vision.
It also deals a little dmg but the main thing is is that if an enemy is hit by the charm they recieve 20% extra dmg from Ahri for a short time.
Thats verry usefull and that also means you should always start with Charm.

And finnaly Spirit Rush.
You have 3 chargest on your spirit rush so you should (most of the time) keep 1 charge to repositon or to run (rush)for you life.
The sustain in this build should help you to survive a little longer but ur still no Mundo.
You can also use your Spirit Rush for alot of dmg and doging skilshots.

Ahri's passive Essence Theft is just usefull for in lane or for little heals.
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Team Fights

In teamfights you should always focus on dealing damage and not getting stunned or knocked airborne (croud control).
You should always try and charm peple to get easy kills with your team.
You can use your ult in teamfight for extra damage but make sure you keem one charge to get out.
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Pros / Cons

Has alot of damage.
Great mobility with ult.
Magic damage (most tanks build more armore).
Healing passive (verry usefull in lane)
Has some realy great skins

Dies fast without sustain.
Doesnt scale in ap.
Not that great mobility without ult.
Charm can be hard to land.
If not fed can be verry useless.
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You should try and farm with ur basic attack (duh) and with your Orb of Deception to get your passive triggered.
When in your lane you should always seek for opportunities to charm peple and then deal them alot of damage.
But keep in mind you should also concentrate on farming.
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I hope you learned something from this guide and you should try it in your gameplay :).
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League of Legends Build Guide Author bartst13
bartst13 Ahri Guide
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ahri build and guide :)

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