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Ability Order
Essence Theft (PASSIVE)
Ahri Passive Ability
Early Game: Try to farm up until lv3. Once you hit Level 3, you will have your full combo (EWQ. If you get a chance to land your charm, then WQ your enemy while they are coming slowly towards you for maximum damage output. If landing all skills successfully, a standard squishy AP Caster would be at half health. One note with your Q make sure on the way back, the Q hits your opponent for the extra true damage. Once you hit level 6, Ahri becomes very Versatile. Ahri's Spirit Rush lets you dash around up to 3 times launching bolts of foxfire at the nearest enemies. Doing your EWQ combo, you can Spirit Rush, Auto attack, Spirit Rush, Auto Attack, Spirit Rush, Auto Attack, and finish with an ignite almost guaranteeing a kill.
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