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Soooo easy your kit gives you such an easy time vs him, shuriken flip lets you dictate your fight with him he wont be able to keep up with you.
Fairly standard you can avoid her easily and shroud in her ult just if she tries to stun you make sure you gtfo or put your shroud down.
If he is a good cho gath you will have to be a little careful because he can force you to shuriken flip into his knockup and then execute you with his ult. But generally even against a good cho gath you have the decided edge.
This lane can be really tricky say well back and do not underestimate him or the range on his pull it will surprise you. AND HE HAS JUST BEEN BUFFED ARE YOU FOR REAL RITO
Dont underestimate her dmg keep your distance and be careful of her riposte and you'll be fine.
He is an anti-mage but you can still kite away from him fairly easily make sure you avoid his taunt tho and don't underestimate his dmg.
Jesus he is easy, you can dodge his barrels so easily nothing to worry about here.
Garen is a pain you can either wreck him about 60% of the time or you have to back off. You can 100% take akali into this fight but just be careful garen does have alot of dmg and an execute so make sure you are awake and in the mood to mess with him. And when you shroud most garens with stand in the middle and spin, dont be too proud to leave your shroud a little to stop him from hitting you. And you will need a lot of magic pen vs him namely morello for his healing as well.
Gnar can be a pain be awake and you can dodge his boomerang easily and his passive isn't too hard to outplay with akali.
I only put him this high because a good heimer with good predictions can destroy you if not and you can dodge him well he is easy af.
See other heimer row :)
Yes she is annoying but you can dodge her and generally all you need to do is be careful.
Easy to dodge and predict, next.
Jarvan IV
He has high dmg so watch but you can escape his ult and he is pretty easy to predict.
Against a jax in lane its fairly easy just be careful and make sure you are well away or in shroud when he does his weird stun thing. Against a jax in jungle its more difficult and you should be more safe.
Really easy to predict and murder when he is on low mana or has cooldowns.
Goes without saying her dont ult when she has hers unless she uses it in between your first part of the ult and the second. Other than that she has a fairly normal laning phase.
So easy like akali hard counters him no problemo.
Tricky tricky be careful of her ult and stay well back from minions as her q penetrates them, this is an unlikely lane anyway so dont worry anyway.
F**K MALPHITE. Moving on. Jk he is horrible with his high defense and high dmg with that bs slow and that group stun ult. All i can say is hope that a rework come soon and be safe.
Low dmg easy laner.
Just plain annoying and heals way too much go morello and you should manage.
Pretty easy just dont get cocky or push too far or he will freeze lane under tower.
Stupid laner honestly hate him so much, mundo and him are just awfulthe axe throws are constant and fast so they are hard to dodge. actual cancer to lane against. BUILD MORELLO!
Easy lane easy to dodge and fairly low dmg. Watch for his stuns although you should be able to dodge them.
Who made this champ??? He is so dumb with his pokey spear shot that we all know should be a skillshot! and a stupid point and click stun, make sure to be in your shroud when he does his stupid stun on you and makes sure to heal before trying to fight him.
Poppy has a surprising amount of dmg and at first glance seems to counter you. Dw just wait for her to waste her steadfast presence and make sure to not be too close to her or she will hit you with her q a lot. But make sure she doesn't mess up your execute with her shield.
Its a fairly even match up, make sure that you stay back when you have her passive on you, and if you are worried take a time out with your shroud.
Fairly easy to dodge and harass just be careful and back off if he does snag you with a stun.
While this is to an extent a skill match up your kit is better than hers and she is super easy to dodge so she poses little threat. But watch out for her ult it does more dmg than you think.
Low dmg pretty easy just watch out for the slows and the shield.
yYou can stun him out of his ult and he doesn't do too much dmg. Dont underestimate him thaaatt much. and his late game is BS his ult shields so much it messes up your assassinations. And his taunt is very infuriating also don't forget that his circle thing negates basic attacks like your passive be careful. (if he builds mr you will find him hard to lane against.
Annoying but he is like that with everyone, just make sure you aren't caught and that you don't chase after him. Also his ground is really annoying but just shroud to counter it.
Avoid his minion throw thing and you are fine you can basically dodge everything else. And make sure when you mark him with shuriken flip that you dont jump into a minion he is throwing, his ult or his area stun.
This matchup is heavily skewed in your favor just be careful not to all in too hard or he might trap you.
Easy lane easy life, you outburst him by quite a bit, and you can go into your shroud and he cant.
Make sure you arent blinded when you use your passive and he is pretty simple obviously watch out for his shrooms and you are good.
He messes up your ult execute with his undying rage its such BS and he does massive amounts of dmg, avoid this if you can if not be safe and build morello and hope that they are bad and you can get kills. Shroud should be somewhat helpful to stop him but he is so op.
Easy peasy all of his dmg comes form being able to see basically so dw about him, just obviously be careful of his ult.
Be careful of his stupid untargetable thing and you will be fine as long as you build morello too.
Idk why he is so broken rn and why riot don't seem to notice, but just be careful build morello and try not to cry.
This might just be me but i cant play vs wu he is just op af hid as much as you can and dont rely on your execute he will probably double himself. REWORK NEEDED FOR THIS ***H*LE
Xin Zhao
Easy that's it he wouldn't seem like it but he just is be careful and you'll be fine.
You have the edge but make sure you dont try to go agro and he blocks your shuriken flip.
Tricky you can escape but his kit is just annoying to deal with you should be fine but try not to get frustrated you'll make mistakes.
Your kit is better stay well back to avoid his harass and when he ults shroud and gtfo.
Dr. Mundo
Constant axe throws are triggering and things are just frustrating with his ult he can heal your dmg, the trick is to be fast and clean dont give him time to regen with his ult execute him before then. Build morello.
Im just a bronzie sorry, in season 7 i was silver having only won 2 placement games and this year i got bronze for winning 7 because logic! If you are looking for a super in depth guide then leave haha. Akali is a recent discovery for me and i'm finding her so much fun to play definitely trying to main her now she is fantastic. She is one of the only people along with Quinn, Lissandra and lux that i can say i am actually good at and if i had found her before i may not be in such a bad place in ranked rn XD.
Kit works so amazingly well together
Ultra high burst
Clean dodges
Micro stun
Shroud of op
Anyone who is can go invulnerable can mess her up
Slows can mess her up
Traps mess her up (mainly Caitlyn's)
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