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Recommended Items
Runes: Chad runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Our war kit
Battle Fury (PASSIVE)
Tryndamere Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Literally ban this bird lady. She is ranged, she blinds, she is annoying. Quinn is one of the worst, if not the worst top laners to lane against.
Lulu is the ideal champ to have in your team. She can speed you up so you can gap close and also shield you for some extra sustain and the R is just the ultimate team fight tool.
Lulu is the ideal champ to have in your team. She can speed you up so you can gap close and also shield you for some extra sustain and the R is just the ultimate team fight tool.
Champion Build Guide
I've memely named a few things 'Chad' and 'Not Chad', those are just variations. The chadless versions are just probably as good however I don't recommend them. I'd like to also mention that this build focuses on doing damage and healing and is kinda mathematically correct, however I think a few more AP items would make this build more correct.

For our secondary we use

Lastly we use

Next up

Alternatively, I have included a few other finishing items that I recommend depending on the situation you are in. Feel free to be creative.
Lastly for our movement, we build

Now some explanations. We hybridly scale our Q and E in the beginning so we get the higher healing from Q and higher damage from E at the same time so we can have more fight power. However you can choose to scale one ability fully first at this order: Q E W.
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