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Recommended Items
Runes: Chad runes
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Our war kit
Battle Fury (PASSIVE)
Tryndamere Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Literally ban this bird lady. She is ranged, she blinds, she is annoying. Quinn is one of the worst, if not the worst top laners to lane against.
Lulu is the ideal champ to have in your team. She can speed you up so you can gap close and also shield you for some extra sustain and the R is just the ultimate team fight tool.
Lulu is the ideal champ to have in your team. She can speed you up so you can gap close and also shield you for some extra sustain and the R is just the ultimate team fight tool.
Champion Build Guide
I've memely named a few things 'Chad' and 'Not Chad', those are just variations. The chadless versions are just probably as good however I don't recommend them. I'd like to also mention that this build focuses on doing damage and healing and is kinda mathematically correct, however I think a few more AP items would make this build more correct.
Triumph is another great rune for team fights or generally 1+ enemy fights as you can get back 12% of your HP which gives you more sustain to the fights. Alternatively, you can run with Overheal if you really want the shields, but I strongly do not recommend it.
Legend: Alacrity is a great rune for us as Trynda wants as much attack speed as possible. The more attacks we deal, the more damage we will do. Obviously Legend: Bloodline is also good for the healing however we already have another rune for that.
Coup De Grace is also great for Trynda as we ramp up the damage the lower HP our enemy is, helping us killing them. You can also run the not chad Last Stand to do more damage when you are low (good when you ult) but in this build, we try to have a high HP so it's whatever.
For our secondary we use Sudden Impact for the E extra damage. I don't recommend using another rune as we don't have CC for Cheap Shot and we have healing from our build to use Taste of Blood.
Lastly we use Ravenous Hunter for the extra healing however you can also use Ultimate Hunter if you want a lower CD on your ultimate.
Kraken Slayer is the item for any auto attack based champion that wants to be a god and piss off the enemy. But why? Because of the true damage. We deal 60 + 0.45 per AD TRUE DAMAGE to your enemy, destroying any shields or MR they have. Plus it gives us a nice 25% Attack Speed which is something we want.
Next up Nashor's Tooth is a great item in our case as our Q scales with 30% AP and our E scales with 80% AP plus it gives us 50% attack speed and lastly a lovely passive of 15 + 20% AP bonus magic damage on-hit which makes us produce hybrid damage. Combine the passive with our E CDR per crit makes this ability spammable, abuse it.
Blade of the Ruined King is another great item for our kit. We get 40AD, 25% attack speed and 10% life steal PLUS 40-150 magic damage (every 3 AA within 6 seconds) and we steal 25% of their MS, making gap closing very very VERY easy! More hybrid damage!
Infinity Edge is great for our case. We get exactly 60% critical so we get the passive 35% bonus crit damage (if you build with Navori) and it gives us a lovely 70AD.
Navori Quickblades will let us use our abilities as soon as we want since we are an auto attack build, it's really great. It also gives us some haste and crit chance which is also very good for our passive.
Essence Reaver combine this bad boy with a Spirit Visage to di even more damage and restore health and mana and also increase your Q healing and overall tankyness. Alternatively you can use LDR with Spirit Visage for the penetration.
Alternatively, I have included a few other finishing items that I recommend depending on the situation you are in. Feel free to be creative.
Lastly for our movement, we build Berserker's Greaves for the extra attack damage and obviously the speed.
Now some explanations. We hybridly scale our Q and E in the beginning so we get the higher healing from Q and higher damage from E at the same time so we can have more fight power. However you can choose to scale one ability fully first at this order: Q E W.
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