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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Triumphant Roar (PASSIVE)
Alistar Passive Ability
A situational support champion is always needed in my opinion, people often forget how much impact this can have on a late game, or how it can affect escapes, pushes, or even just support in general.
I feel that support alistar is very handy early game, if you manage to get some early kills, it can really give your team advantage.
Lovin' Caring Feedin' Combo
[Skills Required]
Pulverize (Q)
Headbutt (W)
Try to position yourself at an angle, where you know that you can leave the brush, and knock your enemy into the air using Pulverize (Q), once they are in the air, if you are commited and no other champions pose huge threat to you or your team, run around the back of your current target and use Headbutt (W), to push the enemy champion back into the arms of your loving AD waiting to be fed on a plate.
//ALTERNATIVELY (Out of reach champions, big groups later game)//
If you believe you now have enough chance to escape, or enough sustainability and support from other champions you can dive in.
Use flash, which I usually assign as my (F). to flash in, perhaps pop Shurelya's (2) giving your team a temporary speed boost, continue to Pulverize (Q), and dependant on the situation, either feed the squishy champion back into your team, or push away a particularly irittating enemy champion, using Headbutt (W).
Escape Artist Combo
[Skills Required]
Flash (F) utility
Shurelya's Reverie (2) item
Randuin's Omen (1) item
Flash in to your team, pop both Shurelya's, and Randuin's Omen, Ensuring team mates are within range for Shurelya's, and enemies are within range for Randuin's Omen, keep both your (R) ability free, and Shard of True Ice (3) free, for the chase back to base, use Headbutt to knock enemies away, and Pulverize to knock enemies into the air, use Shard of True Ice, on any minions you may pass, or even yourself, to slow down an enemy. If this doesnt work. If you believe it is worth it, sacrifice yourself, and try to maintain knockbacks, knockups, and heals. and Keep the enemies occupied for as long as possible.
[Skills Required]
Pulverize (Q)
Headbutt (W)
Try to position yourself at an angle, where you know that you can leave the brush, and knock your enemy into the air using Pulverize (Q), once they are in the air, if you are commited and no other champions pose huge threat to you or your team, run around the back of your current target and use Headbutt (W), to push the enemy champion back into the arms of your loving AD waiting to be fed on a plate.
//ALTERNATIVELY (Out of reach champions, big groups later game)//
If you believe you now have enough chance to escape, or enough sustainability and support from other champions you can dive in.
Use flash, which I usually assign as my (F). to flash in, perhaps pop Shurelya's (2) giving your team a temporary speed boost, continue to Pulverize (Q), and dependant on the situation, either feed the squishy champion back into your team, or push away a particularly irittating enemy champion, using Headbutt (W).
Escape Artist Combo
[Skills Required]
Flash (F) utility
Shurelya's Reverie (2) item
Randuin's Omen (1) item
Flash in to your team, pop both Shurelya's, and Randuin's Omen, Ensuring team mates are within range for Shurelya's, and enemies are within range for Randuin's Omen, keep both your (R) ability free, and Shard of True Ice (3) free, for the chase back to base, use Headbutt to knock enemies away, and Pulverize to knock enemies into the air, use Shard of True Ice, on any minions you may pass, or even yourself, to slow down an enemy. If this doesnt work. If you believe it is worth it, sacrifice yourself, and try to maintain knockbacks, knockups, and heals. and Keep the enemies occupied for as long as possible.
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