Versus Lucian try your best to avoid taking unnecessary damage when farming in the early stages of the game. This is a super hardcore poke lane, I would advise you to have Second Wind in your runes and also start the game of with Doran's shield and or Cloth armor with 4 potions. This will help you sustain the damage within the early game and give you a chance to get in to the items you need in order to defeat Lucian throughout the mid to late stages of the game.
1-Try to rush plated Steelcaps
2-Purchase a Trinity Force
3-Build Serylda's Grudge (helps you stick onto Lucian)
4-Rush a Deadman's Plate/Sterak's Gage for more survivability
Abilites to max first - Q,E,W
-Try to avoid letting her hit those marks from her passive
-Stand close to walls in case she uses her ultimate on you when level 6
- For your runes take Grasp Of The Undying, for items, start of with Corrupted Position. Keep in mind you can also Take Second Wind for runes and start of with Doran's shield to sustain some of the early game damage. You also have the option to start of with cloth armor and 4 pots which leads in to an early Plated Steelcaps that can help you avoid pokes, sustain damage and avoiding incoming ganks.
- Rush Plated Steelcaps so you have some mobility when chasing or being chase, ganks included.
- I find Trinity force and or Divine great versus Fiora, so please give it a try.
- Build Serylda's Grudge is icing on the cake when facing Fiora. That's because she can dash away, but she will never escape your grasp.
Abilities to max first - Q,E,W
- Avoid getting hit by his Q
- Play passive till you reach level 6-7
- Take Grasp Of The Udying with Corrupted Potion.
- Always rush Plated Steelcaps
- Build Trinity Force for its early game pressure or Divine Sunderer for its sustain and also late game scaling.
- For our next item purchase Hull Breaker for its armor, magic resistance, health regen, damage and also giving you the ability to knockdown towers whenever Kled is absent.
- For third build perchase Sterak's Gage for the survivability it will provide when your health is knocking on heavens door or in other words it being low.
- For our fourth item take Deadman's Plate for the health, armor, damage, slow and movement speed that it provides.
- For our Fifth item grab a Titanic Hydra for wave, insane damage and also perfect for taking down towers.
- For our last build make sure to build for yourself or for your teammates. Normally I would build a Guardian Angel or Omen for last.
Abilities to max first - Q,E,W
Jax is not a problem when you start mastering you Wall.
- TIPS- When Jax jump on you, make sure to wall him in, wait for his E (block) to get on cooldown and proceed to beat his face in.
- Rush Plated Steelcaps
- Max your Wall (w) second!
- Get Divine for its last game scaling.
- Purchase a Sterak's Gage for sustain.
- Black Cleaver for pen and Serylda's Grudge for its OP slow. This will allow you to not only kit Jax but stay close to him when he try's to ward jump or run.
Abilities to max first - Q,W,E
- When he is has full rage bar STAY AWAY!
- Get Plated Steelcaps for first.
- Executioner's calling or Sheen for second
- Key items are Divine Sunderer, Black cleaver, Serylda's Grudge, and Omen.
- Max your Q first and E second. You can have 3 points on Wall in the early game for second. But I would advise you to max your E second for damage. Also Renekton has two dashes which makes your Wall useless.
Abilities to max first - Q,E,W
Lightning RAT-
A really good Kennen can be a huge pain in the butt.
Starting runes and items - Grasp Of The Undying, Second Wind, Approach Velocity and a Doran's shield with 1 pot.
The Build - We will start of with by going in to a Hull Breaker as our first item, followed by a Mercury's Treads, Trinity Force, Spectre's Cowl in to a Spirt Visage, this will give us the early game sustain that we need in lane. Next will be Serylda's Grudge for the slow it provides. Keep in mind Grudge can also be your 2nd to 3rd rush if you are having problems. This start should allow you to be on top and win your game against Kennen.
Abilities to max first - Q,W,E
Aatrox is a simple one.
- Avoid getting hit by his Q
- Rush Plated Steelcaps so you have a better chance of Avoiding getting hit by his abilities
- Executioner's calling
- Trinity Force or Divine Sunderer
- Serylda's Grudge is broken vs him
- Black Cleaver
- Sterak's Gage
Build in this order! And you win.
Abilities to max first Q,W,E
A lost Ninja -
Akali has tons of pokes not to mention versus melee champions, oh deerlord, Yorick is melee. Try your best to avoid being hit by her poke (Q) while trying to farm up.
For starting runes and items, take Grasp Of The Dying with Second wind and a Doran's shield. This will help provide you with a bit of sustain even when taking damage from Akali's poke.
Next we will purchase Mercury's Treads for the magic resistance (MR) it provides against ability damage such as the Akali and also reduces the effects of her slows and any crowd control from enemy team. Our next buy will be Divine Sunderer because it provides use with more sustain (healing) and damage. To increase our chance of survival we will build Spirit Visage, this items provides you with a bit of everything health, health regen, magic resistance, ability haste and healing increase. This will amplify the healing you would normally gain from Grasp Of The Undying and Divine Sunderer. Now an important thing to note down is that Akali players will always RUSH in to Rift Maker or Divine Sunderer, meaning they will have a lot of healing. So our best option will be to build an executioner's calling for our next buy. This will provide use the with the ability to reduce her healing while at the same time winning any 1v1's against the Akali.
Abilities to max first - Q,E,W
Attack On Titan!
Starting runes and items - Take Grasp Of The Undying with Corrupted Potion to start.
-Build Triforce or Divine based on enemy composition or based on which ever one you feel more comfortable playing.
- Followed by Sterak's Gage for more survivability
- For second or third item I would highly recommend you building in to Serylda's Grudge. It's an item that is extremely super effective against champions with tons of mobility and Camille us 100% a mobile champion.
-For a forth or fifth item build Death's Dance for the damage reduction and follow up with a Black cleaver.
-Tip -> Make sure to properly time her jumps/dashes, in doing so place your Wall (w) ability on yourself. Reason for doing this, is cause she will be trying to stun you and proceed with kicking your butt. So make sure to bait it.
Abilities to max first - Q,W,E
Oh the Snake!
- Buy Mercury's Treads for the resistance and also the ability to not get zoned since she gains tons of mobility when hitting with with her ability.
- Purchase Spectre's Cowl for the healing regen, health, and magic resistances that it provides.
- Rush phage (healing/health) into Divine Sunderer.
- Finish your Spectre's Cowl in to a Spirit visage
- Build Serylda's Grudge to avoid being zoned by Cassiopeia Kitting.
- Sterak's Gage is a must after
- Top it of with a Black Cleaver
Abilities to max first - Q,W,E
The Oversized Rat!
He can be annoying at first with his pokes but later on you'll get use to him.
For starting runes and items, take Grasp Of The Undying, Second wind (must), and for items Doran's Shield.
- Starting main items are Plated Steelcaps for early game sustain, Divine Sunderer or Trinity Force. Followed by Serylda's Grudge for Gnar's mobility, Sterak's Gage for sustain, Black cleaver armor pen and movement speed increase and the rest is based of the enemies composition.
Abilites to max first - Q,E,W
Nasus is great in the mid to late game, so lets stop that from happening.
For RUNES take, Grasp Of The Udying, Demolish, Second wind/Conditioning , Unflinching, Tenacity and Last Stand.
Starting item: Doran's shield + Potion for the health and Sustain.
Main Builds: First buy *Executioner's calling*. *Phage*, *Sheen* in that order, purchase *Divine Sunderer* ASAP. Next get *Mercury's Treads* for more insane slow resistance and movement speed, *Hull-Breaker* for it's armor, magic resistance to you and your cannon minion, making it hard for Nasus to stack and easier for you to make trades and push down towers. For the last items get Black cleaver, Deadman's Plate, Titanic Hydra. If you want more control take Serylda's Grudge.
Ability's To Max First: Q->W->E->R
Big Bird - Quinn is a heavy poke champion to face in topside, but the lane is winnable.
For starting runes and items take Grasp Of The Undying, Second Wind and for Doran's Shield with 1 potion.
Next, buy a Plated Steelcaps for the armor, physical damage reduction and movement/mobility. Our next step will be to rush in to a Trinity Force for the mobility it gives and damage. Our 3rd purchase will be Serylda's Grudge for the slow it provides, its armor pen and of course damage. For 4th we have Omen for the damage decrease, sustain and also slow. From here on our everything should be fine and you will be able to win your lane with ease.
Abilites to max first - Q-E-W
Ms. Broken Blade-
You've out done yourself on this time riot, creating a champion that not only has tons of mobile, but cc? Sigh.
Starting runes and items - Grasp Of The Undying and Corrupted Potion.
The First items to fully purchase should be - Plated Steelcaps for the armor and mobility, Hull Breaker for more sustain and survivability, Trinity Force for more damage and mobility, Serylda's Grudge is a must for keeping Riven close due to the massive amount of mobility her kit contains, next we will build Sterak's Gage for more sustain and health. This start should put you in the right place to achieve victory.
Abilities to max first - Q,E,W
Rumble Flames are annoying, but as always I got you with some goodies.
Runes: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Second Wind, OverGrowth/Unfiniching, Overheal and Bloodline.
Starting Items: Doran's Shield and 1 Potion.
Main Build: Divine Sunderer, Mercury's Treads, Hull Breaker, Titanic Hydra, Serylda's Grude, Black Cleaver. For other items you can always build Force Of Nature and or also Spirit Visage.
Abilities To Max First: Q->W->E->R
Respect the early stage when facing Shen and always respect his Dash (E) and his (W) which blocks all auto attacks within that zone. Your wall (W) can cancel Shen's ultimate when placed correctly on top of him.
For Runes take: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Bone Plating/Conditioning, Overgrowth/Unflinching, Triumph and Tenacity/Last Stand.
For starting Runes and Items take Grasp Of The Undying and a Corrupted Potion.
Next buy Plated Steelcaps for armor, mobility and physical damage decrease. We will then purchase a Trinity Force for its burst in damage, mobility and the ability to take towers quickly. Our number 3 buy will be focus on Sterak's Gage for the sustain and Dead's Dance for the damage and also damage decrease. Next will be an Omen for the damage and critical damage deduction. For the last item that is up to you base on the enemies composition. With this setup it should be almost impossible for you to die in the hands on a Tryndamere player.
Abilties to max first - Q,W,E
Vayne is annoying to face in the early stage but you can destroy her later around level 3-6.
Runes: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Second Wind/Conditioning, Overgrowth, Minion Demineralizer, Approach Velocity.
It is very important to respect Volibear in the early levels due to the massive amount of damage he can put out. Make sure to watch out for his *E* ability cause its the one thing that does most of his damage, once that ability is down start pounding on him with your ghouls.
Runes - Conqueror or Grasp with Unflinching, Tenacity or both. This is because Volibear CC from his Q would put you in place for his E ability to hit. And of course by having CC reduction, it will help you avoid getting hit. Corrupted Potion or Doran's Shield with a Potion.
BUILDS- I always rush a Mercury's Tread cause Volibear deals for magic than physical damage, hard to believe right? Most Volibear would also build Ability power items. Next will be Divine Sunderer, Spirit Visage, Sterak's Gage, Black Cleaver, Death's Dance/Serylda Grudge/Guardian Angel or Omen. There is a list of items I can add but this should be good enough for an ez gg.
Abilities to max first - Q-W-E
Wukong is a tough matchup but not impossible to win against.
For Runes take: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth, Magical Footwear and Approach Velocity.
Starting items: Doran's Shield and Potion.
Builds: Divine Sunderer, Frozen Heart, Thornmail, Hull-Breaker, Plated Steelcaps and Black Cleaver.
Abilities To Max First: Q->W->E->R
Mordekaiser players are never a problem early but can be a nuisance to deal with in the later stages of the game.
For runes take: Conqueror, Overheal, Bloodline, Last Stand, Demolish, Conditioning/Second Wind.
Starting Items: Doran's Shield + Potion or Corrupting Potion.
Main Items: Quicksliver Sash, Divine Sunderer, Mercury's Treads, Executioner's Calling, Hull-Breaker, Titanic Hydra and Sterak's Gage.
Abilities To Max First: Q-W-E-R
Simple But not Easy.
- Respect his Q its like a boomerang, it always comes back and it gives him the ability to run away or close the gap between the two of you, so make sure to side step it at all cost. Watch out for his ultimate (R) setup, meaning, do not get greedy.
- For runes Take Grasp of the Undying with second wind and Doran's Shield.
-For builds - Take Mercury's Treads for Mobility, Ekko's ability power damage and also his slow and stun. First item buy a Trinity Force for its speed or Divine Sunderer for its sustain. Then Head in to a spirit visage for the heal, health and resistance to his AP damage or Force Of Nature for its stats and also the mobility it provides. Everything after that is situational base on the enemies composition.
Abilities to max first - Q,W,E
The Goat -
Ornn can be annoying to deal with in the early game due to him being a tank and putting out tons of damage.
Starting runes and items - Take Conqueror and Corrupted Potion.
Build - Buy Phase for health and sustain also allow you to go toe to toe with Ornn. Divine will be our first buy without a doubt because its stats give you Sustain, health % damage, and armor/magic penetration. Next we will add more salt to the wounded Ornn by going in to a Serylda's Grudge. This items provides you with a slow, damage, and also tons of armor penetration. The slow and armor pen will do you wonders versus the goat. From that we will buy a Sterak's Gage for the amazing sustain it provides and also a Black Cleaver because we are mean ghouls.
Abilities To Max First - Q->E->W->R
Ryze is a pain at time but Yorick can handle him with the right runes and build.
For Runes take Grasps Of The Undying with, Demolish, Second wind, Unflinching, Biscuits and Approach Velocity
Starting item - Take Doran's Shield with Potion for heavy sustain from poke damage.
Build - For first buy we take Mercury's Treads for the sustain against Ryze's Ap Damage and the Tenacity it provides against his Root (w) ability.
Our second buy - Build in to a Trinity Force for the quick burst damage it provides, speaking of quick it also gives movement speed on hit so this will also allow Yorick to stay close to Ryze while dishing out damage at the same time.
Our Third buy - Take Spirit Visage. This item will provide even more sustain from Ryze's damage and also help improve your healing by 25%.
For our Forth buy - Take Ravenous Hydra. This will give you the ability to push lane even quicker and also giving you the damage and healing that Yorick needs, not to mention the healing getting amplified by 25% from Spirit visage's passive.
For our Fifth buy - Take Sterak's Gage. This item will provide, healing, shielding which are both going to be increase by 25% due to Spirit Visage's passive. Also Sterak's have a tremendous amount of damage.
For the last buy - Build for the enemy team or for yourself. Take Guardian Angel if you're hard-stuck on what you should purchase next.
Abilities to max first - Q,W,E
Cho'Gath players love stacking by eating Maiden for dinner so try to prevent that from happening by keeping your wife behind you, ok?
For runes take: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Second Wind/Conditioning. Unflinching, Tenacity and Last Stand.
Starting items: Doran Shield + Potion for health and sustain.
Main Build: Executioner's Calling->Phage-> Sheen-> Divine Sunderer->Mercury's Treads-> Hull-Breaker-> Serylda's Grudge->Titanic Hydra->Deadman's Plate or Force Of Nature.
Abilities To Max First: Q->W->E->R
Illaoi is very easy to beat, but only at level 6+. Make sure to watch out for her E ability which pulls your soul towards her, if you could avoid this the game is yours.
For Runes take: Grasp Of The Unding, Demolish, Conditioning, Overgrowth, Overheal and Bloodline.
Starting Items: Doran's Shield.
Builds: Divine Sunderer, Executioner's Calling, Ionian Boots, Serylda's Grudge, Black Cleaver or Deadman's Plate and Titanic Hydra.
Abilities To Max First: Q->W->E->R
Teemo's Blind can be a real problem but, with my build, his blind is nothing to worry about.
For Runes take: Arcane Comet, Nullifying Orb, Transcendence/Celerity, Scorch, Demolish, Second Wind/Conditioning.
Starting items: Doran's Shield + Potion or Corrupting Potion.
Builds: Hull-Breaker, Mercury's Treads, Divine Sunderer, Serylda's Grudge, Black Cleaver, Force Of Nature.
Abilities To Max First: Q->E->W->R
Trundle's Ultimate is a problem if you're building items that has armor and magic resistance so lets avoid that, ok?
For runes take: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Bone Plating, Overgrowth, Cheap Shot and Ravenous Hunter.
Starting Items: Doran's Shield + Potion.
Builds: Divine Sunderer, Chempunk Chainsword, Plated Steelcaps, Serylda's Grudge, Titanic Hydra and Hull-Breaker and or Black cleaver.
Abilities To Max: Q->W->E->R
You will need a strong mental when facing a good Neeko top side, make sure to take Ghost/Teleport as your summoner spells for starters.
Runes: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Second Wind/Conditioning, Unflinching, Minion Dematerializer, Approach Velocity.
Starting Items: Doran's Shield + Potion.
Builds: Hull-Breaker, Mercury's Treads, Divine Sunderer, Force of Nature, Serylda's Grudge, Titanic Hydra.
Abilities To Max First: Q->W->E->R
Urgut isn't much of a problem you just need to respect his early game damage.
Runes: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Bone Plating/Second Wind/Conditioning, Overgrowth, Magical Footwear and Approach Velocity.
Darius damage that's fully stacked early game is terrifying, so don't get cocky and respect the early game damage.
Runes: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Bone Plating/Second Wind, Overgrowth, Overheal and Bloodline.
Builds: Frost Fire/Trinity Force/Divine Sunderer, Plated Steelcaps, Hull-Breaker, Chempunk Chainsword, Titanic Hydra, Serylda's Grudge and Deadman's Plate. Extras Black Cleaver.
Abilities To Max First: Q->W->E->R
Stay Behind your minions and avoid getting chained down. It's also important to get Executioner's Calling since its a hard counter to Sylas, DO NOT BUILD BAMBLE VEST.
Summoner Spells: Teleport and Flash
Runes: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Bone Plating, Unflinching, Overheal and Bloodline.
Respect every Olaf mains and players top side, he is most dangerous at level 1-3 is the most dangers part of the early laning phase versing him. Play passive until you reach level 3-6.
Runes: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Bone Plating, OverGrowth, Taste Of Blood, Ravenous Hunter.
Starting Items: Doran's Shield + Potion or Corrupting Potion.
Runes: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Second Wind, Unfliching, Appoach Velocity, Magical Footwear.
Starting items: Doran's Shield and 1 Potion.
Main Items: Divine Sunderer, Mercury's Tread, Hull Breaker, Titanic Hydra, Serylda's Grudge, Sterak's Gage or Deadman's Plate.
Abilities To Max First: Q->W->E->R
Play hard or lose late game. Kayle has hard scaling for late but is weak in the early stages. Make sure to allow her to push so you can freeze and zone. Also secure the Heralds and open up top side.
Runes: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Second Wind, Unflinching, Approach Velocity and Magical Footwear.
Starting Items: Doran's Shield and 1 Potion, or Corrupting Potion.
Main Build: Trinity Force/ Divine Sunderer, Mercury's Trend/Boots Of Swiftness, Hull Breaker, Serylda's Gruge, Anathema's Chains and Black Cleaver/Titanic Hydra.
Abilities To Max First: Q->W->E->R
When facing Vladimir once you have 3-4 ghouls down don't afraid to engage using your E and box him in with your Wall (W). Keep in mind that executioner's calling and maxing your W ability second is a must! And please never build Bamble Vest when going up against a Vladimir player.
Runes: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Second Wind/Conditioning, OverGrowth, Magical Footwear and Approach Velocity.
Runes: Grasp Of The Undying, Demolish, Bone Plating, Unflinching, Time Warp Tonic and Magical Footwear.
Main Builds: Divine Sunderer/Trinity Force, Mercury's Treads, Hull Breaker, Serylda's Grudge, Titanic Hydra and Deadman's Plate/Black Cleaver.
Abilities To Max First: Q->W->E->R
Cook That Egg! I got the secret spice for this match up, but first lets get on with the summoner spells, runes and build.
Summoner Spells: Teleport And Ghost.
Runes: Arcane Comet, Nullifying Orb, Transcendence, Scorch, Bloodline and Last Stance.
Starting Items: Doran's Shield.
Builds: Hull-Breaker, Mercury's Treads, Trinity Force, Serylda's Grudge, Force Of Nature and Deadman's Plate.
Abilities To Max First: Q->W->E->R
Dr. Mundo
Runes: Conqueror, Overheal, Bloodline, Last Stand, Demolish and Bone Plating.
Starting Items: Corrupting Potion
Main Builds: Divine Sunderer, Ionian Boots/Boots Of Shiftness/Mercury's Treads (Choose base on enemy composition), Chempunk Chainsword, Serylda's Grudge, Black Cleaver and Titanic Hydra.
Abilities To Max First: Q->W->E->R
Watch out for his lock (W) and respect his saplings.
+ Best Split Pusher + Can Control Miltiple lanes + Power Spike At lvl 6/11/16 + Easy To Learn + Could Carry Even When Behind + Teaches map-control/rotation + He Is A Necromancer + Very Strong After 2-3 Items + Extremely Strong In Late game
Yorick in my opinion is one of the best if not the best spilt pushers in the game.When this champion gets going he can force the enemy team to send not one but two or sometimes everyone to hold him down.
Force on Playing safe early game, Force on Last hitting minions even when under pressure and try to reach level 6 and up before making plays on the map, unless your lane is already push out
- Mid To Late Game Champion - Item Dependent - Realizes On Ghouls And Maiden - Long Cooldown Wait time On Abilities - Gets Raged At And Pinged - Zero Mobility - Most Bugs In The Game
Most of these can be solved with items and runes
Overview of Yorick's Abilities
(Passive) - Shepherd of SoulsYour Children. Yorick can raise Mist Walkers with his abilities Last Rites and Mourning Mist. Enemies or large monsters that die near Yorick will leave a grave behind. Mist walkers take 50% reduced damage from monsters giving you the chance to take Dragon, Baron and even jungle camps such as Blue buff and Red buff behind enemies backs.
Q - Last RitesDamage, range increase & summons ghouls. Yorick's next Attack deals an additional physical damage and restores Health, the healing from Last Rites doubles if/whenever Yorick is below 50% Health. If Last Rites kills the target, it leaves a grave. When there are 3 or more graves nearby and this ability has already been used, Yorick can Recast to raise Mist Walkers from all nearby graves. This Ability triggers spell effects upon dealing damage.
W - Dark ProcessionAOE Trap/Bird cage. Yorick summons a circular wall of spirits around the target area after a brief delay, forming "impassible" terrain for the next 4 seconds. Allies can walk through the barrier without impediment. Dark Procession can be targeted by enemy basic attacks (only) and takes 1 damage per attack, dissolving after taking 2 / 3 / 4 damage.
E - Mourning MistAOE Slow and damage based on health. Yorick marks enemy champions or Monsters dealing health % damage while movementspeed and also swamping ghouls from nearby graves.
R - Eulogy of The IslesYour Wife. Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist, along with 2 / 3 / 4 Mist Walkers depending on your level 6/11/16. The Maiden of the Mist moves and attacks on her own, dealing magic damage every second to her target enemy and raising Mist Walkers from nearby enemy deaths.
Runes And Summoner Spells
Alright ghouls we will be focusing on the only runes and summoner spells you'll need when playing Yorick. I've been testing different runes and summoner spells on this champion and... To my surprise, there are four (4) runes and five (5) summoner spells that I'd recommend building on this champion. You might find some of these runes and summoner spells might be a bit different from your own. I personally like Grasp of the Undying, First Strike, Arcane Comet as runes and Teleport, Flash, Ghost as summoner spells on Yorick.
The Only Runes For Yorick
Grasp of the Undying, in my opinion I honestly think this rune is mostly used by every Yorick player. This version is also basic but gives you alot in vaule compare to most runes that I've built on this champion. So let gets started.
Sustain And Damage
Grasp Of The Undying
✦ Grasp of the Undying Is second to none when it comes to best runes to build on Yorick. This rune provides you with the ability to have early game damage, gives healing/sustain, and stacks health, which is needed cause I personally love playing tanky brusiers and Grasp of the Undying gives you the ability to become one. I think having health and tons of damage in one package is satisfactory. Versus melee champions Grasp of the Undying works wonders with Yorick's Last Rites (Q) ability. This ability gives you range whioh allows you to proc from a safe distance.
✦ I highly recommend taking Demolish in every game because it compliments Yorick's playing style with perfection. Tips* Always rush Hullbreaker for early game destuction against tower plates. This will give a gold advantage over your top lane matchup, allowing you to purchase/obtain items much quicker.
Anti Burst Damage
Bone Plating
✦ Bone Plating is great against champions with very high burst damage because it block a ton of damage that in most cases would having you basing back in the early stages of the game, causing you to miss out on farm and xp (experience). The only negative aspect (con) to this rune is facing range match ups such as Quinn, Jayce, Gnar and more.. All they have to do is auto attack you and there goes your Bone Plating. Take Ghost and Approach Velocity when facing range champions to aviod getting kitted down.
✦ Unflinching is great on Yorick cause in League Of Legends there are many Crowd control's such as Stuns, Snares, Fears, Putting you to sleep, Polymorph and the list goes on. In order to avoid getting CC'ed (crowed control) for it's full duration, Unflinching provides you with 10% Tenacity and 10% slow resistance at level one (1). These values can increase by up to an additional 20% Tenacity and 20% slow resist based on missing health. Giving you a total of 30% Tenacity and 30% slow resistance when your at health bar reaches 30%.
✦ I would value this rune around 800gold. I think its a fair vaule because Mercury's Treads gives you basically the same thing the only difference is it's movement speed.
Free Boots
Magical Footwear
✦ Magical Footwear is a runes that says "why spend 300 gold when you can get a boots for free"?. Stats don't lie ladies and Gentle worms you can save money and gain boots over time that gives you an aditional ten (10) movement speed compare to its regular counter part. just do the math for crying out loud.
✦ I highly recommend everyone taking this rune in to game unless you have a rune that works best for you and your playstyle. Who knows it might even make you 300 gold richer.
Approach Velocity
✦ Approach Velocity in my opinion is one of the best secondary runes/rune for this season. Reasons being are, which champion in 2022 doesn't have some sort of mobility? This rune grants you mobility whenever an enemy champion is CC'ed ( Crowd control ) while in range. This is a great tool for being behind the backlines on the enemy team and the mobility needed to not get kitted.
✦ I highly recommend taking this rune in to game especially when dealing with range champions example: Vayne, Jayce, Teemo, Quinn, Gnar Kalista and for melee champions: Garen, Riven, Camille and more. Get it against anyone that can potentially kit you.
Sustain and Damage
✦ I mainly pick Conqueror versus Tanks and brusiers. Any fights that will be prolonged you'll be able to stack the healing/damage from Conqueror more consistancely compare to facing a champion with higher burst damage such as Tryndamere.
✦ Ashe's basic attacks grant Focus, stacking up to 4 times. Stacks last for 4 seconds, after which they fall off one at a time every second. ✦ Once Ashe reaches 4 stacks, she can activate Ranger's Focus to consume all Focus stacks, granting 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Attack Speed and replacing Ashe's basic attacks with a flurry of arrows resulting in 1.05 / 1.10 / 1.15 / 1.20 / 1.25 of her Total Attack Damage per attack for 4 seconds.
Legend: Bloodline
✦ Ashe's basic attacks and damaging abilities apply Frost, slowing targets by 15-30% (at levels 1-18, increasing every 3 levels) for 2 seconds and causing subsequent basic attacks against them to deal 10 (+ critical strike chance × (1 + bonus critical damage))% bonus physical damage while they remain slowed. ✦ Ashe's Critical Strikes deal 100% of her total attack damage (instead of 200%), but double the effectiveness of Frost Shot, decaying down to the normal slow over 1 second.
Last Stand
✦ Ashe's basic attacks grant Focus, stacking up to 4 times. Stacks last for 4 seconds, after which they fall off one at a time every second. ✦ Once Ashe reaches 4 stacks, she can activate Ranger's Focus to consume all Focus stacks, granting 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Attack Speed and replacing Ashe's basic attacks with a flurry of arrows resulting in 1.05 / 1.10 / 1.15 / 1.20 / 1.25 of her Total Attack Damage per attack for 4 seconds.
Tower Breaker
✦ Ashe's basic attacks and damaging abilities apply Frost, slowing targets by 15-30% (at levels 1-18, increasing every 3 levels) for 2 seconds and causing subsequent basic attacks against them to deal 10 (+ critical strike chance × (1 + bonus critical damage))% bonus physical damage while they remain slowed. ✦ Ashe's Critical Strikes deal 100% of her total attack damage (instead of 200%), but double the effectiveness of Frost Shot, decaying down to the normal slow over 1 second.
Damage Reduction
Bone Plating
✦ Ashe's basic attacks grant Focus, stacking up to 4 times. Stacks last for 4 seconds, after which they fall off one at a time every second. ✦ Once Ashe reaches 4 stacks, she can activate Ranger's Focus to consume all Focus stacks, granting 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Attack Speed and replacing Ashe's basic attacks with a flurry of arrows resulting in 1.05 / 1.10 / 1.15 / 1.20 / 1.25 of her Total Attack Damage per attack for 4 seconds.
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