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Best Yorick Guide For Patch 13.6

Best Yorick Guide For Patch 13.6

Updated on March 30, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GHOULGUY YORICK Build Guide By GHOULGUY YORICK 147 13 344,921 Views 21 Comments
147 13 344,921 Views 21 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author GHOULGUY YORICK Build Guide By GHOULGUY YORICK Updated on March 30, 2023
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Runes: Unsealed Spellbook

1 2 3 4 5 6
Unsealed Spellbook
Magical Footwear
Future's Market
Time Warp Tonic

Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health


1 2 3 4 5 6
Ghost/TP versus mobility
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Best Yorick Guide For Patch 13.6

Yorick Pros and Cons

+ Best Split Pusher
+ Can Control Miltiple lanes
+ Power Spike At lvl 6/11/16
+ Easy To Learn
+ Could Carry Even When Behind
+ Teaches map-control/rotation
+ He Is A Necromancer
+ Very Strong After 2-3 Items
+ Extremely Strong In Late game

Yorick in my opinion is one of the best if not the best spilt pushers in the game.When this champion gets going he can force the enemy team to send not one but two or sometimes everyone to hold him down.
Force on Playing safe early game, Force on Last hitting minions even when under pressure and try to reach level 6 and up before making plays on the map, unless your lane is already push out

- Mid To Late Game Champion
- Item Dependent
- Realizes On Ghouls And Maiden
- Long Cooldown Wait time On Abilities
- Gets Raged At And Pinged
- Zero Mobility
- Most Bugs In The Game

Most of these can be solved with items and runes
Overview of Yorick's Abilities

(Passive) - Shepherd of Souls Your Children. Yorick can raise Mist Walkers with his abilities Last Rites and Mourning Mist. Enemies or large monsters that die near Yorick will leave a grave behind. Mist walkers take 50% reduced damage from monsters giving you the chance to take Dragon, Baron and even jungle camps such as Blue buff and Red buff behind enemies backs.

Q - Last Rites Damage, range increase & summons ghouls. Yorick's next Attack deals an additional physical damage and restores Health, the healing from Last Rites doubles if/whenever Yorick is below 50% Health. If Last Rites kills the target, it leaves a grave. When there are 3 or more graves nearby and this ability has already been used, Yorick can Recast to raise Mist Walkers from all nearby graves. This Ability triggers spell effects upon dealing damage.

W - Dark Procession AOE Trap/Bird cage. Yorick summons a circular wall of spirits around the target area after a brief delay, forming "impassible" terrain for the next 4 seconds. Allies can walk through the barrier without impediment. Dark Procession can be targeted by enemy basic attacks (only) and takes 1 damage per attack, dissolving after taking 2 / 3 / 4 damage.

E - Mourning Mist AOE Slow and damage based on health. Yorick marks enemy champions or Monsters dealing health % damage while movementspeed and also swamping ghouls from nearby graves.

R - Eulogy of The Isles Your Wife. Yorick summons the Maiden of the Mist, along with 2 / 3 / 4 Mist Walkers depending on your level 6/11/16. The Maiden of the Mist moves and attacks on her own, dealing magic damage every second to her target enemy and raising Mist Walkers from nearby enemy deaths.
Runes And Summoner Spells

Alright ghouls we will be focusing on the only runes and summoner spells you'll need when playing Yorick. I've been testing different runes and summoner spells on this champion and... To my surprise, there are four (4) runes and five (5) summoner spells that I'd recommend building on this champion. You might find some of these runes and summoner spells might be a bit different from your own. I personally like Grasp of the Undying, First Strike, Arcane Comet as runes and Teleport, Flash, Ghost as summoner spells on Yorick.

The Only Runes For Yorick
Grasp of the Undying, in my opinion I honestly think this rune is mostly used by every Yorick player. This version is also basic but gives you alot in vaule compare to most runes that I've built on this champion. So let gets started.

Sustain And Damage
Grasp Of The Undying
Grasp of the Undying Is second to none when it comes to best runes to build on Yorick. This rune provides you with the ability to have early game damage, gives healing/sustain, and stacks health, which is needed cause I personally love playing tanky brusiers and Grasp of the Undying gives you the ability to become one. I think having health and tons of damage in one package is satisfactory. Versus melee champions Grasp of the Undying works wonders with Yorick's Last Rites (Q) ability. This ability gives you range whioh allows you to proc from a safe distance.

Grasp of the Undying match-ups example: Jax, Darius, Riven, Tryndamere and more.
Tower Destroyer
Demolish basically speaks for itself, if you're playing Yorick who is a spilt pusher it would make sense to have this rune. Demolish plus Hullbreaker combined with Trinity Force or Divine Sunderer makes towers go bye bye.

I highly recommend taking Demolish in every game because it compliments Yorick's playing style with perfection. Tips* Always rush Hullbreaker for early game destuction against tower plates. This will give a gold advantage over your top lane matchup, allowing you to purchase/obtain items much quicker.
Anti Burst Damage
Bone Plating
Bone Plating is great against champions with very high burst damage because it block a ton of damage that in most cases would having you basing back in the early stages of the game, causing you to miss out on farm and xp (experience). The only negative aspect (con) to this rune is facing range match ups such as Quinn, Jayce, Gnar and more.. All they have to do is auto attack you and there goes your Bone Plating. Take Ghost and Approach Velocity when facing range champions to aviod getting kitted down.

Bone Plating is great versus; Wukong, Darius, Jayce, Garen, Yone, Yasuo, Aatrox, and Etc.
Anti CC
Unflinching is great on Yorick cause in League Of Legends there are many Crowd control's such as Stuns, Snares, Fears, Putting you to sleep, Polymorph and the list goes on. In order to avoid getting CC'ed (crowed control) for it's full duration, Unflinching provides you with 10% Tenacity and 10% slow resistance at level one (1). These values can increase by up to an additional 20% Tenacity and 20% slow resist based on missing health. Giving you a total of 30% Tenacity and 30% slow resistance when your at health bar reaches 30%.

I would value this rune around 800 gold. I think its a fair vaule because Mercury's Treads gives you basically the same thing the only difference is it's movement speed.
Free Boots
Magical Footwear
Magical Footwear is a runes that says "why spend 300 gold when you can get a boots for free"?. Stats don't lie ladies and Gentle worms you can save money and gain boots over time that gives you an aditional ten (10) movement speed compare to its regular counter part. just do the math for crying out loud.

I highly recommend everyone taking this rune in to game unless you have a rune that works best for you and your playstyle. Who knows it might even make you 300 gold richer.
Approach Velocity
Approach Velocity in my opinion is one of the best secondary runes/rune for this season. Reasons being are, which champion in 2022 doesn't have some sort of mobility? This rune grants you mobility whenever an enemy champion is CC'ed ( Crowd control ) while in range. This is a great tool for being behind the backlines on the enemy team and the mobility needed to not get kitted.

I highly recommend taking this rune in to game especially when dealing with range champions example: Vayne, Jayce, Teemo, Quinn, Gnar Kalista and for melee champions: Garen, Riven, Camille and more. Get it against anyone that can potentially kit you.

Sustain and Damage
I mainly pick Conqueror versus Tanks and brusiers. Any fights that will be prolonged you'll be able to stack the healing/damage from Conqueror more consistancely compare to facing a champion with higher burst damage such as Tryndamere.

Matchups that i highly suggest bringing Conqueror against... Ornn, Darius, Mordekaiser, Aatrox, Garen, Nasus, Dr. Mundo, Maokai, Sion and many more...
Ashe's basic attacks grant Focus, stacking up to 4 times. Stacks last for 4 seconds, after which they fall off one at a time every second.
Once Ashe reaches 4 stacks, she can activate Ranger's Focus to consume all Focus stacks, granting 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Attack Speed and replacing Ashe's basic attacks with a flurry of arrows resulting in 1.05 / 1.10 / 1.15 / 1.20 / 1.25 of her Total Attack Damage per attack for 4 seconds.
Legend: Bloodline
Ashe's basic attacks and damaging abilities apply Frost, slowing targets by 15-30% (at levels 1-18, increasing every 3 levels) for 2 seconds and causing subsequent basic attacks against them to deal 10 (+ critical strike chance × (1 + bonus critical damage))% bonus physical damage while they remain slowed.
Ashe's Critical Strikes deal 100% of her total attack damage (instead of 200%), but double the effectiveness of Frost Shot, decaying down to the normal slow over 1 second.
Last Stand
Ashe's basic attacks grant Focus, stacking up to 4 times. Stacks last for 4 seconds, after which they fall off one at a time every second.
Once Ashe reaches 4 stacks, she can activate Ranger's Focus to consume all Focus stacks, granting 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Attack Speed and replacing Ashe's basic attacks with a flurry of arrows resulting in 1.05 / 1.10 / 1.15 / 1.20 / 1.25 of her Total Attack Damage per attack for 4 seconds.
Tower Breaker
Ashe's basic attacks and damaging abilities apply Frost, slowing targets by 15-30% (at levels 1-18, increasing every 3 levels) for 2 seconds and causing subsequent basic attacks against them to deal 10 (+ critical strike chance × (1 + bonus critical damage))% bonus physical damage while they remain slowed.
Ashe's Critical Strikes deal 100% of her total attack damage (instead of 200%), but double the effectiveness of Frost Shot, decaying down to the normal slow over 1 second.
Damage Reduction
Bone Plating
Ashe's basic attacks grant Focus, stacking up to 4 times. Stacks last for 4 seconds, after which they fall off one at a time every second.
Once Ashe reaches 4 stacks, she can activate Ranger's Focus to consume all Focus stacks, granting 20 / 25 / 30 / 35 / 40% Attack Speed and replacing Ashe's basic attacks with a flurry of arrows resulting in 1.05 / 1.10 / 1.15 / 1.20 / 1.25 of her Total Attack Damage per attack for 4 seconds.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author GHOULGUY YORICK
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Best Yorick Guide For Patch 13.6

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