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2) Wraiths, then blue golem, then wolves, then wraiths. Or, if a lane is pushed, gank after blue golem, then continue.
Please note: The maximum use of Sion's passive is awesome in the jungle. There is no need for yellow flat armor runes. I *usually* finish 2 clearings of the jungle PLUS a gank attempt...before I run out of pots and have to back. (Yes...even with just 2 hpots since we start with dagger).
When your crit chance, at lvl 1 with no items, is 10%....its just as effective as attack speed runes for jungling. Since Sion gets an AD steroid AND attack speed steroid in his E and R....crit chance is superior for runes, and offensive tree makes a big snowball effect.
I grab 1 rank of Q at alternating levels (3, 4, or 5), depending on when I expect to gank.
Please the end of the build I have separated out Hydra and Infinity Edge as alternate options to Atma's Impaler. Atma's Impaler is a good cheap option to reach in the late part of mid game. The game shouldn't last long after that point, but if it does...IE and Hydra may be better suited overall, once you have the gold.
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