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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Frost Shot (PASSIVE)
Ashe Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Ezreal counters Ashe like a wall counters a car. He is more mobile than Ashe because of his E: Arcane Shift and he can easily out-poke you because he has shorter ability cooldowns than you. Play hyper-safe and farm up.
Today I am here to provide you with a guide to Ashe.
Please take note of the following:
- This guide is IN-DEPTH. It is intentionally as detailed whilst still being friendly towards newer players as much as I possibly could. If you are above the rank of Platinum, I doubt you would wish to follow or spend time into reading this guide.
- Furthermore I am British so if anything is spelt 'strangely' just remember I am busy sipping my tea.
Ashe is by no means the strongest champion in the bottom lane and by no means is weak. She is an awkward state of being in between the two.
The diversity of match-ups in terms of ones she dominates, ones she can go even with, and lastly, ones that she completely struggles are, personally, quite evenly distributed (of which 8 are listed between a threat level of 1-4, 8 being listed between 5-7 and 8 being listed between 8-10).

As for marks, personally, I recommend you take 9 flat attack damage reds. This is pretty standard of Marksmen, giving you a bonus 8.5 attack damage to start the game with. I personally don't believe there are any viable alternatives.

In terms of seals, I recommend you take 9 flat armour yellows. This gives you 9 additional armour when you begin the game which can be useful to deal with any auto attack harass early in the game. An alternate option would be to take 9 flat health seals which would give you an extra 72 health to start the game. This may be a better option if you are concerned about a Mage roaming from middle lane to gank bottom or if the enemy support is a Mage support.

As for glyphs, I take 9 scaling magic resist blues, giving you 27 additional magic resist at level 18. This gives you some slight protection from Mages bursting you down late game. Alternatively, you could take flat magic resist glyphs which would give you 12 additional magic resist to begin the game with. This may be a better choice if you take flat health seals.

Lastly, come the big ones; the quintessences. For quintessences, I take 2 flat attack speed purples and 1 flat attack purple. This is where you can toy around a bit more freely with choices. Depending on what your needs are you can choose to take an alternative combination of my chosen quintessence orientation. These alternate options are:
- 2 flat attack damage quintessences and 1 flat attack speed quintessence
- 3 flat attack damage quintessences
- 3 flat attack speed quintessences
First is Fresh Blood in the Ferocity tree. Many prefer the sustain from the mastery Feast, however as a Marksman that has decreased initial critical strike damage, I believe Fresh Blood closes such a gap in the early game.
Double-Edged Sword also has been questioned about before as it makes you more susceptible to being killed because you take 2.5% extra damage. Whilst this is completely true, at the moment Marksmen are in a META that is unfavoured for them and subsequently, getting off more damage before you may get burst down is important.
As for my Keystone Mastery, I personally prefer Warlord's Bloodlust as it allows me to survive more clutch situations during early game duels, considering I find Ashe to struggle heavily against Marksman which are dominant from the beginning such as Draven. Alternatively, if you believe that such things do not threaten you, Fever of Battle is just as viable a choice.
Additionally, I favour fully upgrading Q: Ranger's Focus up first over W: Volley as it allows you to win 1v1 and 2v2 duels more effectively as you are outputting more auto attacks in a shorter space of time, in addition to it providing clutch healing at low health with my preferred Keystone Mastery: Warlord's Bloodlust.
Your generic starting items. Refer to the Cull for an alternate starting option.
The Cull
If you are confident in your ability to last hit and you are confident in your early game, a Cull may be beneficial to allow you to have an advantage in the long term. If you are incredibly confident, you may even start with it instead of a Doran's Blade.
First Back
Aim to be able to afford these by your first back. If you cannot afford the B.F. Sword, alternate options are a Pickaxe or perhaps a Long Sword or two.
First Item: Choose One
Your first fully completed item should be a Zeal item. Personally, I would recommend the Runaan's Hurricane over the Rapid Fire Cannon as it synergises with your Q: Ranger's Focus very effectively.
However, in particular, circumstances in which you may want to be able to keep more distance from your opponents, Rapid Fire Cannon may be a superior option.
Core Items
These three items are essential to playing Ashe. Essence Reaver gives Ashe the ability to continue to output high amounts of damage with little concern to her mana pool during team fights, in addition to providing further beneficial stats in critical strike chance and cooldown reduction.
Beserker's Greaves furthermore allow Ashe to further barrage the enemy with high damage.
Lastly, Infinity Edge is also crucial on Ashe as her normal critical strike damage is decreased due to her Passive: Frost Shot. This item is not to be bought just to compensate for that, however, as it will also empower the slow that her Passive: Frost Shot provides.
Penetrate their Armour: Choose One
Being able to ignore or penetrate armour is incredibly important for a Marksman like Ashe, especially in the current hell of META they live in, in which, tanks take an ever increasing amount of time to kill.
Lord Dominik's Regards is the more chosen option as it specifically will increase your damage against those who have more health than you, of which tends to be most considering you are a Marksman, meaning you do not quite have the same health pool as that of a tank.
Mortal Reminder, on the other hand, is a tad more niche, however, is just as viable against specific options, namely those who heal a lot or just if the enemy team has a champion that provides heals. This is because it inflicts grievous wounds which will reduce the effects of healing.
The most niche choice here is Black Cleaver which instead of ignoring armour, it shreds it temporarily. Every time you apply physical damage it will shred a portion of the enemy's armour, stacking up to six times. As Ashe is a Marksman with high attack speed, achieving six stacks is not a difficult task and to furthermore maximise the benefit of purchasing it, Black Cleaver provides a little bit of health which may increase your ability to survive.
Defend Yourself: Choose One
As for defensive options, there are plenty. Mercurial Scimitar is a crucial buy if the enemy team provides a large amount of heavy crowd control, such as stuns and snares. Against such teams, picking up a Quicksilver Sash early may be a good choice.
Bloodthirster will provide you with the best lifesteal in the game and synergises perfectly with the Keystone Mastery: Warlord's Bloodlust. Bear in mind however that the shield it can provide you in the long term may not protect you so strongly. These two aforementioned items are the most 'offensive' of the defensive items I recommend in this guide.
Next is Maw of Malmortius which provides you with a Magic Shield when your health falls below a particular point. This is a very viable option against opponents that have high magic damage burst. Furthermore, Maw of Malmortius provides you with a very acceptable amount of attack damage and cooldown reduction, making it the most rounded defensive item of choice.
Continuing on is Guardian Angel which is a perfect choice if you are certain you will be focused and burst down in team fights, as it will provide you with a free second chance to revive yourself. Bear in mind the enemy can easily re-position their selves as you are reviving because you cannot move.
Lastly is Banshee's Veil. This item will provide you with a spell shield and thus will ignore any spell that hits you once every forty seconds. This gives you raw tank stats and may be a superior option as oppose to Mercurial Scimitar if you are not comfortable with items that have active abilities on them or against teams that will be after you often as it has over half the cooldown.
Ashe provides the utility that no other Marksman in League of Legends can through her power to slow opponents, engage team-fights and provide temporary scouting vision and should be chosen in a team composition that can utilise her unique strengths.
Ashe is also quite a viable choice when in comes to considering what Marksman is good for playing in ranked. Mobile champions pair well with Ashe as the combination of her slows and high mobility can cause many opponents to struggle to escape. Some examples of this could be:
- Akali
- Poppy
- Yasuo
In terms of supports, Ashe synergises best with supports that can peel for her efficiently and/or follow up well on her engages. Some good examples in terms of this could be:
- Thresh
- Blitzcrank
- Zyra
- Ashe can output an insane amount of damage-per-second late game.
- She is incredible at chasing opponents thanks to her consistent output of slows.
- She can provide more utility than any other Marksman in the game.
- Using her Ultimate: Enchanted Crystal Arrow, Ashe can safely engage a team fight by herself, from a distance.
- She can peel quite well for her allies using her slows in addition to somewhat being able to peel for herself to an extent.
- Ashe is very immobile and struggles even against only the slightest of mobile champions.
- She is weak early and early game dominant Marksman can make the opening phases of the game tough.
- Her Q: Ranger's Focus must be stacked up and fully charged before you can use it.
- Her Ultimate: Enchanted Crystal Arrow is the slowest global ultimate in the game when compared to other champions with a similar Ultimate style such as Ezreal, Draven and Jinx in addition to it being easy to block or dodge with relative ease.
Her lack of difficult mechanics makes her incredibly friendly to those who wish to pick up a Marksman and I highly recommend picking her if you want to improve your skills at the aforementioned role.
I hope this guide has been of help to anyone that reads it even if only a tiny bit. Feel free to inquire if you have any further questions that are not answered within this guide by commenting or even add me on on the EUW Sever at my summoner name: Nat1Gamer.
I wish you all good luck on the rift and have a wonderful day.
- Nathaniel ~ Nat1Gamer
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