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Briar Build Guide by MannerlessNG

Jungle An IRON Guide to Briar - The Lady of Feet!

Jungle An IRON Guide to Briar - The Lady of Feet!

Updated on February 15, 2025
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MannerlessNG Build Guide By MannerlessNG 584 Views 0 Comments
584 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author MannerlessNG Briar Build Guide By MannerlessNG Updated on February 15, 2025
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Runes: PTA/Cosmic

1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Magical Footwear
Cosmic Insight

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

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Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

An IRON Guide to Briar - The Lady of Feet!

By MannerlessNG
Having Success
Briar is widely considered as a **** champion, who self ints and feeds the enemy team and brings nothing to the table. This is the idiotic word of the hater, ignore this.

Briar is exceptionally fun, super dangerous and an all round feared presence in the rift. You will quickly see that enemies don't know how to deal with you and won't come close to you, instead acting nervous and fleeing when you engage.

It's true that if you play recklessly, you'll eat turret shots like a champ, but that's why you need to play her calm and reserved to find the most success.

She's a farmer and a ganker both, going through her camps fast and easily with full hp the entire time and dueling most champs off crabs or going for cheese ganks on any idiots pushed too far into your lane.

She's capable of tremenous burst, can self peel and peel for her team, has a point and click stun and sustains really well. She is certainly not easy to kill, but this doesn't make her immortal either.

We build her tanky because it suits her being able to front and survive, since half her kit literally removes her from your control. I like to be in a position to survive the mindless "click the first champion" mindset of low elo and turn the tables, and for that reason stay away from the squishly crit builds that, while fun, offer absolutely nothing as the game goes on and you die in half a sneeze.

Keep to the jungle and only go for high percent plays, like half HP overextended enemy laners to get leads.

Don't force ganks, you'll literally get walked under turrent and die for free. Don't mindlessly engage, you may be tanky but you'll get dropped in seconds if your team isn't ready and you just shoot to the other size of the map.

Go for picks with Briar because her kit allows for amazing map wide ambushing thanks to her ult, which once landed, practically guarantees a kill.

Ensure you take objectives and ping teammates to help. You clear stuff at a decent rate, but you aren't super fast and the last thing you need is to have no cooldowns half way into grubbies or dragon when the enemy Viego walks out of the mists and winks at you.

Thanks for reading and may your hunter never cease!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author MannerlessNG
MannerlessNG Briar Guide
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