His W counters you completely and then also stuns you since you auto attack him for zero damage, then he deletes you.
Try to only ever go for successful gank attempts where he's really overextended and low, or if you have someone who can lock him down with you.
He's deadly at all parts of the game.
Deals really high damage, can stun, can escape your kit, can run you down and resets on kills. Danger to you and your team. If fed, games over.
Try your best to avoud fighting him in a bad spot or without some help. If you try to mostly ignore him and farm, you can decently scale and eventually match him later in the game, but he usually feasts on your team and then solo's the lobby.
His abilities make it so you can't fight him with yours. He also deals a lot of damage and can single you out when your low.
He is also just a danger to your team and often becomes really strong because of it.
If you manage to get ahead, and consistently counter jungle him when he goes for ganks, he will fall behind and then he's your snack.
Master Yi
Not too bad.
Basically you don't use your E until he has used Q. Stun him when he tries to heal.
Not too bad.
He has high damage and can just run off whenever he wants, then re-engage you.
Great at ganking and stealing objectives. Pretty annoying, but not hard to out jungle.
Most Hecs spam gank, so you should make his jungle your jungle more times than not. Leave wards all over his jungle so you can spam ping your team away from his cheese ganks.
He deals tremendous damage and cancels your W and Ult with his invisiblity. He can combo you with his ult and delete you.
It's very important to play patiently and never chase, he can evade you easily and is still dangerous at low hp.
Focus on farming and counter jungling, as most Wukong players spam gank and this can set them very far behind, allowing you to build an advantage and eventually remove him from the game.
Amumu can lock you down several times in a fight, alongside your team, but you outscale him hard.
He also doesn't have enough damage to kill you if you go tanky and really only poses issues in team fights.
He's also a slow jungler, so crush his camps when he's going for ganks.
He can deal ridiculous damage and seemingly never die, or can just flat out walk away from you.
He can block your escapes and is one of the best split pushers in the entire game.
Trundle is excellent in team fights, absolultely crushing your back line if he manages to run over to em, then just cleans you up with his mates.
Don't under estimate how quickly he can delete you with Chomp either.
You'll usually wan't a BorK and a Bramble Vest early agains this guy, and if you can get him to die foolishly a few times, you'll set him super behind and make him a non factor.
No Problem.
You're more dangerous early, so if you catch him in a bad spot, just eat him.
Unless he manages to get ahead, you will outscale him and make him obsolete throught the game, just taking him apart whenever he anime runs at you like an idiot.
All Udyr players think that Turtle makes them immortal. Just slam him into a wall every time you see him step up and he's done.
That said, if he's bouncing your friends, he'll beat your ass for a while, so focus farming and counter jungling.
Not too Bad.
He's stronger earlier, but after 6 and two items, if he doesn't have a good lead and you play smart, you can win.
He also scales really badly and falls off late where the game actually matters, so as long as he doesn't go full John WarWick super early and end the game in 20 mins, your good.
Warwicks biggest threat is his biggest weakness. He is an apex ganker, but a greedy wanker. Most wicks don't hesitate to dive under turrets to chase down low HP targets and thus, he is easily the most killed under turret champion in the game.
If you see him coming and your low, charge E into a wall for when he inevitably presses R, then roll him for his lunch money.
Overrated champ.
Pretty even fight, either she combos you or you combo her. Whoever has a lead will usually beat the other.
Avoid getting slept and she has basically nothing.
Most Lillies punish your ganks with invades, so leave a few wards around to track her cos lord knows your team sure won't.
He has exactly one trick, and a boring one at that. When he ults, slam him into a wall then walk away, after a few seconds, press W and one shot him.
You both basically deal the same damage, so whoever has better items will delete the other.
He's mostly a problem for your team and towers, because he lanes well and ganks well too, and can be menacing in a team fight if he has any sort of lead.
Most Tryns int like they're getting paid for it tho.
Usually a little more of a threat early, but after 6 and some items, normally BorK if he's doing well, you can just delete him if you use your W to dodge his lightning jump.
You can easily sustain through his ultimate and just shove him into a wall and walk away.
Avoid his ranged BS and use E only when he uses his ultimate to significantly reduce the damage of it, then just combo him since hes defencelss.
Zed needs to be quite a head to win, but he can be annoying with his shadow clone jukes and evasion.
Not too Bad.
Try to avoid getting hit by his incomming E, then slam him into a wall and combo him.
Zac deals more damage and has more health, but falls off, especially if you rush an MR item against him.
Charge E a second before he reforms from his passive and one shot him into a wall for the biggest laugh of your life.
Xin Zhao
He's more of a threat to your team, especially early on with his great ganks against your blind bot laners, but actually fighting him isn't hard since you out damage and sustain him.
If you can, begin by slamming him into a wall then q stunning him after, into a W combo and he's wrecked 9 ways to sunday.
On the other hand, if he's doing well, wait for a good engage or until he uses CD's.
You can gank him early and you should for your top laner. He can defeat you easily with his ult and make escaping impossible.
It's usually a good idea to go BorK into him, especially if he's doing well.
In the rare times he's jungling, begin by invading his camps on whatever side he didn't start to set him far behind and request laner help when taking objectives.
Eventually you can deal with him pretty well most times.
Not too Bad.
Blue Kayn is easy, Red Kayn is harder. It's best to avoid using W until after he ults because otherwise he will just ult you and that's it.
He can also ult when you ult to him, so yeah, annoying, but despite his damage, if you go for smart engages, he dies pretty fast, especially if you stun him in a team fight.
He's mostly an issue for your team tho as he's excellent at ganking. If he's too far ahead, it's usually over.
Definitely invade him at level 2 every time, he either starts blue or raptors, he has no counter to you this early and dies extremely quickly.
Continue to harass him all throughout the game by stealing his camps, counter ganking and over all jumping him whenever you can.
He barely poses a threat if hes fed because you still out sustain him and slamming him against a wall really shuts him down hard.
You will find that he'll try to avoid you and just go for team mates to get stronger, if you allow too much of this he will become an issue for a while.
If he's fed he will delete you and your team, but if you manage to outscale him, you can survive his onslaught in most cases.
He is fast, can heal a lot of damage and root you in place. Most of the issues coming from this champion are that he's going to engage you first, and Rengar finds easy kills amongst your teammates.
Still, if you are quite tanky, you can usually outscale his burst and roll him over by using your abilities well.
Not too Bad.
Annoying champion. She spends half her time in your jungle, so keep wards around to counter her. She absolutely rolls you early on, so don't engage solo or unless you have an advantage.
Kindred can also really outscale you if they do well, but otherwise are a non issue by the mid-late game because of your tankiness and ability to catch them in bad spots.
Save your E for her ult and just shove her right out of it while you keep inside it.
Honestly this ones pretty fickle, while you do indeed have the ability to delete her, she has tools to screw with you.
Her ranged attacks can really open you up for an engage and just zone you off objectives, making her quite annoying to deal with.
If you can consistently catch her off guard and invade her camps when she ganks, she can fall behind and give you the advantage.
She can leap over walls making your W break and kiting you into her team if you ult.
Furthermore, most Nids invade you, especially early where they can harass you during your clear and steal your buffs.
Use wards a lot.
You gotta be patient and smart against her.
He's much worse as a Support than a Fighter, easily zoning you from ganks and leading to quick turnarounds where your the one who's dead.
He isn't easy to kill, deals a decent amount of damage, can harass you from range and survive much of your burst.
It's best to try and get his E out, then slam him into a wall and combo him from there. Failing that, he'd probably win if he's ahead.
His ultimate is consistently great and destroying your crap team and wonderful and backing up his when going for objectives.
The mans a dick.
Not too Bad.
Honestly she's not an issue unless she's decently ahead or into the mid game.
She usually just wombo's you right off her ult and you take a ton of damage, which will definitely kill you if she's got friends.
She can also harass you with plants while you try chase her down.
She's more of a neusance than a threat, and you can remove her from existance in a second once you manage a good engage.
Use your W to dodge his attack and then just kick his ass, you deal way more damage and sustain through anything he does.
He's an issue only if he's fed or you tank a dumb engage.
If for some ungodly reason he's jungling, absolutely spam invade him whenever you can for easy meals.
It's extremely easy to build a huge lead against him and remove him from the game entirely.
Not that you see any Gragas players, but basically just dodge his E with W and he has nothing. He can reduce damage taken and heal a little, but you're able to burst through it easier as you get items.
He can escape you with his ult or ruin you by tossing you into his friends.
All in all, not amazing, but not super dangerous either.
He can duck and weave and a decent one can kite you around to be sure, but if you jump him or put him into a wall, he's toast in no time.
He has pathetic damage early on, decent damge mid game and back to pathetic at late when your all tanky.
He's a high risk champion who needs tons of gold and ganks to really do well, which can't be expencted from anyone who isn't an expert.
He also invades your jungle a lot, so ward.
There's basically nothing you can do to him by yourself, his kit makes your irrelevent and he will decimate you in no time if you chase him like a mook.
He runs faster, heals, deals massive tick damage even if he's behind, roots you in place and flings you behind him an into his mates.
Singed is an elo test champion to be sure, so don't go after him solo, even if he's suspiciously low.
If she scales and get's fed, you can't win. She deals a metric ton of damage and very quickly with her combo, all while easily outhealing you.
You can't escape her either, so it's best to avoid going into places you might think she is by yourself.
If you can get into her jungle early, you can set her back and shes extremely susceptible to a level 2 gank, where she's damaged and can't fight back.
Try to criple her early and consistently if you can, as she spends almost the whole early game in her jungle, rarely ganking.
If you can gain a decent lead, you can delete her and it's definitely work building a bramble vest in the mid game to shut her down in a duel.
Not too Bad.
Many bad Briar's strugle with Ramus, and he's definitely stronger early on or with a lead, but you can counterplay him reather easily with a BorK and a Stereks.
He only has one trick and it fades over the course of the game. Early to mid he can run you down and force you to break your feeth against his shell, but he does'nt have the damage to match your tankiness after a few items and falls off hard if you can invade his jungle and counter gank him.
As long as you don't try to go for greedy plays or target him in a team fight, your fine.
Not much of a threat if you play a good game, invading whenever she goes for a gank and putting her behind is great.
She's a farming jungler who's pretty weak against you and you can just E her into a wall whenever she ults ont you.
She's mostly an issue for your team who are always out of position.
Try to get your team to help get early dragon because she's 100% there every time on spawn and it's an easy kill and objective.
He is oppressive at all times throughout the game if he ever gets a lead, and trying to gank him at 6 is a guaranteed death, so don't.
You can rapidly outscale him with some items and fight him off in the mid game.
If he ults you, waste his time by slamming him into a wall and then just ravage him with your combo.
You can also ult his ult if your ahead and just destroy him inside, but remember that he's feirce for a large portion of the game and dominant if he's ahead.
Try to run away from him if he uses W because he'll just heal all the damage he deals and takes.
We Counter.
At absolutely no point in the entire game is she ever able to fight you, even when ahead.
If she goes tanky you just out sustain her, if she goes damage you just destroy her.
She takes objectives faster than you, so be ware of that. Otherwise invade her camps and crush her whenever you see her.
All that being said, don't get bounced in a dumb spot where she can roll you with her friends, because they will.
Charge E into the nearest wall every time she is dumb enough to ult you.
Not too Bad.
He's pathetic until he gets nashors, then he's quite dangerous to you. He literally only has blind that effects you, so unless your wading over a field of shrooms, you'll win if you do it right.
Any time he engages you, slam him into a wall, and also whenever he goes for a blind. After than its just a combo and a win.
He's danger is presented in ambush style tactics, where he tries to hide in your bushes or litter shrooms in your jungle and gank you when your low.
Don't go chasing him, he's just gonna lead you into a bushel of shrooms and you're very quick death.
Nunu & Willump
He's only dangerous in a team fight or if he catches you in a bad spot. His danger comes from consistently building a lead by ganking your team, who seem to never learn and place wards.
If you can dodge his snowball with W, he literally has nothing to fight you with. If he uses his ult, charge E and shove him into a wall.
Nunu's will always go for greedy ult plays and leave themselves wide open.
He is a highly mobile, high action champion, so expect him whever you can see an opening in your teams defences.
Jarvan IV
You deal more damage, you out heal him, outscale him, out farm him and take objectives much faster.
He is so boring to play against, literally just using his E to fly over walls whenever you engage him.
If he's an idiot and uses his ult on you, slam him into his own wall and tear his boring ass up.
His ganks are decent and usually come early, So try ping your team if you know where he's at.
Its really easy to shut him down by just eating his entire jungle whenever he goes for something on the other side of the map.
If you W, he'll just drop his stun right on your head and destroy you. If you roll him, he'll just ult and run away or destroy you now that you have no CD's.
He's fantastic at chasing and an excellent ganker at all times in the game.
If you can hold off using W until after he uses his, then you'll win if he isn't too fed.
Use your E to get rid of him if he's doing the stun combo and definitely try dodge it all together with W if its possible.
He's just an overall menace and rapidly feeds on your team.
He can avoid your ult and W with his ult, he can and will invade you early for isolated kills and he can gank your team effectively.
If you fight him, you need to CC him as much as possible to win. He's not immortal but his burst is huge until you get some item advantages.
It's not wise walking around the map alone or damaged, because he'll almost certainly kill you solo.
Lee Sin
Not too Bad.
He'll be way more dangerous early and can literally kick your ass at level 6 with his ult, so keep your distance if you aren't fed or in an advantagous spot against him.
He clears objectives fast and ganks really well. Don't engage him if he's with friends, because his burst and ultimate will roll you.
If you are ahead or you scaled well, you'll just slap him like the confused blind man he is.
Not too Bad.
Don't fight her early, she'll beat you black and blue. Do not use W until she uses hers first, otherwise she'll faceroll you easily, and while you love fighting around walls, she does too, because both your E's smash people into the wall for damage and a stun.
Walk away when she twirls her hammer or you'll find youself in Brazil.
She's an excellent support so don't do dumb plays like rushing low HP carrys, she'll lock you down and then your the one who's dead.
If she jungles, just out scale her. Go for invades if she goes for ganks.
Don't underestimate this champ, she's pretty dangerous until you're beefy. Definitely build a BorK if she decides to frontline for her team.
Never be the one who engages her in a team fight, you'll get cooked. It's always best to ignore her and go for the backline.
He's not a threat to you if you play right, but he is a threat to your team after level 6.
It is paramount that you and your team ward typical bushes and gaps that'd he'd use to jump over, and try not to start fights in a spot he'll pop into existance from.
He has nothing he can do to you, and if he ults and you see it early, shove him accross the road with your E and delete his team.
Also if you see a Fiddle randomly standing in a bush, it's a fake, don't ult it please.
As per usual, assassins are going to get their kills from your team and not from you.
Evelyn is made of paper and there isn't a single thing she can do to stop you turning her into mulch, even if she's ahead.
This doesn't mean you take dumb invades or walk around with low health, it's still Eve and she can one tap you if your low and she's managed to build some kind of lead.
You should be trying to shut her down early by constantly destroying her in her own jungle, stealing her camps and kicking her off objectives, which she does like molasses.
Eve spams ganks after 6, so buy wards and tell your ADC to take their meds and not overextend, and she's done.
Also your E counters her charm, so charge it if you get charmed.
Annie does a ton of damage and has a guaranteed point and click stun, allowing for a wombo combo.
The Rock Man himself has the best ultimate in the game, acting as an engage so Briar does have to and guaranteeing you hit the fattest ults.
It's literally impossible to escape Ash and Briar once she starts her neverending slow and hits her ult. It's just stuns and slows from that point on.
Jinx can cut off escape routes for people trying to fleeing your W or ult.
If Ahri lands her charm, they die. Simple.
This little sadge bro can make a team fight virtually impossible for the enemies if he does it right, allowing you free reign for an eternity in CC.
Literally game winning.
Hook = kill.
One of the best wombos you can have. You can Q stun for his Q knock up, then he can ult for your ult.
It's crazy when it works.
Morde can be great to frontline with, especially since he can flash and remove their biggest carry from the fight and let you and the boys go ham.
I won't lie, 95% of Janna players suck, but a good one will make you immortal.
She slows, she roots and she blows enemies away, excellent peeler and amazing engage shutdown.
I very rarely don't do well with even new Lux players, she just so consistent.
Her sheild also allows you to live longer when diving deep.
Pyke hook into briar wall slam combo into Pyke ultimate will delete practically anyone who isn't made of titanium.
He deals so much damage and is so slippery that by the time you're ready to engage, half the enemy team have taken serious hits.
When you ult directly into dragon pit, surrounded by the enemy team, with your buddies waiting on you to go in, then Shen ults right on top of you, it genuinely brings a tear to your eye.
Immortal Briar in full Frenzy mode while Shen just taunts and peels for you allows the rest of your team to mindlessly sweep over the enemy like a tide.
Plan this interraction ahead of time.
Tahm Kench
Kench does two things for you that Briar super appreciates. The first is that he can W onto fleeing enemies and keep them slowed and he can eat you to get your frenzied ass out of jail free, allowing you both to run off or re-engage.
Annie does a ton of damage and has a guaranteed point and click stun, allowing for a wombo combo.
The Rock Man himself has the best ultimate in the game, acting as an engage so Briar does have to and guaranteeing you hit the fattest ults.
It's literally impossible to escape Ash and Briar once she starts her neverending slow and hits her ult. It's just stuns and slows from that point on.
Jinx can cut off escape routes for people trying to fleeing your W or ult.
If Ahri lands her charm, they die. Simple.
This little sadge bro can make a team fight virtually impossible for the enemies if he does it right, allowing you free reign for an eternity in CC.
Literally game winning.
Hook = kill.
One of the best wombos you can have. You can Q stun for his Q knock up, then he can ult for your ult.
It's crazy when it works.
Morde can be great to frontline with, especially since he can flash and remove their biggest carry from the fight and let you and the boys go ham.
I won't lie, 95% of Janna players suck, but a good one will make you immortal.
She slows, she roots and she blows enemies away, excellent peeler and amazing engage shutdown.
I very rarely don't do well with even new Lux players, she just so consistent.
Her sheild also allows you to live longer when diving deep.
Pyke hook into briar wall slam combo into Pyke ultimate will delete practically anyone who isn't made of titanium.
He deals so much damage and is so slippery that by the time you're ready to engage, half the enemy team have taken serious hits.
When you ult directly into dragon pit, surrounded by the enemy team, with your buddies waiting on you to go in, then Shen ults right on top of you, it genuinely brings a tear to your eye.
Immortal Briar in full Frenzy mode while Shen just taunts and peels for you allows the rest of your team to mindlessly sweep over the enemy like a tide.
Plan this interraction ahead of time.
Tahm Kench
Kench does two things for you that Briar super appreciates. The first is that he can W onto fleeing enemies and keep them slowed and he can eat you to get your frenzied ass out of jail free, allowing you both to run off or re-engage.
Briar is widely considered as a **** champion, who self ints and feeds the enemy team and brings nothing to the table. This is the idiotic word of the hater, ignore this.
Briar is exceptionally fun, super dangerous and an all round feared presence in the rift. You will quickly see that enemies don't know how to deal with you and won't come close to you, instead acting nervous and fleeing when you engage.
It's true that if you play recklessly, you'll eat turret shots like a champ, but that's why you need to play her calm and reserved to find the most success.
She's a farmer and a ganker both, going through her camps fast and easily with full hp the entire time and dueling most champs off crabs or going for cheese ganks on any idiots pushed too far into your lane.
She's capable of tremenous burst, can self peel and peel for her team, has a point and click stun and sustains really well. She is certainly not easy to kill, but this doesn't make her immortal either.
We build her tanky because it suits her being able to front and survive, since half her kit literally removes her from your control. I like to be in a position to survive the mindless "click the first champion" mindset of low elo and turn the tables, and for that reason stay away from the squishly crit builds that, while fun, offer absolutely nothing as the game goes on and you die in half a sneeze.
Keep to the jungle and only go for high percent plays, like half HP overextended enemy laners to get leads.
Don't force ganks, you'll literally get walked under turrent and die for free. Don't mindlessly engage, you may be tanky but you'll get dropped in seconds if your team isn't ready and you just shoot to the other size of the map.
Go for picks with Briar because her kit allows for amazing map wide ambushing thanks to her ult, which once landed, practically guarantees a kill.
Ensure you take objectives and ping teammates to help. You clear stuff at a decent rate, but you aren't super fast and the last thing you need is to have no cooldowns half way into grubbies or dragon when the enemy Viego walks out of the mists and winks at you.
Thanks for reading and may your hunter never cease!
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