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Brand Humor Guide by Andrew is a beast



Updated on September 27, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Andrew is a beast Build Guide By Andrew is a beast 7,180 Views 4 Comments
7,180 Views 4 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Andrew is a beast Brand Build Guide By Andrew is a beast Updated on September 27, 2017
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Chapter 1: Origins

Andrew started running it down mid at the very young and naive age of 12. It started off when he played brand mid and fed the Vel'koz on the other team because he is a trash mid laner and should honestly stick to playing brain dead ****ing ******ed champs like thresh and mund. Especially mundo, you can basically just stand there afk the whole ****ing match and not die because you know, league of tanks. So basically Andrew just got his **** pushed in as brand against a Vel'koz and baby raged then ran it down mid ruining the game for not only me but everyone else in the match. Andrew just stick to ****ing support you ****ing monkey. lol jk andrew im just kidding some people just have bad days and this was one of your bad days (mother base) but don't you worry ill make a brand guide just so you dont have to run it down mid anymore and you can start stealing LP left, right, and center.
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Chapter 2: Actually playing the game

So in order for this guide to work you need to have 2 things. The first thing you need is a working league account that isn't banned (unlike Andrew's account LUL). The second thing you need is the champion brand. Now you are ready to become a ****ing god amongst men.
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Chapter 3: Skills and passives

As brand your passive is the only thing you really have in your kit that will help you. Your passive regenerates health for every 0.8% of Hp you have and it also scales with your attack speed passively by 0.01% (That is why you build attack speed). His Q is just a blind you wont really be using it unless you are against a Ap based champ like ryze ( Q'ing ryze makes it so he is blind and he cant read is scroll). Brand's W is a very special spell and there is nothing like it in the whole game. His W is the only spell that is rng based and has the highest cool down in the whole game (1200 seconds). There is a 0.005% chance that the cool down is active when the game starts. when the spell reaches the end of cool down it automatically gives the player a " FAT A S S W" and the enemy nexus explodes. There was only one instance in the lcs when the spell became off cool down and usable. It was used by the player "BunnyFuFuu" in the 2012 Worlds championship and he was later disqualified after the match for paying riot to increase the cool down chance to 100%. Brands E is just a stun. Yeah i know, real ****ing original. Brands R is a active that regenerates health for 12 seconds and gains bonus movement speed for the duration. It cost 20% of Brand's current health. COOLDOWN: 100/85/70. The stats for Regeneration per second is 3.3/4.2/5% maximum health. Bonus movement speed: 15/25/35%.
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Ranked Play

Never play ranked.
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Now comes the big thing about playing brand. T H E C O M B O S. If you are Andrew the only "combo" that you will be using is right click straight into the enemy nexus. With this tactic you can make a ton of touchdowns that will give you the achievement "Inside the mind of Madden" but i don't recommend this tactic unless you are a die hard Madden fan.
Technically the best combo for brand is his FAT A S S W but since the chance is so low to get it (and being Andrew you are never lucky feelsactuallysobadman) and you arent Bunnyfufuu then you use the "big cheese pounce". you Q,E,R,right click (the R is optional, you only use it if you are getting out of a fight and need hp). With the blind you can make it so the enemy can't see you reaching down for your E button on your keyboard. Then with the E you can stun them long enough so you can run away like a cunck. This combo is extremely effective against ryze, since he is the only champion you can blind in the game but if you somehow get in match against something else that isn't a ryze you are basically ****ed.
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Chapter 6: Conclusion

This is it. Its over. Now with this knowledge bestowed upon you Andrew lets see how your next game goes... P O G C H A M P! YOU DID IT YOURE A BEAST
CONGRATULATION ANDREW YOU ARE NOW A BRAND BEAST. YOU WILL NEVER BE LEFT ON THE BENCH WITH THE TEEMO! but in all seriousness this was a joke Andrew, i love you baby boo and you are a god at league and i will never be as good as you because i don't have brand and i used to play teemo so i'm constantly on the bench, but wait? Who is that coming? OMG! ITS THE KID!
hello andrew its me the kid, i have seen your pentakill and i just wanted to reward you with my wife, poki. Do what ever you would like with her. THE END.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Andrew is a beast
Andrew is a beast Brand Guide
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