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Ability Order
Rebirth (PASSIVE)
Anivia Passive Ability
Anivia's basics
Anivia is a champ who is easily to farm with. If u want to be as good as possible with Anivia, you really need to farm
Its also good to build Frozen heart on Anivia, If u meets a team with much AD's and u want to use a lot of ur spells
I think Froggen also use a build like this, but u can play anivia in many ways.
Rod Of Ages is also an alternative item on Anivia if u get it between 12-18 minutes.
Flash Frost is Anivias stun, it let u to easily stun enemies to nuke em down with your Frostbite, Frost bite can be reactivated and when it hits an enemy they get chilled, wich means that u can use ur Frostbite to make more damage
Crystallize is an amazing skill but that many doesn't understand. You want to use it to keep enemies out of teamfights or block their way when they are chasing you or your teammates.
Frostbite is Anivia's main skill that makes all the damage, You want to use this when they are "chilled" to make all the damage. Your enemies becomes chilled when they are in ur ulti or has been stunned by your Q.
Glacial Storm
Glacial Storm is an AoE(Area Of Effect) ulti that let's you to easily farm creeps. But remember do deactivate it as it takes a lot of ur mana per second.
Flash Frost is Anivias stun, it let u to easily stun enemies to nuke em down with your Frostbite, Frost bite can be reactivated and when it hits an enemy they get chilled, wich means that u can use ur Frostbite to make more damage
Crystallize is an amazing skill but that many doesn't understand. You want to use it to keep enemies out of teamfights or block their way when they are chasing you or your teammates.
Frostbite is Anivia's main skill that makes all the damage, You want to use this when they are "chilled" to make all the damage. Your enemies becomes chilled when they are in ur ulti or has been stunned by your Q.
Glacial Storm
Glacial Storm is an AoE(Area Of Effect) ulti that let's you to easily farm creeps. But remember do deactivate it as it takes a lot of ur mana per second.
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