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Introductoin of myself
My name is Peter and i live in Sweden. This is my frirst guide so plz be nice :). And i also want to tell u thet im not that good in english but im learning :D.
My Magic Resist Glyphs and Mana Regen Seals and my Dorans Ring gives me great sustain in lane. If u are running out of mana but i have enough hp to stay in lane play defensive and focus on lasthit minions with Basic Atacks, then your manapool will refill quickly. And then my Magic Penetration Marks and Ap Quits gives me realy good dmg output.
My items..... Well i dont have much to say about them i just always play with them and they are working realy good. With this items u wil burst down pretty much everybody in their team. And if u are not comfortable with Guardians Angel or just dont need it you can upgrade your Chalice Of Harmony to Athene's Unholy Grail.
Anivia is realy easy to farm with after lvl 6. Use your Glacial storm so it hits pretty much all the minions and then use your Flash Frost so u hit as much minions/monsters as possible. Before you reach lvl 6 the best way to farm is with your Basic Atacks. Beacouse of Anivias low AD it may take a while to get almost every minion.
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