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Annie Build Guide by Cale

Annie- Set the World to Fire

Annie- Set the World to Fire

Updated on July 19, 2012
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cale Build Guide By Cale 2,277 Views 0 Comments
2,277 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Cale Annie Build Guide By Cale Updated on July 19, 2012
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I am here to make a quick guide on how to play Annie. Recently I have been demonstrating the power of Annie to all of my opponents. Annie is one of the most overpowered champions in the current metagame. Her stun combined with a large amount of burst damage makes her mid-late game amazing. So let's go ahead and start...

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Pros / Cons

Large burst damage
AoE stun
Farms well
Has a huge fire-bear
Tanky late

Squishy Early
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Why choose this item? You have mana. That's why. The Doran's Ring's most useful aspect is the mana regen. The health and ap are nice but the real part is the mana regen. Now many people think that Doran's items are for noobs. I think not! One dorans ring is not that great but 2 or 3 there is a problem for the other mid.

Magic Penetration. Movement speed. All champs requrie boots until late game then it all your choice. For me, I need the boots, I can't bear to move that slow, yeah the damage is nice but the magic penetration is a bonus, and you can escape more often if you get into a tight spot.

Do I really need to say anything here? All ap casters need this item. You get a ton of ap PLUS 30% of it becomes MORE AP. There really is not much else to say about this item.

This item can be argued about whether or not to get this. I think you should, and pretty early too. It takes 10 minutes for this thing to max and the entire time, you are fighting. Just buy the stinking item and let it do its thing. You also get mana and health from this item. The mana helps in your Archangel's Staff.

Mana. This item gives you mana and you get ap from the mana it gives you plus the mana you already have. It also gives you mana regen. Helpful....always. Mana, mana, mana, mana, mana. That's all that this item is about, that's a good thing, not a bad like some people think.

Ap and magic penetration. Great item, yes there are better but this item will still prevail over and un-fed non-tank champion. There's not much to say about this item. Yes there are better, but just get the stinking item.
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Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,Q,. That's how you farm. You never run out of mana because of how the mana is given back it you kill the unit with it. An occasional w is alright too but just know, to keep mana just q. Large minion waves that have built up from turrets or super minions use Incinerate and take all of the farm before the Morde comes a E's them :l.

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Summoner Spells

Recommended Spells

Take Flash for the mobility and the....mobility. Flash can be used for and escape and to catch up to a fleeing opponent. More rarely the fleeing opponent but I've seen it done before. EVERY champion should take Flash, EXCEPT under rare circumstances.

Take this for more damage, to ensure a kill or if they have heal and you know they will use it. And yes, as oppose to never once using the heal....EVER. It is true damage so resistances won't counter it and it's just an overall great SS.
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Change Log

1.0.0-(5/5/2012) Published the guide.
1.0.1-(7/19/2012) Fixed some spelling and grammar errors and added the Summoner Spells section, in which I will finish at a later date.
1.0.2-(7/19/2012)- Added a date for 1.0.0.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Cale
Cale Annie Guide
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Annie- Set the World to Fire

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