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Make sure you hide behind your minions and keep those lane bushes warded. However if he has went into one or you don't know if he is in the suspected bush. Do NOT go near it until you see him away from it. Also if the lane minions grow thin on your side back to tower and wait for the next wave. If you move away to late they may get you for it. (If you are hooked make sure to E asap for the damage reduction)
Odds are they will be going full AP or going full Support items. However they will not expect to see you with a Relic Shield. Long as you keep persistent with your own pokes and help with CSing you should easily curve ahead the opposing Annie in power long as she does not get a lead in kills. Also note that the range of you and her are going to be matched so if she goes in to poke you, poke her back imediatly to understand just which annie does more damage. If she does more lay off the fights while she has stun or if she is in a better position via health amounts.
Going into a lane with the enemy support being tanky is always an issue. Just bare in mind that he can be killed too, but always try for the Marksman provided they can be acessed. If not focus on procing Relic and ask for a gank. If you find yourself in a bad position via health amount and they are rushing onto the tower be very aware of alistars intentions as he is very capable of tanking tower for a few seconds to set up a kill. Best bet there is to run, recall, and head back.
Bard is a very difficult champion for most, and for others he is amazing. Good news is that your pokes will deal a considerable amount of damage to him provided he is going support only and not tank-like. Remember that he can stun you even if a minion is in the way so if he is coming for you stand away from your allies, and walls. If you are capable try to use two minions to block the stun.
Brand is much like you in a sense, lots of damage and a stun you must set up for. However his damage output is much great early levels then yours and can be just as devastating late game as yours. Do your best to dodge his Q and always run to the closest end of his W. If he gets his E on you be prepared for his other powers, and ALWAYS move away from your allies if he gets his ring of fire on you or his ult.
Yet another form of Tanky Support, be aware of how many stacks he has on you as the forth hit from any source will stun you. His Q will add a stack and his ult will slow you down while you remain in the area, and if you are in the area as he triggers the ult you will be knocked up. His shield will block all your powers, Except for Tibbers!
Galio is a easier tank but still very formidable, because of his passive he will have lots of MR and still being capable of dishing out bursts of damage. His shield will give Resistances for both AD and AP along with healing himself for a bit of HP, the heal has diminishing returns however. If you wish to beat Galio, be aware of his power and wait for a good trade.
This kind of Support has a lot of quirks but just play passive and focus the Marksman, odds are they will be having a rough time CSing and will not be as far ahead as they would be other wise.
Being a Tanky Juggernaut she will do alot of damage while also taking hits from you. Try your best to get off free pokes but do not let her steal your soul. As lots of unfortold damage may occur giving her a free poke on you. Best bet is to stick to Free Pokes, CS helping with Relic Shield and wait for the opposing Marksman to become out of position for you to poke and/or Kill them.
Yet another one of those tankier Supports, his bush power will allow him to commit long range basics but do not waste a ward on these bushes. His ult Daisy is weaker then Tibbers, however it has a 3 hit knockup and he himself has Shield-Slow + a long range Snare. With all this in mind focus down whom ever gets caught out and do not over commit to killing Ivern.
Overall the real issue you will find yourself having with Janna is when you are trying to take her tower that she is currently guarding, or if you are low health and caught out as she has a power that is much like Exhaust in the Slow side of things. If you Poke her however it will do quite a bit more damage to her then an Alistar so keep in mind that you have two potential kills to have in lane.
A lot of her kit relies on skill shooting or getting into close-ish range of you or the ally in lane. Do your best to dodge and save your stun for when she tries to engage on you or the ally with her snare. As the stun will stop her and allow the target to get out of Karma's range.
Do not Poke Leona after the first back unless she happens to be the last target alive. Your attention should be on easier burstable targets then her, she also has 3 forms of CC (all stuns) Along with a passive that only her allies can proc. Overall keep her intentions and distance from you in mind before you go in poking something. (CS or Champion)
Being a weaker health target you are able to squish her, however she has multiple ways of making that job much more difficult. VIA Her Shield that grants Vison of enemies + allows her to cast Q from the afflicted target. If she casts this on an Ally they will recieve Attack Speed and on hit damage normally seen following Lulu's basics. Her ult is the biggest issue as it increase the health pool of the target while also knocking up close range targets near her target. Best to Poke when you can get a free on off and prep for an engage if you hit level 6 first. As Tibbers with a stun on a Lulu at level 5 will be quite the Devastation.
Much like the Brand Land match-up you must make sure that if she is doing more damage then you that you lay back on the harassment for a bit while you catch back up with Relic Shield Procing. She can just as easily one shot you as you can to her, however she does not need to get close enough to ult you if you are low health. Meaning if you are indeed low on health run back to base. If you have a decent lux she will not hesitate on ulting you dead, unless that is if she is trying to let her Marksman or Jungler get you instead.
One of the less seen supports so far during this season, however if you see him. Try to poke his shield off if you can get a free poke off. This way your Marksman will be able to deal damage directly to him if they choose to. Yet do note he is still a tank sometimes and will be best left un-targeted when looking to burst down someone. If he is going AP do note you could potentially burst him, yet again though he will be capable of much more CC then you. So if you are after him when he goes just AP go with a team or not at all.
One of the less seen Supports, he has a silence, disable at level 6, and a lot of pets. To top it all off there is a spell shield to get through. Unless he gets a lead his damage is usually not as burst as yours but caution is still advised. Only stun him when his purple bubble is gone, otherwise it will not stun him.
His Baby Saplings will hurt, he has a lot of magic resist usually. Along with being able to absorb damage from allies while they are within his ult area. If you are taking this tree down in flames you might as well take him down with the whole team as he will be a decent counter to any supporting mage.
She, if played well can be a hard counter to your CC with her purple shield she uses as it will absorb a lot of incoming magic damage along with negating any and all CC that attempts to afflict that target she placed the shield on. On top of all of this she has a 5 man stun that works a lot like Karma's one man snare. She then has a long range one man stun that hurts a lot if she has a kill lead or lead in general. Her purple pool she placed on the ground will proc on hit effects like ThunderLords so watch out if she has taken that mastery and hasn't proced it yet. Other then those issues she is still able to be squished with a nice engage from you.
Nami overall is a pretty decent match-up for you. I recommend you instead of getting Void Staff you get Morell's for its healing debuff this way you can both damage her and her allies while also cutting her heals on your target. Just bare in mind she still has 2 forms of CC 1 is a knock up and the other is a knock up but it is her ult. Don't over poke so she doesn't out sustain you in lane and make sure you pick a target to focus solely on so a kill comes faster. Whether it be the Marksman, or Nami herself because she is alone once the Marksman has to back. (Remember that she has mana too, so the best time to strike is Pre-Level 6/Post-Level 6 with Ult on cooldown and when she also has low mana.
Never forget! Tanks are scary and must not be chased or engaged on. They engage on you, so if you engage them you are giving them more access. Try your best to get off free pokes and remember to keep your eyes on the Marksman as they will be the primary target.
With her she will and can push you back taking you and her to the new location. If it happens to lead into a wall you will be stunned for a long time. Do not stand near walls or other things you can not walk through as that will make it harder for her to engage. Other then that she is not as big of an issue like other tanks. Once she is level 6 she can knock you or anyone back towards your base for quite a distance. If you are facing her do not target her, target the marksman and make CSing for them difficult whilst helping your with CSing. (Target the CS your allies will miss.)
Ryze can be quite dangerous if played well in support. Meaning his damage is quite decent. Bare in mind that his powers and yours will be along about the same distance so if you do go in to poke expect to see: His medium range Q skill shot, his short-medium range snare, and his targeted energy ball. He also after level 6 will teleport himself and his allies (this includes minions) to a distant location of his choosing. If you see this faint ring on the ground run away as you may never know what it brings.
Odds will be that she either goes hardcore on healing or on Damage. If it happens to be healing swap Void Staff with Morells to cut her healing on the targets you harm. Do not waste powers to frequently as she may and can out sustain you. Attack her when she is low on mana or when she is going in on you or someone else. If she is dealing more damage then you patiently help CS and wait til level 6 or a good time for a fight. Once you have Tibbers you will have everything you need to take her down. Just make sure you have allies with you unless you are completely positive you can nuke her dead alone.
Replace Void Staff with Morells! As the healing on said target you harm will be less effective with Morells. Now as for pokes almost always target soraka if she pokes her head into the front lines. Do not let her go unpoked if she lands a Q-Starcall on you as the regen from it will most likely heal her all the way to full provided she was not damaged to much. Also keep in mind that if you hit her she has less health to heal with. Aswell as if you hit the Marksman you will technically hurt soraka as she will attempt to her ally. Overall most of the time the lane will be won provided you can out damage her sustain. Be sure to get morells tho as it will be very critical to nerfing her healing output on any target you attack.
Tahm Kench
Very much like Braum on the stun passive Tahm has a 4 hit passive aswell. Only that he has a choice to either remove you temporarily from the game by Devouring you, or by slinging his tongue long range to stun you. After which he can still eat you. He is also a great tank and can stop you from killing alot of one-shotable targets provided he is a fast reflex eater. Best bet is to poke the Marksman a lot and go for quick kills before he can devour his ally and protect them from death.
Taric being tanky makes him less of a target to you, but keep in mind he is squishy early off so pokes do still matter until he starts scaling. Then to wrap him up he has his sometimes decent most times weak heal (don't worry about morells right away for him) then he has his stun, and he can share armor with his targeted ally. However this does not concern you as much since you are AP, this just means you need to be the one poking more often. His ult is a delayed invul that can make the whole team invul after a short while. Though you can still kill him even if he's triggered this. Just be sure to get away if you are not certain you can kill him before he is immune to damage.
Quite the uncommon support, yet he still does his job well. Be sure to carry lots of control wards to disable his traps. And keep in mind that if he is good, there may be an entire jungle of wards and shrooms anywhere near the side of the map he is on. Other then that he has ablind that does lots of damagewhich long as you are picking the right fights it wont matter to you as much, as you can be blinded and still cast out your powers. If you don't one shot him and your powers are all on Cooldown run away as his AP and DoT will hurt alot after a while. Also note that exhausting him in the right moment will be very good for trades.
Just like Blitz and Naut, you want to use minions as your defense and primarily attack the enemy Marksman as Thresh will take less damage from being a tank. Don't try to kill him unless you are for certain you will kill him and your allies are in range of you and him.
This yordle is the bane of all Mages, if you value your life you will dodge all of his stuns as they create the best opportunity for the enemies to capitolize on. His ult is the true reason he is the Bane. As it will scale with his base damage for it, his bonus AP, and your bonus AP. Engage him once he has used this power or when he does not have his ult yet. Otherwise only engage if you absolutely know you will one shot him. (Or set it up for an ally to finish off without you perishing.)
Yet another Burst Support, this one can be a bit complex at times but just know that he too can be poked and killed. He can be a target as easily as the Marksman with him, however he does have CC on his E it is a Knock up and with this he is able to access his CC slightly faster then you are, he also has one of the longer ranges on his Q and R so be wary when he is rolling his face on the keyboard a lot. His ult will deal a lot of damage if you get to the 3rd stack, considering it will be morphed into True damage which is never nice to have thrown at your health.
Whether he is Claiming his Lane in Bottom or Embracing Support his satchel charge is one power to be cautious of. As it will auto-destroy any tower with 22% health left up to 30% (maybe more) at max rank. His ult is a huge splash zone painted on the ground. If you absolutely have to get hit from your lack of awarness of it, be sure to stay away from the bull-eye of it as that will be doing much greater damage. Other then that, he can be squished with a proper amount of pokes and a finishing engage. If you get low do not ever engage just back to base, as he out ranges you by a ton and by level 6 as spoken of before he will ult anything with a low health amount. (provided he is smart)
Ah, Zilean... He is both moderately Damaging while also great at chases or engages. Via his Slow power that if put on an ally or himself will speed them/him up. He then has a cooldown power, making his bomb become two bombs. If both bombs hit you, watch out as you take damage from both bombs (as does anything else except for towers) You will also be stunned along with anything that was in range of the initial stun zone (except for towers) His ult will revive himself or an ally and is target-able so be wary when it is up as it could result in some un-foretold events to take place. Other then that he is low on the health spectrum so you can burst him down if he makes mistakes.
Even though you could easily burst her amount of health, keep in mind she has her own form of pets. They are her plants, The long range ones will shot thorns while the melee range ones will slow you down. She also has a snare and a Knock-Up on her ult so be wise with the engages upon her. Make sure if you have an opening to step on her plant seeds that you do so (long as it's not a cleverly disguised trap ;-; ) Her cooldowns are decently long so once she sends out all her powers then is the time for you to strike. For the most part do not attack or go near the plants. They will despawn with time and may give her free pokes on you if you do get close to them. (Remember any amount of damage you take is bad and should be avoided.)
Jarvan IV
It'll be a bit awkward laning vsing him as a support however it is still managable. He'll try to throw his spear behind you to knock you up and he may hide in the bushes to set things up so make sure you ward them. SAVE YOUR FLASH, you will need it for escaping his ult. When Escaping just flash out and use your E for a damage reduction. Snack on a pot and pray you won't need flash for another thing before he attempts to ult you again. Luckily your Flash should be back up in time for his ult. If this is not the case remember to exhaust the Marksman or mage that happens to be trying to help kill you and not Jarven. (Don't forget to use your E here too!!)
With every Marksman there will be missed CS, in any ELO. This is your secondary task, to grab those bits of CS with your Q. The mana refund on it will help a lot with consistency and help you train 2 other things: CSing with powers, and working together with your Markmans. Not everyone will understand right away as to why Annie just got her relic shield or even why she is building Eye of the Equinox. However all that will be put to rest when you last hit 3+ minions for 1 single charge with your E late game. Now this may not heal your allies as much as early game, but this method helps with wave clear and assists the incapable farmers. Just make sure they are within the range of procing since you will never get a notification if they are or are not in range of it. If you don't and they move outside the hidden range you'll end up taking farm and losing out on the potential free CS and gold that can be awarded to said ally. I would only recommend upgrading Relic Shield provided you actually need more charges. If not its safe to say you should begin the mad rush for Sightstone then all the glorious AP items.
Warding with Control Wards, Trinkets, and a Sightstone
Warding with Control Wards, Trinkets, and a Sightstone
So now that you've seen the details on Relic Shield we now must top off this beautiful supporting combination with it's other half. Warding, in short just make sure you have a Sightstone on your first 800 Gold. Warding locations are pretty simplistic as you just need to ward in the river bush to prevent ganks. Make sure that if the enemies have been trying to sneak attack you or your lane buddy from the lane brush that you ward it as well. If you are on Blue side try to make use of those 2 control wards you get in the beginning by warding the tri-bush. Use the extra ward for replacements or to remove wards the enemies happen to place out in the lane bushes or river bush. If you are on Red side you will have 2 pinks instead of just one at your disposal. I tend to use these to pink ward the brush in the river encase the enemies have it warded so ganks are easier to spot out from either jungler. You can also use these wards and control wards to (VERY) carefully ward the enemies jungle. Remember that even 1 ward can help prevent an otherwise ganked lane. (and that you can toss some up the river to help the middle lane feel more secure on that side)
Fighting VS Protection of your Towers
Fighting VS Protection of your Towers
So after all this Relic shield procing and warding what you must do now is play carefully. Fights will always happen and you can't always participate without putting yourself at high risk of death. So in the case that your team fights a team-fight or a battle that has been repeated and losses every time they went for it sometimes it is okay to hang back and defend the towers that are defenseless and being taken down by minion swarms. Just remember not to get to caught up in epic tower defense and actually help the team in fights when you believe you can at least go in there whether a kill happens or not and still make it out alive. Now as you go into fights remember to still ward on the way to destinations when you are within the enemy jungle as this will help prevent ganks from behind. (If you see someone that should not be around AKA the enemy is creeping up behind your team ALWAYS ping danger and do a few normal pings leading in the direction you believe you saw them go in.) Bare in mind though that you are Annie and do have quite the burst and a good single target stun - multiple target stun. A lot of fights will be turned around from your power and small amount of CC alone. (provided you picked the right fight and if its not the right fight, play tower defense until one begins to occur)
Other than that you should be all set, just keep in mind that everyone has improvements to be made somewhere and thus you won't be an Annie god ASAP. All you need to do to get there though is to continue on having fun with League and play a lot of Annie. (An Annie main is much scarier then an Annie that also plays 50+ other champions or an Annie that has been playing a different champion every game. Practice and routine make perfect game-play, well and some other stuff as well. <|;3 )
I really hope you gathered some inspiration from this guide and that it helps you out this season. I also want to say that I do not in any form or way consider myself an Annie God or anything close to. I just love playing Annie and thought that she deserved a guide to a Unique way I've been playing her. GL and HF Summoners!
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