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Annie Build Guide by CinnaBon Kittenz

Support Annie Support Season 7 Build+Tips

Support Annie Support Season 7 Build+Tips

Updated on January 18, 2017
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CinnaBon Kittenz Build Guide By CinnaBon Kittenz 92,401 Views 1 Comments
92,401 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CinnaBon Kittenz Annie Build Guide By CinnaBon Kittenz Updated on January 18, 2017
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Laning With Relic Sheild

With every Marksman there will be missed CS, in any ELO. This is your secondary task, to grab those bits of CS with your Q. The mana refund on it will help a lot with consistency and help you train 2 other things: CSing with powers, and working together with your Markmans. Not everyone will understand right away as to why Annie just got her relic shield or even why she is building Eye of the Equinox. However all that will be put to rest when you last hit 3+ minions for 1 single charge with your E late game. Now this may not heal your allies as much as early game, but this method helps with wave clear and assists the incapable farmers. Just make sure they are within the range of procing since you will never get a notification if they are or are not in range of it. If you don't and they move outside the hidden range you'll end up taking farm and losing out on the potential free CS and gold that can be awarded to said ally. I would only recommend upgrading Relic Shield provided you actually need more charges. If not its safe to say you should begin the mad rush for Sightstone then all the glorious AP items.
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Warding with Control Wards, Trinkets, and a Sightstone

So now that you've seen the details on Relic Shield we now must top off this beautiful supporting combination with it's other half. Warding, in short just make sure you have a Sightstone on your first 800 Gold. Warding locations are pretty simplistic as you just need to ward in the river bush to prevent ganks. Make sure that if the enemies have been trying to sneak attack you or your lane buddy from the lane brush that you ward it as well. If you are on Blue side try to make use of those 2 control wards you get in the beginning by warding the tri-bush. Use the extra ward for replacements or to remove wards the enemies happen to place out in the lane bushes or river bush. If you are on Red side you will have 2 pinks instead of just one at your disposal. I tend to use these to pink ward the brush in the river encase the enemies have it warded so ganks are easier to spot out from either jungler. You can also use these wards and control wards to (VERY) carefully ward the enemies jungle. Remember that even 1 ward can help prevent an otherwise ganked lane. (and that you can toss some up the river to help the middle lane feel more secure on that side)
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Fighting VS Protection of your Towers

So after all this Relic shield procing and warding what you must do now is play carefully. Fights will always happen and you can't always participate without putting yourself at high risk of death. So in the case that your team fights a team-fight or a battle that has been repeated and losses every time they went for it sometimes it is okay to hang back and defend the towers that are defenseless and being taken down by minion swarms. Just remember not to get to caught up in epic tower defense and actually help the team in fights when you believe you can at least go in there whether a kill happens or not and still make it out alive. Now as you go into fights remember to still ward on the way to destinations when you are within the enemy jungle as this will help prevent ganks from behind. (If you see someone that should not be around AKA the enemy is creeping up behind your team ALWAYS ping danger and do a few normal pings leading in the direction you believe you saw them go in.) Bare in mind though that you are Annie and do have quite the burst and a good single target stun - multiple target stun. A lot of fights will be turned around from your power and small amount of CC alone. (provided you picked the right fight and if its not the right fight, play tower defense until one begins to occur)
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Other than that you should be all set, just keep in mind that everyone has improvements to be made somewhere and thus you won't be an Annie god ASAP. All you need to do to get there though is to continue on having fun with League and play a lot of Annie. (An Annie main is much scarier then an Annie that also plays 50+ other champions or an Annie that has been playing a different champion every game. Practice and routine make perfect game-play, well and some other stuff as well. <|;3 )

I really hope you gathered some inspiration from this guide and that it helps you out this season. I also want to say that I do not in any form or way consider myself an Annie God or anything close to. I just love playing Annie and thought that she deserved a guide to a Unique way I've been playing her. GL and HF Summoners!
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CinnaBon Kittenz
CinnaBon Kittenz Annie Guide
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Annie Support Season 7 Build+Tips

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