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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Demon Shade (PASSIVE)
Evelynn Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
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Avoid his ult at all cost or he can one shot you. Build abyssal sceptor.
It's best to go Attack Damage runes with Evelynn as early game you have no AP and what you use from level 1-6 is basically AD, so using AD marks and quints not only allow her to farm well but also gank with some damage early game. Armour seals and Magic resist glyphs for the resistance in jungle and ganks.
Evelynn with this build or in general should be played in either 1 of 2 of these play styles.
1. Constant Ganking (Shaco version 2)
2. 24/7 Farming.
I prefer constant ganking as it puts you ahead of; one, the other junglier so you can win a 1v1 fight and two, gets your allies ahead. Her successful gank potential is very high due to your passive hiding your approach and W which allows chase. It would be best to gank at level 3 when you have a point in your W as this allows a gank which turns bad to running away still live. (Quick tip is go for the squishy champions such as; mid laners or adc) Don't bother giving the kills away as you need them more, Evelynn fed is torture to the other team as she allows even better ganks, then you should give them the kills after you have got about 3 or 4 (being greedy).
However 24/7 farming works too since her camp clearing is really good with your Q constantly up and E with increase attack speed, it allows efficient clearing till when you are needed in other lanes.
1. Constant Ganking (Shaco version 2)
2. 24/7 Farming.
I prefer constant ganking as it puts you ahead of; one, the other junglier so you can win a 1v1 fight and two, gets your allies ahead. Her successful gank potential is very high due to your passive hiding your approach and W which allows chase. It would be best to gank at level 3 when you have a point in your W as this allows a gank which turns bad to running away still live. (Quick tip is go for the squishy champions such as; mid laners or adc) Don't bother giving the kills away as you need them more, Evelynn fed is torture to the other team as she allows even better ganks, then you should give them the kills after you have got about 3 or 4 (being greedy).
However 24/7 farming works too since her camp clearing is really good with your Q constantly up and E with increase attack speed, it allows efficient clearing till when you are needed in other lanes.
Start red side as the buffs within that jungle allows Evelynn to show her full potential.
Start with Ancient Golems by smiting the main one for the "Heavy Hands" buff. Straight after that use your E to pull off 2 stuns on one jungle monster.
Next, go to the raptors, position yourself where your Q hits all raptors
After, go to the river and take the dragon side rift scuttler for the free 80 gold and health.
Once you've done that, clear out red camp and smite the red buff for the health.
From there if you have the health, go to mid lane for a gank to rack up some kills.
After that is up to you.
Start with Ancient Golems by smiting the main one for the "Heavy Hands" buff. Straight after that use your E to pull off 2 stuns on one jungle monster.
Next, go to the raptors, position yourself where your Q hits all raptors
After, go to the river and take the dragon side rift scuttler for the free 80 gold and health.
Once you've done that, clear out red camp and smite the red buff for the health.
From there if you have the health, go to mid lane for a gank to rack up some kills.
After that is up to you.
Invading with Evelynn is simple and easy, use your passive and go to the enemy jungle, if you see the enemy junglier kill him if you think you can then run out with your W to prevent other lanes closing in on you.
If need to be, wait within a bush or near the camps to catch out the enemy junglier
(Be warned, it's best if you had your jungle item completed before you do this as it could turn ugly).
If need to be, wait within a bush or near the camps to catch out the enemy junglier
(Be warned, it's best if you had your jungle item completed before you do this as it could turn ugly).
If you play Evelynn right, then you don't need blue buff but it's best to get it on your first rotation of jungle as it can help with clearing and ganks early game. After that, you can give it to your mid laner or mana based ally.
Your passive "Shadow Walk" regenerated 2% of your maximum mana every second while stealth so you shouldn't have any mana issues.
Your passive "Shadow Walk" regenerated 2% of your maximum mana every second while stealth so you shouldn't have any mana issues.
Evelynn's power spikes are unreal in 1v1s as you can mow down an enemy from 100 to 0 in a matter of seconds while you are sitting on lane or in jungle at almost full HP.
Her power spikes are;
[*] Level 4 when she gets her second point into her Q
[*] Level 6 when she acquires ult as it gives her a shield
[*] When she completes her Bildgewater Cutlass
[*] When she completes her Hextech Gunblade
[*] And when she gets her Sheen
Her power spikes are;
[*] Level 4 when she gets her second point into her Q
[*] Level 6 when she acquires ult as it gives her a shield
[*] When she completes her Bildgewater Cutlass
[*] When she completes her Hextech Gunblade
[*] And when she gets her Sheen
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