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Teemo Build Guide by BladesOfSwag

ADC AP Teemo

ADC AP Teemo

Updated on January 5, 2013
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BladesOfSwag Build Guide By BladesOfSwag 2,100 Views 0 Comments
2,100 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BladesOfSwag Teemo Build Guide By BladesOfSwag Updated on January 5, 2013
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Priority sequence:
Noxious Trap - Toxic Shot - Move Quick - Blinding Dart

If Teemo stands still and takes no actions for 3 seconds, he becomes stealthed indefinitely. After leaving stealth, Teemo gains the Element of Surprise, increasing his attack speed by 40% for 3 seconds.

I think this passive is fantastic mainly because of the bonus Attack Speed you gain for the 3 seconds which helps a lot.

Blinding Dart
Obscures an enemy's vision with a powerful venom, dealing damage to the target unit and causing all attacks to miss for the duration. Deals 80/125/170/215/260 (+0.8 AP) magic damage and causes the target to miss all of their attacks for 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5 seconds.

I put an early level 2 point into this skill. It extends the range of our harass, does decent damage and blinds - which is great against any melee who chase you or for preventing gold farm in your lane. I find that one point is enough and our other skills are much more important to max first.

Move Quick
Passive: Teemo's Movement Speed is increased by 10/14/18/22/26% unless he has been damaged by an enemy champion or turret in the last 5 seconds. Active: Teemo sprints, gaining twice his normal bonus for 3 seconds. This bonus is not lost when struck.

Fourth point goes in here and max it third. I place higher priority on this than dart because of the amazing movement speed boost. Plus it's Active will allow you to escape almost any gank. I love it mainly because when it's activated, there's no minion collision.

Toxic Shot
Teemo's basic attacks poison their target, dealing 10/20/30/40/50 (+0.4 AP) magical damage upon impact and 6/12/18/24/30 (+0.10 AP) magical damage each second for 4 seconds.

First point here and this skill should be maxed first after our mushrooms. The majority of our damage will come from this skill. Remember that the DoT does not stack, but it is refreshed upon auto attack. This skill also let's us run away from a fight and still end up killing the enemy with the DoT. I absolutely love using it mainly because of the great amount of damage that it does with the AP build.

Noxious Trap
Uses a stored mushroom to place a trap that detonates if an enemy steps on it, spreading poison to nearby enemies that slows movement speed by 30/40/50% and deals 200/400/600 (+0.8 AP) magic damage over 4 seconds. Traps last 10 minutes, Teemo can store a maximum of 3 traps on his at once.

Being our ultimate, you should put a point in here whenever it become available. As an AP Teemo, these mushrooms hurt. They hurt A LOT. I've made a lot of kills with my shrooms. Not only do I use them for killing, but I also use as wards too so that I can get an idea of where they are. Of course if they hit it, I have an even better idea :P.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BladesOfSwag
BladesOfSwag Teemo Guide
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