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Recommended Items
Ability Order
Determination (PASSIVE)
Xin Zhao Passive Ability
You level W, E, and Q as your first three skills. Max W first because EVERYONE knows attack speed and heals are the best stats in the game and this gives you the most of it. It also helps you pop them into the air faster. Next max E because it gives you MAX DAMAGE and who doesn't want damage? Max Q last because everyone knows that since it doesn't give more poking or healing it is pretty much useless except for reducing the cooldown of your skills that ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING. It also pops them in the air for half a second so if that kind of thing turns you on I guess you'll like this skill.
Get your ult whenever possible so that you can shove those *****es out your way.
Get your ult whenever possible so that you can shove those *****es out your way.
MAKE SURE you FARM THOSE CREEPS. MORE CREEPS = MORE GOLD = MORE SPEARS AND HEALS. When you fight people go in with your E, pop your W and Q so you can knock those ****ers up (teehee), and as soon as they pop in the air GET THE **** OUT before the realize wtf just happened to them, unless you think you can kill them, in which case stick around and DO IT. DON'T BE A *****.
This is when mofos start roaming around and whatnot. If you're not fed already you're DOING IT WRONG. If you're doing it right you'll be so fed that you can 1v5 with your super healing and lightning quick poking. Maybe not THAT fed, but that is soon to come. Keep farming and help your team with objectives and ganking whenever possible, but don't forget about your tower.
Alright, first off if the game goes into late game you've DOING IT WRONG. They should surrender at 20 minutes if you are playing AP Xin Zhao right. But in the case you DO get to late game, try to wait for the right moment to dive on the enemy squishies. DON'T GO IN FIRST!!!! You are squishy and you need to get off a few attacks before your HUGE HEALING comes in, so wait a bit for the fight to start before you start killing everything.
AP Xin is the best champion to play in ranked because you KILL EVERYTHING and NEVER DIE. All the top players agree, here are some quotes:
"omg AP xin zhao is so op i cant believe i ever played anyone else i know to surrender at 20 whenever i see AP xin on other team" - Nyjacky
"AP xin wrecks my whole team constantly he just does so much damage and so much healing its ungodly" - Scarra
With AP xin you will acquire 5000 ELO very quickly.
"omg AP xin zhao is so op i cant believe i ever played anyone else i know to surrender at 20 whenever i see AP xin on other team" - Nyjacky
"AP xin wrecks my whole team constantly he just does so much damage and so much healing its ungodly" - Scarra
With AP xin you will acquire 5000 ELO very quickly.
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