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Recommended Items
Runes: Multiple Damage Dealers
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order Standard Order
Deadly Venom (PASSIVE)
Twitch Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Long range crowd control will really ruin your day! (Blitzcrank, Thresh, Ahri, Nautilus, Lux, etc.)
Crowd control threat buys space for you to poke from. Stick near them to avoid getting punished.
Crowd control threat buys space for you to poke from. Stick near them to avoid getting punished.
Champion Build Guide

Why AP Twitch? Although AD Twitch is perhaps more viable, this off-meta guide is more fun, easier to execute, and has higher damage potential (for that all-important graph). AP Twitch is not matchup or team-comp dependent in the way that AD Twitch is, since a lot of his damage is true damage and he requires little peel or support. He is weak early, but scales incredibly well into the late game, which is the most important phase of ARAM games anyway. AP Twitch, as with other AP/AS champions, is one of the fastest tower-takers in the game due to the 50% AP damage ratio on structures.
Items are chosen to maximize Ability Power. I'm giving my rationale for my proposed core items below, while other items should still follow the maxim of optimizing AP while being situationally suited. Mythics are generally bad on Twitch, but get better as you build more legendary items for their passive - Riftmaker is probably the best one in general. By the end of the game, with

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From mouse to rat. Gives you stable DPS early, as well as a good chunk of AP. The base damage is low compared to the AP ratio, so will only get better as the game goes on. |
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Spreading the plague. In conjunction with ![]() |
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Rat with a hat! Great third item, synergies well with Seraph's Empyrean passive. |
Runes are above.

Abilities are fairly straightforward on Twitch, but have some high-tech optimizations that I've listed below.
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Use to get poke off. Often too much of a mana investment for too little utility before ![]() |
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The slow is absolutely devastating to immobile champions - with enough AP and levels, it quickly reaches >90% by the middle of the game. Also, the zone is sneakily big, which allows you to zone enemies from teamfights and close off angles on the already narrow Howling Abyss. Can apply up to 3 stacks if enemy is in the center when it connects. Useful for applying stacks to minion waves to clear quickly with ![]() |
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This is your main burst damage, with tremendous AP scaling. With ![]() ![]() |
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Use to apply passive stacks to multiple people and add a little damage. Can use to melt towers from long range later in the game, when you have minions pushing up nearby but can't approach the tower. |
1. Win the rat race by gathering as much gold as you can. Lie, cheat, and steal to gobble up the CS, and make sure you stay near enough to get the consolation gold if you can't get last hits. You scale harder on gold than most other champions in the game, and need it to reach your late game power.
2. Stack

3. Don't lose! Try to protect towers by staggering your team's deaths and not allowing the enemy to get a huge gold lead via kills and CS. Avoid the rat-trap of not dying - if you haven't spent your gold, the enemy team can crush your team and take a tower. Look for opportunities to get executed by enemy towers, since Twitch has no innate sustain unless you go

You want to be poking the enemy, when possible, with

In teamfights, your job is control zones with

Game 1
Game 2
Thanks for reading my guide! Advice and formatting help from here.
Special thanks for my League-playing friends, who helped proofread this guide and have been trading me Twitch for the last few months.
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