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The issue here should be Bruisers picking up the Helm. Tanks are less damaging now overall (unless they mix it up) and Swain's R ignores damage reduction for the healing. I don't think the Helm will be of any use to squishies regardless, so we'll have to see how obnoxious this item is on Juggernauts/Bruisers :/
1.- If I first use Decrepify (Q) against the enemy, and Immediately after I use Torment (E); Does Adaptive Helm block the damage of both Abilities or just Decrepify (Q)?
2.- Does Adaptive Helm have Cooldown?
I mean, I use Decrepify (Q) against the enemy, This item blocks the damage for 4 seconds, but Immediately after those 4 seconds I use Torment (E), Does Adaptive Helm block the damage of Torment (E)?
Could you upload a .gif or something?
I'll check if I have footage to make a gif, but there's really no trick to it, it's mostly prediction that's facilitated by the Q slow. You need to see the way they're walking, place Q accordingly to slow them and almost immediately cast W.
What do you think about of this?
I'll playtest it but am glad you brought it up!
You can check it out
First click on "View Match" then "more details" to see the Item Purchase Order
- Delaying RoA will mean you get stats later, making you less tanky. Besides,
- Delaying Tear means you will have it stacked much later into the game. It is also still a dead item in your inventory for a while, because Swain's ult mana cost is cumulative, which means that extra mana will be melted faster. Getting more AP would make you heal more and deal more damage.
- The only possible "fix" for this would be to get Tear and rush the hextech item that builds from catalyst. My issue with this build is that Archangel will eat away at a precious item slot and you will be less tanky (not to mention that the hextech item is more expensive than RoA).
Assuming this question comes from having issues with mana on
Do understand that morellonomicon means you'll need to forgo
Finally, on a sidenote, I do get
They are decent in lane because you keep casting Q to harass + farm but once out of it they lose effectiveness (Q will apply over time AND if people leave it'll stop applying, W and R apply less). Overally, they're just a decent lane gimmick but fall flat out of lane.