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Ashe is an ADC with insane utility in her kit. She has a strong level 1 and an incredible late game, but she is severely outclassed by many ADCs in Season Three. Therefore, it is imperative that you survive the early and mid game phases in order to fully utilize her potential around the 40 minute mark. This guide will remain short, sweet and to the point.
Note: This guide is intended for beginners
These are the standard ADC runes, although you could run 3 Lifesteal quintessences (although not recommended for beginners) if you want to spice it up and stay in lane longer.
Another viable option for Ashe (although not recommended for beginners) is to throw in a Movement Speed quint or two instead of the AD runes. This gives Ashe some extra quickness to make kiting easier. Add this to Janna's passive and you've got some sick slides until you pick up them nikes. Even if your support isn't Janna, having a MS Quint or two can help in sticky situations.
Another viable option for Ashe (although not recommended for beginners) is to run 1 Critical Chance mark, along with the other 8 AD ones, to improve your probability of critically striking on your next basic attack. However this seems kinda redundant since your FOCUS already grants you that, BUT imagine critically striking TWICE in a skirmish with the enemy ADC. You've pretty much already won the lane if they don't have any sustain.
Another viable option for Ashe (although not recommended for beginners) is to throw in a Movement Speed quint or two instead of the AD runes. This gives Ashe some extra quickness to make kiting easier. Add this to Janna's passive and you've got some sick slides until you pick up them nikes. Even if your support isn't Janna, having a MS Quint or two can help in sticky situations.
Another viable option for Ashe (although not recommended for beginners) is to run 1 Critical Chance mark, along with the other 8 AD ones, to improve your probability of critically striking on your next basic attack. However this seems kinda redundant since your FOCUS already grants you that, BUT imagine critically striking TWICE in a skirmish with the enemy ADC. You've pretty much already won the lane if they don't have any sustain.
There are multiple setups you can use with Ashe. This is the most recommended as BARRIER directly counters IGNITE . If you pick Ashe in a game, the enemy will likely pick a counter champion that can bully you since they know how weak Ashe is until the late game. Having Barrier will help give you some extra security. FLASH is obvious. You need this for positioning, dodging, escaping, etc.
There are multiple setups you can use with Ashe. This is the most recommended as BARRIER directly counters IGNITE . If you pick Ashe in a game, the enemy will likely pick a counter champion that can bully you since they know how weak Ashe is until the late game. Having Barrier will help give you some extra security. FLASH is obvious. You need this for positioning, dodging, escaping, etc.
Not for you but you can easily slain a group of Banshees applying Volley to them and then slaying them by autoattacks. You really don't need any of buffs, so liz's buff will be better for a melee attacker (Xin for example or Akali) and Golem's will be better for spammers like Ez or somebody else.
Not for you but you can easily slain a group of Banshees applying Volley to them and then slaying them by autoattacks. You really don't need any of buffs, so liz's buff will be better for a melee attacker (Xin for example or Akali) and Golem's will be better for spammers like Ez or somebody else.
Practically all Ashe's team advantage depends on how to correctly aim her ulti and release it to right target. Never try to stun tanks in massfights - it's a great waste. Try to predict WHERE the fleeing enemy will run away? And train train train to hit. Release arrow to a straight line (horizontal/vertical) for a maximum hitchance. Learn the Map you're playing on. Learn every short or long straight line even in jungle. If you do you will hit everything you need.
Stayback and never engage teamfights. You are the main DD in your team so if you'd die first all will go to hell for sure. Try to avoid focusing and try to escape if you are focused. NEVER stay being focused. You are hell squishy and will fall after 2 or 3 seconds. Beware Xin or Akali. If they are Okey - they will try to focus you first. Your team have to save you at all costs even sacrificing themselves. If it's impossible or very damn hard - try to get a GA as soon as possible.
Another good simple combo allows you to do tons of dmg is "run in-autoattack-volley-autoattack-runaway" deals great damage all game long and it's your main harass combo. Remember this.
Kite more in 5*5 teamfight, spam volley when kiting and wait for opponent's mistake stunning him with your ulti and slaying by all of your team. In 99% cases enemies team will try to engage a 4*5 fight with you. It ends with 4 of them deaths and then surrender. Teams rarely going back after someone's mistake but it's the only way not to be aced and lose some towers in better case.
Stayback and never engage teamfights. You are the main DD in your team so if you'd die first all will go to hell for sure. Try to avoid focusing and try to escape if you are focused. NEVER stay being focused. You are hell squishy and will fall after 2 or 3 seconds. Beware Xin or Akali. If they are Okey - they will try to focus you first. Your team have to save you at all costs even sacrificing themselves. If it's impossible or very damn hard - try to get a GA as soon as possible.
Another good simple combo allows you to do tons of dmg is "run in-autoattack-volley-autoattack-runaway" deals great damage all game long and it's your main harass combo. Remember this.
Kite more in 5*5 teamfight, spam volley when kiting and wait for opponent's mistake stunning him with your ulti and slaying by all of your team. In 99% cases enemies team will try to engage a 4*5 fight with you. It ends with 4 of them deaths and then surrender. Teams rarely going back after someone's mistake but it's the only way not to be aced and lose some towers in better case.
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