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Ashe Build Guide by Terkaza

Jungle Ashe Jungle Devourer [S6]

Jungle Ashe Jungle Devourer [S6]

Updated on April 3, 2016
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Terkaza Build Guide By Terkaza 42,417 Views 0 Comments
42,417 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Terkaza Ashe Build Guide By Terkaza Updated on April 3, 2016
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Here we are. The jungle Ashe. You might think that it's totally useless, but it's not. Maybe it was luck, but I played 4 times with jungle ashe and it's very good late game (I did a quadra in one sec because of the runaan+Q). I have nothing to say, just read the build and try it if you think it's good. (may have english mistakes)
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The runes, like explained above (notes), are basics. It's just dmg, attack speed for the offense, armor and magic resist for the defense.
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/!\ New Masteries /!\
I have changed masteries because :
- You suck in early
- You suck in early
- You suck in early
- (omg it's a special one) You die in early
Just that. I changed the masteries to take less damages but more MORE survivability.
A friend told me this masteries, and it works ! In early the jungle clear is easier and you wont die so cuikly than before against a counter-jungle. The main thing is that you lost almost 1% damage in late, but you gain 50% more survivability in early, and it's bad if you're 0/2/2 at the beginning of the game.
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The devourer is the most important item for special effect and attack speed, and you're a jungler. I take Skirmisher's sabre because it deals free damages quickly in early.
Then berserker's greaves, obviously.
Runaan because it's so GOOD with the Q. Really it's good. Really !
Guinsoo because when you stack concentration you can stack too guinsoo's effect, and it gives too attack damage and AP, because you need base damages before trying to attack fast.
BotRK because of the passives and the stats. You can easily kill the adc but not the tank, so BotRK is very good to finish the damaging build.
Finally the Guardian Angel, because you are at your apogee of damages and you need some defense to not die quickly at the start of the fight, and the passive can help you if there is only one survivor and you can kill him and then finish.
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Skill Sequence

Max Q. THE thing that makes you op. Then W and finally E, I dont have a lot of things to say here, just take the red smite, for dmg. The Q can attack multiple targets with runaan, stacked with the magic damages of the guinsoo and the devourer AND with the BotRK, you can deal incredible damages to 3 targets at the SAME time, because the Q is an effect, so your attack becomes an effect and NOW the runaan can put it on 3 targets without a damage loss.
And I dont know if this is my imagination, but I saw that I hit more than 3 targets when I split-push, so you can literally destroy an entire creeps wave in 1 second.
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Creeping / Jungling

I usually start gromp, then blue, wolves and crabs, (always do the crabs, it gives free gold, free vision, free HP, and then later free stacks.)the reason why I no more start krugs is that I can smite red if I start blue side.
Then just stack your devourer and sometimes just help a lane with a slow, an ult and maybe a kill.
And then it becomes hilarious.
When You have devourer finished and the runaan, your dmg become crazy.
In teamfights wait a little to not take cc's but it's easy because you have a good range.
Then just stack 4 times your Q and spam the Q and autoattacks, you will see your enemies die quickly.
That's it, maybe the guide is not very precise but I think you can know yourself what you have to do with jungle Ashe.
For example, my kda with jungle ashe (4 games, yeah it's not a lot but still) is 12/5/9 , so I'm good with it but you can maybe do better.

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League of Legends Build Guide Author Terkaza
Terkaza Ashe Guide
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Ashe Jungle Devourer [S6]

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