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Poke her in lane and dont get charmed. She doesn't have the burst to 100-0 you unless she's fed.
Poke her so she can't all in you. she has no tools to fight you in lane pre 6 and your ult counters her very hard.
You can easily kill eggnivia even under tower, try not to get stunned and stay out of her ult range and you'll be fine.
poke her often and if you're at all low on health, shove the wave and back before she hits lv 6.
Aurelion Sol
Stay just outside of his star range and you'll be fine.
I have a personal hatred of this champion. Try not to get combo'd.
Abuse your range and DO NOT enter hers.
Poke him every time he goes for a cs. It might not seem like it does much but after 4 minutes of that you will notice a large chunk of his health missing. If he lands a knockup on you post 6 there's a good chance hell kill you
Abuse your range and you should be fine, he has to use his only escape in order to get in range of you.
Poke her hard enough that she can't dive you and you win
Poke him and you win
he will probably all in you lvl and will definately go for a kill lvl 3. Punish him hard lvl 1 and 2 or you will lose this lane
Kill his turrets and he cries, don't and you will
Just poke him. If you're ever low just recall, you don't want to give him free ult kills.
Poke him hard pre 6 so he can't ult onto you without instant death.
Poke her all day and call out when she roams. In case of her ulting, use your ult to disrupt it.
She outpushes you pretty hard. Punish her for hitting the wave with her e instead of you. stay far enough away from the wave to not get hit by her e splash damage.
If you can dodge enough of her skillshots you can easily run her out of mana and dominate the lane. However, she can always hit you with her q and her e is very easy to land whenever you auto attack
She has so much burst. Even when behind, she's still a very big threat. Try to stay as far away from ehr as possible and only poke her.
He can outpush you very hard. Try to poke him every 15 seconds or so to keep his passive down. Make sure you neevr get in ult range of him.
You out range him. Deny him as much cs as possible pre 6 when he's unable to sustain through your poke. Consider Getting a Morello if he gets out of hand.
f the syndra is skilled, This is a very hard lane. She basically gets to land her q for free each time you auto attack something. She also has scary burst and is just as strong as you in teamfights.
You outrange her, try not to stand still and avoid trying to e while her minefield is up.
Twisted Fate
Very Easy Lane To punish, Abuse your range to make him cry
Like Xerath but much easier to dodge his skillshots. Don't let him proc his passive and you'll be fine.
You're much stronger than him before his first hex core uprage. Don't let him get close and the only thing he'll be able to hit you with is his e which can be aeasily dodged
Very hard lane for Azir. Evey Time you try to auto attack something he cn land his q for free. You outscale him but he's far better in lane than you.
One of the most skill based matchups. Try to stay far enough from the crepp wave that he can't e onto you from a minion. Poke him every time he goes for a cs.
Don't let him proc thunderlords. He's very weak pre lvl 3 so make him burn as many potions as possible in this time. If you poke him down enough he can't all in you.
stay behind the creep wave so he can't q you. try to keep up with his push and poke him when possible, you both have similar teamfight prowess so the better player shoud win this.
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